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I'm done with drugs for ahwile.


Bubble Puppy

Congrats on your break....its a great idea , and you will get your tolerance back ...I tend to only smoke on weekends anymore ....and just one hit at a time every couple hours......It doesn't seem to be fun ,to be "Really fucked up" all day everyday .

But the pills are nice as well ..You will be way happier with your choice of moderation..


stoned agin ...
best of luck to you, good for you to give it a try. i know theres a lot who smoke regulary, e.g. daily, but for me its good to take a break now and then, go forth in the world wide awake, clear, focused and getting things done, and have other times with a stone and a wandering, reflective mind. when im smokin too much i find theres too much reflecting and not enough getting things done.

ps check out khaleel's ganja fasting thread.
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igrowdadankest thanks for making this thread. its nice to know that theyre others out there who need to take a break for whatever reason. i knew that there are people here at ic who take breaks but its nice to see it expressed in writing and the testimonials of others who empathize because theyve been there.

i only smoke at nite but i really wanna take a break. why its becuase i cant fuckin get up in the morning. does anyone else have problems gettin up? i kinda compare myself to an alcholic except my 'poison" is weed. the weed i smoke is just stoney but i smoke and smoke until i just dont have a desire to smoke any more for the nite. bascially its like i hit a ceiling and i cant get any higher. sometimes i tell myself that im just going to take a hit or two, just smoke a gram or less but honestly i just love falling asleep really high.

but when i don't smoke i literally spring out of bed in the morning. and i just don't have that feeling after a nite of smoking. so i buy weed smoke it, get mad at myself for breaking my promise to myself, throw it away, and then a couple of days later im back buying more.

well i guess im saying it sucks being weak and not disciplined in this area but im glad this thread was made and i think i shall look at it whenever im feeling weak and want to cave in.

thanks to all those who have contributed


lives on planet 4:20
imo....doing things in moderation is the key....in the long run

with that said....I started smoking weed at 13...in southflorida....smoked every chance me and my friends could get our hands on it...and since my parents were well off...and all my friends parents we also well off...money was not a question...plus many of my friends parents smoked weed also....and we used to steal it from them whenever we found their stashes...so basically in those younger years I was high 24/7

at one time in my life when I was about 20, after a breakup with a girlfriend with who I had a serious relationship for a few years, I decided to take a trip around America on a Greyhound and went from SF to La Jolla, California.....and from there when travelling back....I made a mistake, stopped in Phoenix, Arizona and hooked up with some fuc..ed up people and ended up living there for about a year.

while in AZ.....I got involved with these criminals (a husband and wife team) who both had heroin addictions...and had to do crimes every day to support their serious habits

so for a year we did all kinds of crazy shit (criminal actions) so that they had the money to shoot heroin up their veins.

since I am afraid of needles (thank GOD) I did not touch heroin....but I started smoking coke (bought it in powder form from the Mexicans) and cooked it in ammonia.....turned into rock...and then toked on it in a crack pipe...lol

and also LSD...big time......to be honest I loved both things....LSD and rock coccaine gave me the most pleasureable moments...each in their own way of course....but in the end I had to smoke massive Mexican weed to stop wanting to drive and buy some more coke...and after LSD....physically felt like a squeezed out lemon...zero energy and massive deppression

after about a year....I understood I had to stop this bullshit....and just my *luck* in a few days after this thought came to my mind......we got busted big time by the cops....and after a few months in AZ jail...they sent me back to SF....on probation......but at least I was free...in all ways

after that I came back to SF...and only smoked weed....but the desire to do stupid crimes (mostly theft of easy to sell merchandise...that could later be sold at swap meets on the weekends) did not leave my mind and I decided to just leave America for a while and take a vacation to my eastern european country for about six months

when I arrived I lived with my grandfather in his country house about ten miles from any civilization....I did not smoke or drink anything...and after about six months I was a cured man....it felt so good to be straight for so many days...first time since 13...and I was 24 at that time when I left USA.....so 11 years of getting high, drinking, doing all kinds of drugs (coke and LSD) and non-stop cigarrete smoking

After those six months I decided to stay here (since I was born here...and figured what the hell.....let's see what life has in store for me...in this strange ass place)...in a year I met my wife (1st and hopefully last)

now I'm almost 40 and I don't drink alcohol...at all...and don't smoke cigarretes...for 15 years, as off today.....and only since last year...after a trip to Holland (I live about 3/4 of a day drive from the Netherlands by car)...I started smoking weed again

but weed I smoke only on Sundays....usually two nice joints...one at 8am and the next one around 1pm.....which get me nice and toasted....and in the evening I feel as if I smoked nothing at all.....(my favorite now is mixing Amnesia Haze with White Widow..and a little imported Morroccon hash for taste)....and Monday I'm up and start the week all over again

plus I work out 3 days a week with weights (1.5 hours each workout) and run three times per week (for about an hour each run) and eat 5 times per day about every three hours, each meal around 600 calories with macronutrients 30% protein, 50% carbohydrates and 20% fats

its just that around 35...I realized that I had to do something if I wanted to be healthy and to feel good everyday...and little by little I developed this strategy where I just do everything in moderation....and do those things that I love in my life

they are simple really....I run my business...spend time with my family (wife and two kids)...eat right and do exercise...drive the car I love...and dream about moving to Haarlem, Holland in about five years (it is my favorite place out of all the many, many, many places I have been in my life)...when my younger son graduates from high school

and I love also Ic Mag....smoking good weed....and this autumn when my grow location is nice and safe I will do my first grow with four strains I bought in Amsterdam in 2007 while high off my ass on some Kali Mist....at that time didn't know anything about seed companies or strains....just pointed and bought (ww, wr, el nino, and ah#3) all feminized 5 packs

I will be using a DR120 grow tent and an air cooled reflector with a 600 watt Lumatek digital ballast...that I also bought in 2007...since I was motivated to grow my own after smoking such good hern in the dam...lmfao....but have not used it due to security reasons for now....in my country jails are very different from the American ones.....lol....so I want to be 100% sure no mofo's come knocking on my door

anyway....don't know why I wrote so much in this thread...maybe because yesterday I was high off my ass on my AH/WW mixed joints and on this Monday morning decided to do a little writing...peace IC Mag ppl
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Active member
emmy75 said:
igrowdadankest thanks for making this thread. its nice to know that theyre others out there who need to take a break for whatever reason. i knew that there are people here at ic who take breaks but its nice to see it expressed in writing and the testimonials of others who empathize because theyve been there.

i only smoke at nite but i really wanna take a break. why its becuase i cant fuckin get up in the morning. does anyone else have problems gettin up? i kinda compare myself to an alcholic except my 'poison" is weed.
thanks to all those who have contributed

I only smoke at night too, thats when im currently smoking... Although I have trouble getting up regardless (lol) weed definetly has a hangover effect when it comes to getting up... I don't think theres much you can do except don't go to bed high... I don't really dream when I go to bed high, at least I don't remember them.


Active member
I smoke weed... take a couple hits in the morning if my stomach is feeling fucked up or if I'm in pain... Only really have trouble getting up if I hit the snooze button too many times n that's after 6 hours of sleep usually... SF that is one crazy ass story good thing you came out of it because theres way too many people that go down that road and don't... Sounds like a nice little setup your going to have going on ;)... Glad to hear you gave the nugs away... you got this mang 1 day at a time at your weed free as long as you want :)


Take a break friend. It's good for you. Mentally and physically. Take it from the Doc, it's the best thing for you.



Grinding extra.
Afghanicus said:
Hey, all the best. I don't think stopping smoking ganja is hard at all. I went for ages without smoking after smoking daily and i didn't suffer any kind of withdrawal. At the moment i'm working on giving up the benzodiapenes which is a bit of a struggle but i've been there before. I weaned myself off the benzos before so i can do it again. I don't think you will have any trouble stopping smoking herb if you really have your mind set on it.

Xanax is horribly bad shit man. Just stop taking them. Doctors tell you to gradually step down. I just stopped it's fine. I was taking the maximum dosage a doctor will prescribe. 8mg a day! Worst time in my life because I don't remember too many details and I was a walking zombie existing, not living.

Every person has different views on how the spend thier brief time on earth. I personally just decided to ONLY vaporize and ingest MJ from now on. I threw the bong away. I feel so good about my descision I'm never going to stop consuming THC. I now truely feel like my MJ consumption is a healthy thing. Opposite of smoking.

Good luck on you chosen path.


yeah 8mg of xanax is quite a dosage. i was on 3mg, 1mg three times a day and that is bad enough to try and withdraw from. Man its so easy to get hooked on this stuff as i just makes you so calm but i really did need it at the time as i was having major anxiety/panic attacks. I had built up a resistance to the benzos being on diazepam before this so the xanax didn't affect me so badly and i rapidly became resistant. Now i'm down to 1mg at night before i go to bed otherwise i can't sleep well. I will try and cut this down shortly as well. Its just not something you want to be on for long periods.


lives on planet 4:20
Afghanicus said:
yeah 8mg of xanax is quite a dosage. i was on 3mg, 1mg three times a day and that is bad enough to try and withdraw from. Man its so easy to get hooked on this stuff as i just makes you so calm but i really did need it at the time as i was having major anxiety/panic attacks. I had built up a resistance to the benzos being on diazepam before this so the xanax didn't affect me so badly and i rapidly became resistant. Now i'm down to 1mg at night before i go to bed otherwise i can't sleep well. I will try and cut this down shortly as well. Its just not something you want to be on for long periods.

my wife took xanax for a while also...because of panic attacks...the psychaitrist wrote her prescriptions for a while....but she hated it...said it was like living in a daze

took a while for her to get off that shit....but while she was taking it....she didn't bother me much about stupid shit....lol

by the way bro....funny how we have same avetar but I live in Cannabis hills and you live in the hindu kush mountains...lmao


by the way bro....funny how we have same avetar but I live in Cannabis hills and you live in the hindu kush mountains...lmao

LOL, yes both nice places to live. Come and visit some time. You'll find me in this isolated cave with a nice hedge of ganja plants out the front. :)

my wife took xanax for a while also...because of panic attacks...the psychaitrist wrote her prescriptions for a while....but she hated it...said it was like living in a daze

yeah its like that when you first start taking them until you build up a tolerance then you don't get dazed any more but you still get the calming effects to a certain extent. First few times i took it i got a bit sleepy but that quickly wore off.

peace and all the best to those struggling with addiction of any kind. I know what its like.


lives on planet 4:20
Afghanicus said:
LOL, yes both nice places to live. Come and visit some time. You'll find me in this isolated cave with a nice hedge of ganja plants out the front. :)

maybe your kush males polinate my amnesia haze girls...and we get a nice hybrid....lol

by the way....you like indica more than sativa....or just as medecine


All the best

All the best

I hope all goes well igrowthedankest. It can be done. Giving up the weed is not so bad after the initial bout of bad moods. I gave it up for years and only touch herb that I have grown myself now. I haven't got green fingers either so that means I run out between harvests pretty quick. My nemesis is buprenorphine. Been on it or years now because of my past addictions. I tried to get off it a while back but went about it all wrong. I now know that I have to take my time with it. I used to beat myself up about relapsing but know that's pointless too. It is all about staying in the moment and accepting life on life's terms. The herb has kept me out of trouble since I started growing it but I kind of welcome the break when I run out for a few weeks or something. By then my tolerance has hit the roof and I am just smoking for the sake of it. It does take a lot of the enjoyment out of it. It becomes the norm and the norm can be tedious.

Good on ya.


Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
I've been on high levels of Valium for over 5 months and oxycondone as well. I have not had any oxycondone as i took too many and ran out about a week and half ago. I just my new month script today for another fill. I have serious back problems. I've been on valium as was on 40mg a day for awhile, my new doctor brought me down and now i'm on 25mg a day. Next month I'm going to try 20mg a day. While I was on 20mg a day of oxy, I still have a terrible withdraw even though i was on valium which makes withdraw easier. When i get my months worth, I'll set aside 22 or 44 pills are recerve. I did that last month, then when I ran out, I couldn't stop, so i went though all of those. Aside from the back pain, it also takes away lifes pain and makes you not care about anything bothering you.

Withdraw was terrible, I had no desire to eat and become really depressed when i don't take it as all my troubles come back to me all at once. I'm lucky I am on valium or my withdraw would have been be worse.

Sadly my back condition continues to get worse and my tolerance is building up, I'm seeing my back sergon on the 11th to discuss my recent mylogram and catscan to see what else they found wrong. Just going to lead to more pain killers and more of an addicting. But I can't having pain serve enough not to take them.

But to those who take pills just for fun, Dont do them every day, space it out maybe once or twice a week. I can't go without Valium or i go crazy.

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
also, at the same time i ran out of painkillers, i rain out of weed, and have not smoked since. So it has been hard for me because of that too
Update.Its day 2 or 3 of me being sober I dont remember when I quit lol.Anyways I went to the doc today two get some tests done and I told them my back was hurting.This doctor know's that I am already on hydrocodone but she prescribed me Tramadol for my back pain(they just want me to get high).I am tihnking of just giving these away.I know when I see these pills I start going nuts thinking about taking them and getting high.


thekingofNY said:
Alright first off bro, ^5 (thats our ic-chat way of saying high five). I am in nearly the EXACT same boat as you man... smoking way too long now, don't get high anymore except for barely noticable medical effects.... really need a break.

Tomorrow will be my first official day.... and i saved a decent amount of green, bubble and BHO. So it's really going to be a challenge, but I won't do it any other way.

I wish you the best bro, PM me if u need anything, although I am going to try to stay away from here for the next 3 days, as those 3 are the hardest and hanging out here really makes me think about smoking more :)

O ya, please don't call marijuana drugs, that bothers the hell out of me. If MJ is a drug, than so is ant Coffee and tobacco.... so unless u say ur stopping drugs with those, don't say drugs... sounds like ur addicted to crack or something.

i have to agree, it bothers the hell out of me too.

other than that, i can understand having to take a break though, i remember when i gave my dad a couple grams of my first grow, hoping that it would help him out and he wouldnt have to take so many pills but they already go to him, besides me not knowing all of what he was taking exactly, hes 60+ so hes been taking pills fro quite some time.

i on the other hand, never really like taking pills for any reason, only when i dont have any cannabis which is rare and the few bouts of insomnia ive had.

once your doing too/so much then you kinda do become numb to most anything. ive got my dad by atleast 140lbs and a small join of my SSH would knock me on my ass and anyone smaller would take two pulls and cant stand anymore (i mention that because medications are prescribed according to body weight as well as other factors), but he smoked a whole joint and there was nothing.. ... and thats when i knew he was pretty much a pill bitch, kinda broke my heart, but oh well, hes lived his life his way so all i can do is be there for him.

***remember drugs are manufactured and go through countless processes to be created, cannabis is a plant and its up to you whether you want to process it and there are very few chemicals involved in the processes or extraction methods of the various forms of THC in/on the plants

well as usual i am rambling cause i am thinking of my dad, who just had sugery to put a cardiac stint put in so that means more pills.. . . . good luck to you man and wish you well, and get better, dont worry we'll be here


Active member
You got this bro.

I have not been smoking or drinking lately. Just got to a point in my life where I wanted more out of it. I realize that I am not going to achieve my goals if I am high all the time. I will never be as healthy as I want to be if I have 3 or 4 beers every other night. Once you decide to make the change, it isn't hard at all. I still hang out with my friends who smoke and I still grow and have pounds sitting right next to me. Not a big deal. I don't plan on going completely sober, I just want to take a good break and then cut it all back to once and a while. Some people won't be able to do the once and a while thing and will get sucked back in. You know your body and your mindset, do what is best for you.
