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If your from norcal, read this!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
When you gotta tell people you are 'intelligent', we have a problem.

It is like all the Medical Advocates that have to tell you that they are your friend, and that they aren't doing this for the money...
And then they praise your shittiest weed when you show it to them.


Being scared of Norcal because it's "over-saturated" is completely retarded. Yes, in freakin' Humboldt it's over saturated. But you're not growing in Norcal to produce product for locals, for goodness sakes. You're growing in Norcal to minimize the possibility of arrest.

It's a big country....gas is expensive but not that bad. Half the freakin' county specializes in connecting weight-movers and growers. I say go for it. Haters gonna hate.

Well let me give you another take on coming to Cali....(I've lived here for 48 years)

I lived for many years in Mendocino county; (props to Gualala, Cali boys), it's not that your not welcome, it's going to cost you a LOT of paper boo boo to even get started, and that "golden triangle" is really kinda close knit private community and sometimes hard to get close too. The rules for growing are changing literally EVERY day. Oakland just backed the f*ck up over allowing large scale commercial grows when their OWN AG said he would not support their plan and the Fed's basicly said "think twice before you go their Oakland btw, Oakland city managers are brain dead idiots scrambling for a way to tax weed even more)....as someone mentioned earlier, every county is changing it's rules, it's really fudged up here. I would go to Michigan, CHEAPER to live by far, and much more relaxed grow rules or even Colorado although their starting to have their own problems as well.

Good luck bro if you have the paper and want to come to Cali GO FOR IT.......but just go with some facts and be prepared.

Good luck:tiphat:

Stone House

man fuck all those cali weed snobs that think their shit dont stink.

that market is oversaturated but think of it like this, if you wanted to open a pizza place and there were already 50 pizza places in town, do you think you would make it?

imo id say just find a cool place, stay low, be smart, and find a cool buyer in a weed friendly area.

if you have a good product, you will always have customers.
While there may be "weed snobs" in Cali, for the most part it is family farms trying to make house/property payments and feed their families.
Granted there are also many big commercial growers here but most have been at it a while and belong to a network.
Most everything you have read in the above posts are true depending on location.
I can't speak for others but as for myself I am outraged not only by out of state growers but growers from lower cali and the local "tweaker" growers that RAPE the land. Those growers (in my area)
that buy their property and are good neighbors are somewhat accepted.
On just the road I live on at least 10 properties that were being leased for grows left after being ticketed by the county. As a result
most of them were abandoned and left household garbage (bears love to grab the trash bags and drag them spilling them on other properties), human sewage, abandoned chemicals, sloppy hoophouses, their city raised dogs barking all night.
Not to mention they promise to donate to grading the road (private
road) at the end of the season (never happens) and they tear up the road with their fast pace city driving.
All this not only pisses locals off but causes all the tough regulations the counties are passing as we speak!
Maybe this will help others understand why locals don't have their arms open in invitation to outsiders.
If you want to move here and do a major grow all I ask is respect the land, respect your neighbors. :thank you:


Been there, done that. Went there & did that bout 6 months after this thread started & man I wish I would have found this in an enlightened state. This thread speaks TRUTH.

If you go on a shoestring without connects, you better be a hustler. Cali chews up & spits out out of state growers at probably 5 times the rate she assimilates them. I thought I would find someone to pay me $2k/half unit for my below average from-dutch-seed-weed. LOL for reals.

If you think you grow dank now, go visit Cali or any other open market before you decide to move there. If you can't consistently produce the ACTUAL top shelf flowers, life will be a struggle until you can. Without connects, mid shelf indoor is tough to move for 2k/LB. A-minus retails for $10/gram, so do the math, shops/middlemen pay the grower $5-6/gram. Bomb herb always goes, but it SUCKS to take under $3k for an amazing pound of herb. Outs?? LOL. If you are a pro, you can think about getting $15/unit if you vac it & hold out till after the flood. If you grow average herb, you better have somewhere outta state to send it. Really, if you have somewhere to send it, just go to an open market & "DON'T" grow if you know what I mean, lol. $6-800 units all over during the flood. Units of kif for not much more than that...

Where there is a will there is a way. The market is opening up to all kinds of new opportunities right now. I made it & business was thriving when I had to leave to help family. Until I can buy land outright (5+ acres in an area with a production culture), I'll be doing what I did before I went west, but doing it with alllll the Cali game that I brought back ;)

I missed Dunkin Dunuts when I went there.
Now I miss Dutch Bros. :)