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"I'm back on the wagon, the weed wagon that is!"



Here is the haze run, I'm pretty sure most are female from the preflowers, but again these beans came from purchased meds and we have no idea who the possible daddy(ies) are. I think its a pretty uniform cross so we might just be dealing with two parents, but who cares, lets get them mature and flowering! This round will not make alot of bud since its allegedly haze and will take a long time to finish from my experience with the sativas but I'm having fun doing this and am trying my best to make the best with what I got.

They are under a 600w (front of the flowerroom) and are doing very well. I am still giving them the Grow Recipe (no flower nutrients and only grow boosters), lets hope for under 90 days for these to finish while our clones get massive! I have some really quick seedlings germinated and might be introduced into this room around November if they get big enough we'll see. No smell yet from the Hazes....


Every last one of the pine tar kush or cripple creeks x deep chunk never sprouted (broke ground) after the seeds cracked. I'll just leave that soil moist but its been 10 days or more and I think they aren't going anywhere, I got these beans and a few others in the mail and I remember the others I got didn't germinate so well either, so I'm pretty sure its a condition that happened from the person who forwarded them to me (trade). I have a few nice Yumboldt sprouts getting strong and doing well, and the clones are re-vegetating nicely. They are just being fed plain water with hygrozyme, liquid karma, and greenfuse root.

I'll start the mescalin mix and a few more beans this week (didn't get it done last week) and the purpose of that statement is to mark the date of the sprouts, I have been using the thread as a time reference, I don't write down enough information but that will change as I continue to better myself. The smell of the flowerroom is delicious, really nice floral dank smell. I have been watering less and watching more, because of high humidity issues and not enough amperage to run a dehumidifier at this point as well as avoiding not to overwater. The humidity has been a steady 65%, I'm trying to get that closer to 50. After I harvest these plants I'll pull the haze and sterilize the room and re-plastic with 6 mil black poly for the winter, I made this setup before summer when I had plants with bugs and I'm finally flowering, about the same time if I would have planted outside, lol!


Just burned some of the hermaphrodite JH and it rocks :headbange
Tastes like a mango kush, must have been because I used alot of sweet(citrus), Catalyst(EJ carbs) and Backstrap Molasses (rabbit on the cover). MMMMMmmmmmmm its good! I'll take some close ups of the bud and post it in the hermie thread set up in the flower pics section. Today is the first time in a while I had something like this, and it wasn't even flushed folks! Tastes great, been drying about a week and its really great.

This one's for you Bud! :joint:


After a fine night of medicating, and using a volcano for a couple hours. I slept like a baby, woke up feeling fresh (with or without allergies) and no anxiety! I'm always got "pay bills" on the mind but its not that bad after some taste good "Mango Kush" thats what my lady calls it and thats exactly what it tastes like. I'm so happy. :rasta: Have a great week everyone! :wave:


Active member
Enjoy Brother, Enjoy!!! :)



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This is a sample what I'm smoking on currently:

Sticky, stinky and sweet! See the nanner in the middle just mocking me :muahaha:

I'll smoke you nanner! :rasta:


Here is the JH "c99 pheno" I made reference to on the last page, this is the second quickest finisher, I have three clones of her really re-vegetating fast and this plant is just amazing, I'm astonished by the amount of trichs this one is pushing out, it looks very very hazy but does not take as long as the haziest phenos which still have another 2 weeks I think, this one looks ripe but is only mostly cloudly I think at this point and I'm looking for this one to be over ripe since I'm stocked over here for another couple days and can wait it out without freaking out! lol.

here are a couple others, looks like a WW in the foreground, not sure which angle this was taken in but it looks nice...



Harvesting Next Week! :muahaha:

I will re-veg the Hazes that have been flowering for almost two weeks, I'm insane I know!! I just want to coax the best production I can, and the two-three weeks of extra veg time, will help them quite a bit in my humble opinion! Can't wait til I harvest, this is the best pot I ever grew.



started chopping at 6pm just finished, feels great to have the stash drying and getting ready for consumption, wooohooo we worked hard on this one, the next one will be much much better! :headbange

I never photographed this one before so well it was one of the late bloomers, felt bad I chopped her a little earlier but I needed the space those hazes are out of control and I want to revert the Hazes in flower to veg for another 3 weeks, crazy? I KNOW :laughing:

Now that I got meds, I gotta make more so I could share with my buds! The plot thickens! :jump:


So much for perpetual runs, First we must veg the second run for a bigger yield...

So much for perpetual runs, First we must veg the second run for a bigger yield...

Today Marks day 1 of Veg time, the Flowerroom was cleared this weekend and all the veggies were put into the flower room with 1600w to Veg until they look thick enough to make us a larger amount of herb.

Looks can be deceiving but I think the last run grown from seed is going to be close to one full elbow, lets hope soo!

It stinks alot in there, very lucky to have the best carbon scrubber I could afford jamming in there, no smell coming out the lab and that's key to our continued success!

No bugs, No Mold, No Mildew! Yay, I am so paranoid of nasties on my pot, I refuse to smoke substandard pot going forward and will pull everything from the flower room when its time to flower and bleach the walls and disinfect everything with very strong cleaners because I'm hoping to be perpetually flowering after this.


Flower a run in the flower room with 1600w and then at the same time do another run of the taller "haze" phenos in the hydrohut with another 1000w, first I need to purchase another aircooled hood and am considering the extra 90 dollars for a SuperSun II ($195), although I really like the econo cool 6 inch with glass and its only $110.

Going to flower in mostly 5 gallon growbags this time, and going to throw out all the promix from the last run and get a fresh bale, no need to reuse since I noticed last time I opened the bale of promix it had some white mold, like bread mold growing out of it, I might try a 50/50 mix of the mychorrizal fungi enhanced promix and the beneficial fungi this time, not sure yet.

Definately going to use co2 this time, I did not use it in the last grow.

The hazes are really sativa looking, they could end up taking a long time to flower properly. The yumboldt seedlings look amazing!! WOOHOOO. The revegging clones look spectacular, and the two purple revegging clones are as slow as GDP if not slower in veg, lol. other than that, we're cool!

Why do purple plants veg slow and flower slow?


Last post for this thread.....

Last post for this thread.....


Things went well! We made our quota, and actually we ended up really surprised with the results, I always under-estimate final tallies and am glad this was the case!

As a result I was able to really upgrade:

Purchase two new Hortilux Super Blue Bulbs (within each is a 600wHPS and 400wMH) and if you use one without a reflector you could see that the bottom tip is blue and the inside is yellow, but under the reflector, WOOOOHOOO ITS A MIXED SPECTRUM and BLUE but the best part is, I use glasses with UV protection, MY Hortiulx HPS Light do not have UV my glasses stay clear, with the new Bulbs they turn very dark instantly under the lights, WOOOOHOOOOO! (*in fact, the Hazes I am growing under one of them have already started to show red on the stems and richer bluer leaves, yay!

We have two new flower areas for a total of three, 2000w (one super blue and one regular Super HPS hortilux) over 6 haze plants. 1000w of Super Blue in the Hydrohut (aircooled) with 8 huge Hazes vegged for 9 weeks (flowered for 1 week then revegged for 5 after 3 1/2 week veg ;) and, the room in this thread will still use 1600w all hortilux super hps and everything is aircooled except the 2000w room and that room has mylar around whereas the others do not.

Going to just add one new nutrient, PBP Bloom Soil, to alternate with EJ mix instead of the regular hydroponic PBP Bloom I solely used with the EJ mix alternating. Next year its gonna be a couple runs of Floralicious with Floralicious Plus, too see what all the fuss is about, but I tell you I love the taste of my mostly organic pot, nothing better than your own homegrown!

Yumboldts did not work out for me (no females, 2 hermies rest male, lots of freaks), luckily I started a few of all my seeds (personal stash from beans made on purpose and other by mistake) and after getting rid of a record number of males I was able to get 6 awesome females from homegrown beans and right now I'm curing the seeds from the Purple JH (huge mother of it, to be cloned soon!!) and the "C99 Pheno" JH which have three huge mothers that have the alternating nodes thing (its zigzagging towards the top and was the frostiest of the crew, she's the keeper!) and also two clone mothers of the White Widow of the strain that had the densest nuggets that looked like kushy golfballs and tasted really really fruity!

"C99 Pheno" JH

This thread was so much fun, yet I still feel paranoid posting because I live in such a wacky police state, but still I do this because I am a true patriot and I hope to inspire others to grow their own, make their own beans, and be the best pot lover you could be!

Hope this thread helped, the nutrients I used did not burn them at all, the advice from my friends on this thread really helped me a lot along the way this time around and things keep getting better over here. I know just beyond the horizon there are great things in store for us all, lets make sure we're ready when they get here! Peace and Love! :joint: :rasta: :joint:

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