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"Ill never do that agan"; The ultimate list of no no's


Every grower here with more than a few grows under their belt has made a major growing mistake that was discovered after the damage was done. Lets make a list of them:

1. Never will i plant without snail bait: I found out about my 3rd crop that the easiest and fastest way to loose your crop around here is to plant seedlings without snail protection. 1 in 10 might survive to reach a 1' tall. Most are toast within a week.

2. Ill never use organic nutes! A few years ago i decided to grow completely organic. I filled my holes with rich soil and organic nutes. I had to replant every plant i had at least 5 times, and i only harvested about 6 plants. The rest were dug up over and over again by every racoon, oppossum, skunk, deer, and mink that passed by them. Once i replanted on friday evening and on saturday evening every plant had been dug up! It was a terrible experience. Never again.

Whatcha got?

Thanks for this great thread idea. +rep
1. Never give in to laziness when it pertains security
2. Never trust your partners did what they're supposed to do.


Never have partners again

Never put anything out without slug pellets

Never fail to take precaution against dear & rabbits

Never check on shit during the day, asides from a few spots

Never try to make to big of a deal germinating, I'm already behind schedule because of issues trying to do it perfect & with methods like papertowels, soaking in water, etc. Starting right in the sytrofoam cups & misting once in awhile is bringing me right back to my 95-100% ratio's with less work/stress/expenses& healthier plants.

Never going to forget that my cat's love seedlings, forgot that one this year again.....

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
fuck me i'll never call the cops again when I am being raided, just have great security, cams and something that's more projectile than a bat.:wave:

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
There are some really good "never do's" here. What a wealth of information for a new grower. They can make a list of these items and be way ahead of the game ,unlike the rest of us that clearly found out the hard way.



1.never carry water again.

2.make sure everything is camoed.

3.never grow on the north side of the hill.same amount of work for1/3 the yeild.


I'll never try and dig my holes, fill 'em with bagged soil, and transplant seedlings into them all in the same morning. Talk about a disaster and panic attack. The process needs to be broken up into three different trips, which is OK, as you're really only extremely vulnerable when transplanting seedlings. And since you're there for such a short amount of time its really no big deal.


-Never poke in seedling trays wondering why the soil hasnt been broken yet... have probably killed quite a few plants that way. (Its like a dumbass compulsion)

-Never fail to do complete research as to the approximate harvest date.

-Never harvest even a week too early. Patience, patience, patience.
I'll will never again use a highly active organic fungal dominate soil mix on seedlings or clones.

The trich "grey web" fungi will turn baby plants into dead compost fast..


Active member
. i will never use organics outdoors without spreading irish soap shavings around. i will give up if rabbits dominate an area. little buggers


When transplanting into another pot or into the ground - don't pack the soil to tightly around the root ball. If the roots can't grow out then neither will the plant

Also it's not a good idea to harvest your plants when they are wet, October dew/rain can really get into your buds and you may end up with a grey moldy suprise


i will never veg my plants in soil with hps lamps. red = rootbound and wondering what the hell did i do wrong in this room?

Jah's Son

I will never again find myself with uncamoed bags of soil, tools, and random empty pots and whatnot in the open by my site when Mr. Black Helicopter decides to swoop by 40 feet over my head.

I will never again find myself in the open without a clear idea of a good nearby hiding spot when I first hear Mr. Helicopter 30 seconds before said swooping.

I will never again leave my car on the side of the road. In an area where hiking is an unlikely story.