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I'm at my wits end


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yes plant in soil need to hydrate to a surten level every watering or you will have ph troubles and even rootrot
so trying to correct the soil in your setup will be difficult imo.....and with the sprays and continious ph flux and soggy inviroment they got beaten up hard...i know what i would do if there in such a shape....transplant in a good proven bag of soil/soiless.....no more no less.
but i'm not you ...you can try and correct the soil if you don't like to repot....but i'm not gonne say what to do next coz it would involve flushing...lol


This may not be your case but it's similar to some other people having this problem.

Okay, are you sure they were fungus gnats? Could they be root Aphids the shittiest bug of all? See I've been track a ton of threads that have the same issue as you and I. Things in common; FFOF a lot of times, signs of MG lockout even though they are getting calmag and have great PH....... and.... drumroll, what they thought was "gnats" some people like me have figured out it was root aphids. Nothing has been working for people and then I tried Azamax as a few others have done and it worked, like a killing field.

The newer plants that didn't get the bugs got the same water, same cal mag, same soil, hell SAME strains and the new plants that never saw bugs look perfect.

Here is a thread I just found documenting a similar issue. HERE



donut engineer
This may not be your case but it's similar to some other people having this problem.

Okay, are you sure they were fungus gnats? Could they be root Aphids the shittiest bug of all? See I've been track a ton of threads that have the same issue as you and I. Things in common; FFOF a lot of times, signs of MG lockout even though they are getting calmag and have great PH....... and.... drumroll, what they thought was "gnats" some people like me have figured out it was root aphids. Nothing has been working for people and then I tried Azamax as a few others have done and it worked, like a killing field.

The newer plants that didn't get the bugs got the same water, same cal mag, same soil, hell SAME strains and the new plants that never saw bugs look perfect.

Here is a thread I just found documenting a similar issue. HERE


I checked for aphids using a loop after derooting two of the affected plants. I used AzaMax to get rid of the fungus gnats.


I will put my:2cents: in

First, why are you spraying such young plants?

Have you considered Neem Oil? It is much safer and also non harmful to the plants.

I would transplant immediately.

To peat, EWC and perlite and then let them recover. When they need nutrients give it to time from the bottle.

Good luck man.


donut engineer
I will put my:2cents: in

First, why are you spraying such young plants?

Have you considered Neem Oil? It is much safer and also non harmful to the plants.

I was told that neem was inaffective and that I should use AzaMax, even on young plants.

I would transplant immediately.

To peat, EWC and perlite and then let them recover. When they need nutrients give it to time from the bottle.

Good luck man.

Will do - thanks!


donut engineer
Update: Repotted all of the plants into 50% FFOF 50% Perlite with a tablespoon of Lime per gallon. I cleaned off the roots well before replanting, and each container has about 60-80% new soil depending on the size of the root ball.

I'm waiting to water until tomorrow (or until they start drooping a bit). In the mean time, I have prepped some PH 6.2-ish water.


Hope they pick up brother! ;-)

Sounds like you got a good bead on it, so give it a few days to bounce from the transplant.

Peace brother & greenest of vibes


Update: Repotted all of the plants into 50% FFOF 50% Perlite with a tablespoon of Lime per gallon. I cleaned off the roots well before replanting, and each container has about 60-80% new soil depending on the size of the root ball.

I'm waiting to water until tomorrow (or until they start drooping a bit). In the mean time, I have prepped some PH 6.2-ish water.

fresh soil and your only gonna wait a day before you water? How many times do you need to get it served, do not water them dude, not until you see dropping and that can take many a days.

Carl Carlson

fresh soil and your only gonna wait a day before you water? How many times do you need to get it served, do not water them dude, not until you see dropping and that can take many a days.

I may be wrong, but think that once the plant wilts, one can count on some production potential being lost forever.

maybe the dude should get a soil moisture meter until he gets the feel for watering. no shame in that.


I may be wrong, but think that once the plant wilts, one can count on production potential being lost forever.

maybe the dude should get a soil moisture meter until he gets the feel for watering. no shame in that.

amen to that!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
don't water ...i agree to that! not untill they grow again, and pots are very light in weight!....only then you should water again

and if you veg them for a bit longer you won't be giving in in harvest :2cents:


donut engineer
i haven't watered! I swear! I'm waiting until they wilt a little bit like you guys advised.

I did start a watering/feeding chart to better check myself.

I may be wrong, but think that once the plant wilts, one can count on production potential being lost forever.

I didn't know this - so, plant stress in its lifetime will reduce its production potential permanently?


Looks like you've gotten all the advice you need, but I'm just going to toss in along with Von that you can get rid of fungus gnats without resorting to high powered chemicals. Watering with BT (mosquito dunks), using a layer of sand or perlite to cover the soil surface, neem, a proper wet/ dry cycle... all ways to kill a gnat population without roasting your plants. Don't let the root aphid threads get you confused, simple fungus gnats are VERY easily dealt with.

I'm like you about sick plants, I obsess over them also. My advice, tell yourself you won't look at them for 48 hour intervals, and do your best to stick to it. Now that you have them in healthier soil conditions, it's up to them to start growing again, and you hovering over them and wanting to do something won't help. Trust me, I've been there.
I'm like you about sick plants, I obsess over them also.

I spent a few years doing this and realized it never helped.

I'm like you about sick plants, I obsess over them also. My advice, tell yourself you won't look at them for 48 hour intervals, and do your best to stick to it. Now that you have them in healthier soil conditions, it's up to them to start growing again, and you hovering over them and wanting to do something won't help. Trust me, I've been there.



I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I may be wrong, but think that once the plant wilts, one can count on some production potential being lost forever.

maybe the dude should get a soil moisture meter until he gets the feel for watering. no shame in that.


When you make a blanket statement like that - your probably not right. Depends on the degree, I would say.

Now if you come in and the plant looks like a stick with a blanket thrown over the top,, - that's not a good thing and she is hurt. Sometimes they recover - sometimes not so well.

If on the other hand, you come in and notice the bottom leaves are starting to loose the normal upright appearance and sag a little,,, - you lift the pot up and say to yourself "Gee Batman that feels awfully light,," THAT,, is the very best time to water.

And right before you water - lift that plant and pot up and feel the weight again. Set it down and do it again and again and again - until you can feel the lack of weight, blindfolded -- then make sure they are about that light next time,

Water little plants a little - medium plants a lil heavier and larger plants throughly. If you start in little pots and transplant frequently, you get dense, healthy roots

Moisture meters are not a good idea - neither is poking fingers into the soil to "see if it is wet"

Soil is for roots, water and air, not fingers or probes



I was told that neem was inaffective and that I should use AzaMax, even on young plants.

Will do - thanks!

Anything is harmful if you use the wrong concentration. I have never had a problem with Neen but I read the instructions and then cut that in half fr safety purposes.

Hell I have gotten rid of fungus gnats with perlite on the surface of the soil to allow it to dry out........or play sand works also just test it before hand to make sure it is not caustic. You test it with vinegar.

Good luck brother.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hows the plants mate?
i hear notthing so i guess it going well?


donut engineer
Well, I dunno. I think it hasn't been long enough to gauge, but there are signs of recovery in over half of the plants. I've been told C99 BX lacks vigor in veg, so that might be affecting the speed of turn around.

I have watered once, about three days ago, and they perked up nicely The new green growth looks *okay* but is still showing signs of issues from the previous burn (brown tips on new growth). Again, this may be carryover from the previous damage.

I have slowly been removing dead leaves. This has resulted in some fairly stripped looking plants, though there is new green growth that was being shadowed by the dead growth. I did this two days ago, so they may still be recovering.

I think one or two won't make it, honestly. While they look healthy now, they have few leafs to provide the kind of energy they require (see third pic). I've added more hair holes in the bottom to keep temps low (~76 degrees F).

Attached are pics I just snapped. In the mean time, I've purchased some Dutchgrown/RezDog Witches Weed to replace this grow if it doesn't work out. I'll likely be sprouting some Sensi Star soon to get those ready to be placed into flower later on. I want more leeway on the next grow's veg time - this is taking much longer than I expected. Maybe if I hadn't salted the earth with pesticides and hot soil ;)



donut engineer
Just wanted to provide some closure with this thread.

I am now confident all of these plants will recover. Over the past two weeks they've basically been shedding old growth in favor of new, healthy growth. The suggestions in this thread (transplanting to new soil, not watering for a long time, staying the fuck away from the plants unless they need help) have helped considerably!

They still have some ways to go before I'll be cloning/flowering, but I expect a full recovery for most of these plants.

Thanks again everyone!!!!



Active member
Nice save funk! They will make it.

Overwatering does not occur from a big watering it comes from too many waterings.