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Illegal Growers Won't Be Ignored


The revolution will not be televised.....
Uhm homie if you want to debate me then quote your own words and not that of others! Check out what you wrote and I responded to. You dont have a clue about what you speak and only someone from Indiana or Mizzu would say something this stupid! The fact that you went straight to the name calling instead of trying to defend your retarded posts proves the point.

Quote from Big Worm, I mean Herb!!
the only wild life that is ever killed are preadatory creatures (mountain lions, bobcats, and bears), and they are only killed if posing an immediate threat to said persons. but then this is legal and that many people not just growers, carry firearms for protection from said animals.

secondly,,,how does our nutrients contaminate the land any worst than the commercial farmers who grow vegetables and fruit,, or the tobacco fields who use radioactive phosphate nutrients to feed their tobacco plants? im not a scientist, but im led to believe the majority of nutrients available for cannabis are quite earth friendly

the fact is MOST growers I know are VERY earth and social consicous people. most of them dont even eat meat and live a very "organic" life. these claims made by sheriff tom allman are no more than mere propaganda tactics to scare people who are ignorant to the true subject.

as to "killing" trees>>> growers are PLANTING trees. and bringing back a healthy and thriving enviorment which brings nutirents and minerals back into the land which is quite beneficial. so actually growing cannabis IMPROVES the earth and her resources.

Enough said!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Uhm homie if you want to debate me then quote your own words and not that of others! Check out what you wrote and I responded to. You dont have a clue about what you speak and only someone from Indiana or Mizzu would say something this stupid! The fact that you went straight to the name calling instead of trying to defend your retarded posts proves the point.

Quote from Big Worm, I mean Herb!!
the only wild life that is ever killed are preadatory creatures (mountain lions, bobcats, and bears), and they are only killed if posing an immediate threat to said persons. but then this is legal and that many people not just growers, carry firearms for protection from said animals.

secondly,,,how does our nutrients contaminate the land any worst than the commercial farmers who grow vegetables and fruit,, or the tobacco fields who use radioactive phosphate nutrients to feed their tobacco plants? im not a scientist, but im led to believe the majority of nutrients available for cannabis are quite earth friendly

the fact is MOST growers I know are VERY earth and social consicous people. most of them dont even eat meat and live a very "organic" life. these claims made by sheriff tom allman are no more than mere propaganda tactics to scare people who are ignorant to the true subject.

as to "killing" trees>>> growers are PLANTING trees. and bringing back a healthy and thriving enviorment which brings nutirents and minerals back into the land which is quite beneficial. so actually growing cannabis IMPROVES the earth and her resources.

Enough said!

rainman your a poor little unintelligent soul who does nothing more than merely regurgitate the right wing propaganda rhetoric. come back when you have your OWN thoughts and expericences...

and when i talk on people I KNOW PERSONALLY. how the fuck can you really tell different?

do you know my friends better than i do??? most certainly i can attenuate that is a postive NO,,,

AND you think 20 plants plus is commercial????and deservest to be in jail???

from the mmj dispensary in your link they even post ... and i QUOTE:::
We believe no patients should have to go without medicine
because they cant afford it.
The way prop 215 was meant to be!

so what is it??? should all people be in jail for growing???

or are you the don mega i choose whomever i want to be illiegal

and we can point our fingers at them??? get the fuck over yourself

and realize this is more than you and your little premonitions....


Smokes, lets go
NorCal - I just dont even see the point in arguing with a retard who has posted threads like "how much can I grow" and "I wanna move to Cali to grow: You are here for one reason to take advantage of the system. Period! Go back to whatever state you slithered from and take you ridiculous posts and ideas with! This is some of the dumbest rationale I have ever seen on the issue!

If you can smoke a 6 plant harvest in 2 weeks you are absolutely the worst grower on icmag!

Being born in this country gives me the right to move to any state in this country i please.... the only commercial growers you should be worried about are illegal aliens jumping the border growing 100,000's of thousands of plants and cropping then sending the money back to mexico.........

Your post is joke bro, i don't even know why im responding to this. First of all I like it here and im staying here, not going anywhere, don't like it? come remove me.

why don't you leave? everyone seems to disagree with you, your worried about people growing a hundred plants, since you dont' like commerical growers- why don't you open ur ur lungs and get out all the weed that you've smoked over the years that was grown by commerical growers, you don't like it? don't buy it.

who cares if I make a thread asking how much I can grow? if i want to know how much i am trying grow who am i gonna ask ICMAG.com my grandma???

oh, and im taking advantage of the system? how is that? by that do you mean moved to a medical friendly state, where I don't have people looking at me as a criminal for growing a plant? how dare me. I guess i should go back to where i came from so i can go to jail for growing a plant. sounds like your the retard if you ask me... XD

oh and let me show you how bad I am abusing the system, click my signature to see my HUGE BALLER 10 PLANT COMMERICAL GROW OMG SOMEBODY CALL THE COPS! as a clown once told me- read the fucking manual bigtimer. Why didn't you check my sig before you said I was abusing the MMJ system. Only thing being abused are the good people of icmag eyes having to read you ridiculous post(s).

also the guy your sticking up for who grew 1 plant that lasted him a year ur buddy is the one who grew 1 plant all summer and hes such a big smoker that it lasted him a whole year? And the fact that I can smoke that less than 1 lb harvest in a month makes me a bad grower? I smoke 2-4 oz a week bro- (of indoor) so ur buddys >1lb harvest i could roll up and smoke in a week to be honest. But im glad for you that your medical condition is not so severe that you only have to smoke a bowl pack a week to stay medicated....




ahhhh booo fucking hoo,,, you know what my old stomping grounds now is??

a wendys ,, a supermarket,,, a liquor store,,,and a gas station

id rather have cut throat theifs inhabit the property and grow 30k ganja plants......

then see these stores pollute the land air and water

while fat assed lazy bastards smeer greeasy cheeseburgers in their face

while filling up their hummers and range rovers....

you need to put the pipe down because you make 0 sense bud.

Do you live in Northern Cali? Have you lived, worked and tried to have family outings in the parks outside Shasta Lake, Humbolt, or the area's in between like Trinity?

The only one spouting propaganda is you because you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about, bottom line. You can sit here and talk about how you "know" but until you are up here and see it on a daily basis you are only talking. And to Clarify, I could give a fuck about commercial grow ops, as long as they aren't destroying the land or are done inside.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
you need to put the pipe down because you make 0 sense bud.

Do you live in Northern Cali? Have you lived, worked and tried to have family outings in the parks outside Shasta Lake, Humbolt, or the area's in between like Trinity?

The only one spouting propaganda is you because you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about, bottom line. You can sit here and talk about how you "know" but until you are up here and see it on a daily basis you are only talking.

i lived in lake county for 3.5 years of my life ((still have friends i visit up near ukiah and hayfork)))

>>> but i guess unlike you

i was busy at work,,, not romping uncharted terrorties

neglectfully dragging my kids along on family adventures....

we had a nice little property on 1.5 acre and it was some of best experinces

of my life>>> compared to a place like los angeles or national city it

was paradise.. im only talking on personal experience. because you all make

it sound like norcal is nothing but mexican cartels. when the fact is ,,, ive

seen MAYBE 3 mexicans in the 7 or 8 years ive been around that region. and

they lookd more like runners then growers>>>> most of the people that

grow are the people you see at lepps place. the relaxed,,,laid back,, collie

and medical smokers....not once did i ever feel threatened or intimidated.

but then again,,, im from los angeles where just about everyone cary a

conceal weapon,,,

so we isnt so quick to scare when someone toting a sidearm...


The revolution will not be televised.....
rainman your a poor little unintelligent soul who does nothing more than merely regurgitate the right wing propaganda rhetoric. come back when you have your OWN thoughts and expericences...

Uhm! Actually its leftist liberal propaganda that I spout(or at least have been accused of spouting) my friend but yet again another chance to show us all how little big worm knows. Still more insults with absolutely no addressing of the "facts" you spout off. I dont rely on second hand accounts or friends, just the fact that I live and work in the Triangle. Thats all!

I never said 20 plus plants was commercial I said 500 plus is commercial which is what the thread is really about. 20 plants outside could drop 40 lbs easy so yeah you are actually getting into commercial territory if done right( but you couldnt cause you only pull a ounce from yours!!!)

And last for the big worm - The quote from my sig. is for JustalilRowdy's Farmer's Market and collective. It addressed price and not quantity if you read you own post!! The market usually sells clones cheaper than any other spot in the area and has a selection that is second to none. Sooo that actually does nothing to boost your argument again. Now this:

should all people be in jail for growing???
or are you the don mega i choose whomever i want to be illiegal
and we can point our fingers at them??? get the fuck over yourself
and realize this is more than you and your little premonitions....

No just people doin it illegally and over the limits set by the laws. Remember all those folks who are killing only predatory animals, using organic nutes, planting trees to help the environment, and my personal fav!!!!
and bringing back a healthy and thriving enviorment which brings nutirents and minerals back into the land which is quite beneficial. so actually growing cannabis IMPROVES the earth and her resources.
Too funny from ya and if you want to use big words in conversation make sure you know what they mean and how to use them! Oh no!! I think I am having a 'premonition' that Big worm is upset with my last post!!!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Norcal - Like I said I refuse to debate a half wit on issues that he is simply here to take advantage of. And why would anyone be smoking 2-4 ounces a week unless they are trying out for a Cheech and Chong movie? You are a joke and everyone knows it here. You dont have to go home just go away! As for looking at you as a criminal they first have to actually take you serious.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Keepem comin homie!!!

ive seen MAYBE 3 mexicans in the 7 or 8 years ive been around that region.

That says it all!!! Maybe only 3!!!!?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
rain mans completly right.

every plant harvest 2 pounds and were all commercial growers...

hey,, you would fit RIGHT IN with the narco department....


The revolution will not be televised.....
Is that the flag of defeat I see off in the distance? Did thinking of one of those 3 mexicans you saw while up here change your mind? I said most plants grown outside here can produce 2lbs no prob. but prolly not yours cause you only gots the ounce per tree variety. When you decide to visit this way again shoot me a pm and I will make sure you are taken care of in a legal and friendly environment where the growers really do care about the planet. That is if you refrain from calling me a conservative any more!





i lived in lake county for 3.5 years of my life ((still have friends i visit up near ukiah and hayfork)))

>>> but i guess unlike you

i was busy at work,,, not romping uncharted terrorties

neglectfully dragging my kids along on family adventures....

we had a nice little property on 1.5 acre and it was some of best experinces

of my life>>> compared to a place like los angeles or national city it

was paradise.. im only talking on personal experience. because you all make

it sound like norcal is nothing but mexican cartels. when the fact is ,,, ive

seen MAYBE 3 mexicans in the 7 or 8 years ive been around that region. and

they lookd more like runners then growers>>>> most of the people that

grow are the people you see at lepps place. the relaxed,,,laid back,, collie

and medical smokers....not once did i ever feel threatened or intimidated.

but then again,,, im from los angeles where just about everyone cary a

conceal weapon,,,

so we isnt so quick to scare when someone toting a sidearm...

like I said put down the pipe.

Quote me in ONE post where I said it was all over the place? Don't put words in my mouth, I didn't put them in yours. You talk about unintelligent people and how "hard core" you are but none of this has anything to do with the conversation you and I are having.

This isn't blood in blood out bud, I carry a firearm, I have a conceal permit in 3 states. What exactly does that have to do with the fact that there is damage being done to national parks and I don't agree with that? Does it have to be hundreds of cartels up there doing it for me to be against it?


Are you correct in saying that cartels are NOT present in northern Cali, Southern Cali near Big Bear or in the Sierra Nevada's?


So please if you want to talk to me, at least use half the brain cells you have left before you open your mouth and start spouting a bunch of dribble that really has no bearing on the conversation at hand that you and I are having. As I said before, I don't mind commercial grow ops as long as they are responsible grows that do not damage the top soil or growth of the area around them, and they don't use bamboo traps or fire arms to protect their crops. And wait a minute did I read that right? I was neglecting my kids by taking them on family vacations? Wow you are reaching for reasons to throw some mud at me, you are a joke big guy.

You have only seen 6-7 Mexicans in Northern California? hahahaha. Now that is a down outright lie or else you never left your 1.5acres of property. I can throw a rock in Chico, Redding or Eureka and hit a Mexican. And btw, Mexicans aren't the problem. But way to lump a few criminals into a whole race of people.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Is that the flag of defeat I see off in the distance? Did thinking of one of those 3 mexicans you saw while up here change your mind? I said most plants grown outside here can produce 2lbs no prob. but prolly not yours cause you only gots the ounce per tree variety. When you decide to visit this way again shoot me a pm and I will make sure you are taken care of in a legal and friendly environment where the growers really do care about the planet. That is if you refrain from calling me a conservative any more!

but brotha,,, to sit here and say that we should ALL be gettin 2# per plant

and we is shitty growers if we CANT get that????

when you know that most of us cannot even grow outside???

id love to pull those numbers per plant,,,,but it is IMPOSSIBLE

just remeber::: one thing can mean two seperate things depending who you ask



Active member
Lastly, Freedom!!
Again you seem to be speaking for all MMJ users like Arlen mistakingly did. You are wrong just like he.(although he was speaking about people he knows) We MMJ users are a varied in our needs as our opinions on the issue. The backers of Prop 215 knew this as well so to say that all smokers are legit in their eyes makes you look like the arse on the soapbox!


watch the video. You will hear Dennis say... All marijuana use is medicinal.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Twisted - I am on board with you and in this issue of caregivers. I feel the law as it is currently written does not provide adequate protection for those who are legit caregivers, caring for those who cannot do it themselves. That is 100% wrong and the law needs to changed to accommodate that sector that is indeed helping and considered caregiver. A special lic, rules, script. etc whatever needs to be designated for those who can show the capability and restraint not to sell at street level and help the community as a whole. 100% believe in that and the need for it. The thread/debate is addressing those who move into our communities and grow as much pot as they can, shoot up neighborhoods, Cartel grows in the national forests, and that part of the community that is doing it illegal and for profit. If you believe the Cartels exist that is.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Big Herb - I agree with you that most cannot grow outside. I was only being facetious with you cause we have debated the Purple Kush origin which we both know is incredibly low yielding any way you grow it. That is me stirring the pot. I know you are an excellent grower and have checked many of your pics but lets be real here. I just have real concerns that your posts about the Cartels dont really show an understanding of what is going on here. Like Koroz said they are literally taking over places in the forest and parts of communities making it unsafe to venture anywhere close. Yes they are Mexican and really from Cartels. That is not propaganda. These people care nothing about my state, forests, kids safety, or anything but profit. These are the folks we see on the news every night here and their numbers are growing and really hurting the MMJ community. It is bound to happen here since this is where over half the herb in our country is produced and there is so much open land to hide in.

FreedomF - So all sex is for making babies then? Stop getting your news from Youtube!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i suppose i have missed part of the argument. because i am standing on the
medical caregiver side and believed that you were all calling caregivers ILLEGAL and saying that they should be in jail.

while it seems like rainman and krorroz are speakign against CASH CROPPERS

and i still hold belief that their are no cartels growing in USA. why would
tehy bother to come and do it here,, when they own the police and
government in mexico and pull off multiple costco sized greenhouses
without a problem ...?

they just found 10 soldiers with their heads cut off on a fence post on

the main street in town with the words:::::


im sorry but that doesnt seem like the mentality that is around here. like
i said. just because you find tortillas and a santa maria candle,, doesnt
mean its a CARTEL GROW.

stay wise.--BhT


Active member
FreedomF - So all sex is for making babies then? Stop getting your news from Youtube!

Umm Dennis has been saying the same thing about all mj use being medicinal for decades now, its not news. Don't believe me you can rent a cottage at his house for $100 a night, stay there a night and ask him yourself.... (look up cozy casto cottage) So really arguing with you over this shit is pointless.


The revolution will not be televised.....
FF - Just because he advocates it doesn't make it true or the standard by which all who fall under the bill agree! And, I would say that too, if I thought I could co-author the bill and gain the bills further movement! Its called politics and Dennis knows that my friend. You are right! You arguing with me over this shit is pointless, cause you have no "point"!

BHT - The cartels are real and they are killing our quiet little hippie communities. They could grow massive amounts of herb on the other side of the border but they would have several problems with getting it here. Without giving away too much of my history I will tell you that you cant ship here like they used too. Obviously, you know the reasons behind trying to move massive amounts of herb across the border. Size, DEA, Customs, profit margins, weight, etc.. It is much more economical to grow it here and not have to cross any borders except state. Costs drop dramatically improving the profits hugely. Avoid paying anyone but your workers. Why pay officials when I can hide it from everyone except my expendable work force.

The drug war you are referring to is over the routes that the 2 largest cartels use to move heavy weight coke and heroin into the country.This again reinforces what I am saying. Why move herb into the country thru already hot zones when I can grow it away from the eyes of officials and competition. You dont want your guys losin their noggins over weed! Dope is another story tho and you will always have a number of sacrificials in this game. Plus, we dont have to fight over control of border towns to get it here! It is not just the candles and tortillas! It is the books in Spanish, the sudden surges in illegal Hispanic populations in areas that had had stable legal populations for years, the drop in game animals, the 2-3 people shot each hunting season and the subsequent arrests of the illegals guarding the gardens each fall who speak no English. They tend to follow the jobs by the way. They are already illegal so growin herb is nada in their rationale. Just another veggy or fruit. They are real homie!! I wouldnt want you to think I was just arguing.


i suppose i have missed part of the argument. because i am standing on the
medical caregiver side and believed that you were all calling caregivers ILLEGAL and saying that they should be in jail.

while it seems like rainman and krorroz are speakign against CASH CROPPERS

and i still hold belief that their are no cartels growing in USA. why would
tehy bother to come and do it here,, when they own the police and
government in mexico and pull off multiple costco sized greenhouses
without a problem ...?

they just found 10 soldiers with their heads cut off on a fence post on

the main street in town with the words:::::


im sorry but that doesnt seem like the mentality that is around here. like
i said. just because you find tortillas and a santa maria candle,, doesnt
mean its a CARTEL GROW.

stay wise.--BhT

I will tell you why.

Is it easier to get 100 pounds of bud across the board of Mexico to the US, or across the boarder from California and Oregon to the rest of the US? It is very real what they do, they aren't all soldiers they are men who have their families kidnapped and are forced up here to grow or else they lose them.

Is every foot of American Soil in our national parks taken up by Cartels? No.
Are all the illegal growers in the US National Forrest Cartels? No.
Do Cartels also grow on Mexican Lands and import? You bet.
Does this mean that no Cartel has moved people into the US to start grow operations? No.

The bottom line is, there is a "GROWING" trend of this happening. I mean sure, there are whites, blacks and Hispanics who aren't growing for the cartels who do it also I am sure but that doesn't mean they are not up here.

I know for a fact that La Eme had ties to gangs from down South in Northern Cali as far up as Eureka in the early 90's who ran guns, drugs and laundered cash. What makes you think they wouldn't get in on this cash crop also?

As I said in my first post in this thread, there are for more reaching problems with this then "It's just a f**king plant man!" Do I love LEO and wish the guy luck? No, but I don't get upset when they arrest those people who choose to abuse the earth and some of the best pieces of land the earth has to offer for personal gains. Regardless if its Herb, Industry or whatever self serving reasons people have.

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