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IGT's 2000w+ Perpetual Hydro Garden


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
This will probably be my last post on this grow thread. I have moved and now have a whole basement to play with ;)

Ive switched to a recirculating DWC tree setup, 3800w vertical, flipped into two flower rooms for 7600w total over a 24 hour period. Im currently on the first run and am learning and dialing things in. Once I get it dialed Ill put up a fresh diary thread. I still use the fence posts once in a while to supplement yield.

High IGT! Thats great to hear! good to see ya still at it! make sure you send me a link in a PM or somethin, man. Wouldnt want to miss out..:)
Peace, bugout


gets some
had to bump my first big grow thread.....

These days (5 years later) Im pulling 12 dry pounds now from 10 vertical trees. Makes these little ass plants in this thread seem kinda embarrassing but ya gotta start somewhere and stick with it until you have maxed your space.