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Illinois medical marijuana bill


SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS — The Illinois House Human Services Committee passed a bipartisan bill today, 4-3, that would allow seriously ill patients with certain debilitating conditions who have their doctors’ recommendations to use medical marijuana without fear of arrest. A companion bill, SB 1381, is sponsored by three-term former state's attorney Sen. Bill Haine (D-Alton) in the Illinois Senate and is expected to receive a hearing in the Senate Public Health Committee next Tuesday. HB 2514, the House medical marijuana bill, is sponsored by Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie).

Although this isn't the first time a medical marijuana bill was introduced in the Illinois House, this is the first time a House committee passed such a bill. Advocates hope state lawmakers will note that 63 percent of Michigan voters approved a similar law last November and that a 2008 statewide poll shows 68 percent support among Illinois voters for such a law.

sounds good hope it passes
Advocates also better hope someone has Michael Madigan "paid" off. Speaker of the Illinois House for 28 years and King of the Illinois Democratic Party, he flys under the radar but nothing happens in Illinois without his approval. As long as Michael Madigan is running Illinois, there will never be a medical marijuana bill. Sorry, but it's true. You get rid of Michael Madigan and all the Democrat (and Republican) hooligans that have enabled this creep to ruin Illinois for three decades, and you might have a chance.

How do you pay off Madigan? They last two things he needs is a supermajority in the House (to go along with veto proof power the Ds already have in the Senate) with his daughter in the Mansion. Unless you are able to give him that through campaign contributions, campaign work, fundraising, and getting out the winning votes after thousands of hours of door to door work, or catching him in bed with his daughter, don't get your hopes up. You may have a chance with a statewide "advisory" referendum to put the necessary pressure on them, but that would cost half a million and is non-binding.

Illinois needs more than medical marijuana, the entire population needs to get their heads out of their asses when it comes to voting for crooks ruining the state. Anyone who isn't an independent (or other than R or D) in Illinois at this point, is either an idiot or the problem. Tell Madigan to put that in his pipe and smoke it.


This is all encouraging but at the same time depressing to know that it's all about the money in the end. not that I had illusions to the contrary, but to watch it manifest is pretty gross.
No man, its not entirely about the money. It's what the money helps them get. Its the power.

Madigan doesn't need money. He just wants more power. His daughter in the Governors mansions, with him still the Chair of the State Party and Speaker of the House, his Olympics boondoogle sidekick as Mayor of Chicago, propped up legacy boy Toddler Stroger ruining the highest taxed county in America, and Democrat supermajorities in the Illinois General Assembly. A yes-man in the White House and Dept of Transportation throwing more money at Illinois to build roads and benefit Bill Cellini's Asphalt Mob. Michael Madigan is one election cycle away from power that should never be given to anyone in a place called America the land of the free.

And what is there to show for this power Madigan wields on his subjects? Corruption, corruption, corruption, increased poverty, lower education results, fewer services, failing infrastructure, higher taxes, debt, debt, debt, and basically nothing put the state in any better position than it was 30 years ago.

Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton

We're way off base asking them to legalize marijuana. We should be asking them who the fuck gave them the power to lock sick people in cages to begin with. Our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are pretty good documents that people today should and could understand. The idea was to limit power to only what was specifically granted to the government and nothing more unless there was an amendment. WE have the power to hold them to that at the ballot box. WE don't. WE are the problem. (I'm not usually, but whatever.)

It's all about power in the end. It shouldn't be about who is cooler or makes the most promises or scares us less or whatever bullshit we let the media throw at us. It should be about who will follow our constitution and the rule of laws and respect individual rights.


half cat half man half baked
As much as you seem to know what your talking about and are probably correct BoobleheadJed, I hope you are wrong. Stupid veto powers!


Bobble, has Madigan publicly stated he won't support MMJ? (and do you have some documentation?) Cause if not, that's just a bunch of "corrupt politicians" rambling. And don't get me wrong, those conversations can be fun too ;)
Joey, thats just it. In 28 years as Speaker of the House, only a hand full of times has the man EVER publicly stated unequivocal support for anything. If and when he does speak publicly, he equivocates and dodges and non-answers and doesn't say a thing that is substantial. And they've let him do it forever and continue to.

So no, Michael Madigan has never said he will allow the House to pass mmj legislation. And in his almost three decades in control he has never let a mmj bill pass in the House which should tell you where he stands on it. If he was in favor of it, it would have happened. But by all means please be optimistic, because we need both in this world to get to the underlying truths.

And I do ramble about politics I am well versed in and partially apologize for being a downer. It is not 'a bunch of "corrupt politicians" rambling', however. I don't mind criticisms if they actually exist in the form of offering evidence to the contrary of what I might believe. My head is up my ass on any number of things, I'm sure.

Here's some useful interesting info.

MMJ is already legal in Illinois. It passed in 1978. You don't really need Madigan to get the ball rolling, you just need Pat Quinn to order the Dept of Public Health and State Police to initiate the program that passed in 1978. That's another thread and good luck with that.

If someone figured out how passing mmj in Illinois gives Michael Madigan and the political mob more power, I'm not aware of it is what I'm saying. Do you think he will allow it because it is the right thing to do?

So I wish Illinoisans well as subjects to the political class and their power. I'm gone from there.
I have to add this bit of info as well. Since 2002, the Democrats have held a majority in both the Illinois House and Senate and the Governor's office. Not a single Republican vote has been needed since 2002 to pass mmj legislation. And dipshit Blago, or now Quinn could also have forced the issue with the 1978 legislation. Including from 2002-2004 while Obama was a St. Senator. Rambling to some might be proof to others that Madigan and his kind are not welcome in politics any longer.


Your a Buzz kill BobbleheadJed!
But as a Central Illinois para (wheelchair uknow) wanting mmj or should I say needing it to be legal.
I have to say everything you written in CORRECT! Damn IT!