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If you tried e-cigs but they didn't scratch the itch...


Señor Member
...Then give whole tobacco alkaloids a try, seriously!

Last year I quit smoking cigarettes and switched to an e-cig, which definitely allowed me to quit, but never fully scratched the itch. Then when my cat died my world came crashing down around me and I started smoking again, because I just knew I needed actual tobacco and the e-cig wasn't going to cut it. I was smoking again.

Well now I'm quitting again, and this time I found out about whole tobacco alkaloid (WTA) e-juice. So I bought some and I've been vaping it all week... I gotta say... This scratches the itch! It feels almost just like the effects of a real cigarette. Calming and so forth. Not like that weird speedy feeling that just-nicotine brings.

I just want to say that this is a game-changer. I believe if something tragic happens now, and I just get that deeply ingrained urge to calm down by smoking... There's a good chance I will actually reach for my e-cig this time.

I just needed to share.


if it smells like fish
I would love to quit smoking....tried 2 diff e cigs...blue and greensmoke...blue taste like speed to me, yuk and greensmoke hit like shit .....


Señor Member
I would love to quit smoking....tried 2 diff e cigs...blue and greensmoke...blue taste like speed to me, yuk and greensmoke hit like shit .....

Yeah I tried the Blue. I think it was actually the first one I ever tried. It definitely sucked, and tasted chemically. Very nasty stuff. Never tried the greensmoke. But those pre-packaged ones that you can buy in gas stations like that... they all suck, and are probably made in China or something like that.

The stuff I am using right now came from a website called wholecig, but I noticed there is one other vendor that pops up in google searches for "WTA juice" that I've not tried, called aromaejuice. The wholecig stuff is the only one I can comment on. At any rate, I went with the "american tobacco" flavored one, which uses a naturally-extracted tobacco flavoring, instead of the caramel-tasting artificial tobacco flavor that most ecigs use. I admit, it's a bit light of a flavor, but I could always order some of the flavor concentrate and add it to my juice, to make it a bit stronger. Something tells me this flavor is actually pretty close to regular cigarettes, but the thing is I smoke rollies, or unfiltered roll-your-own cigarettes. Maybe I am just used to a strong flavor.

Anyhoo, it is definitely reminiscent of a cigarette flavor, even if it is a bit light on the palette. The real benefit is in the effects, anyway. Also, this is 100% VG, with no PG mixed in, so it produces clouds of vapor, which helps to achieve the psychological mindset of smoking a real cigarette. I can even blow smoke rings!! Okay, well, vapor rings anyway.

I have to actually set my e-cig down a bit sooner than I would have put a cigarette out, because I get a bit of that "tobacco buzz" that I used to get when I first started smoking cigs all those many many years ago!

This changes everything for me. I want to actually quit smoking, but even if I just transition over to vaping this WTA shit instead of smoking I will call it a victory, because it's got to be safer than smoking.


ive been smoke free for over a month thanks to ecigs and a solo for the green never felt healthier !


Señor Member
The recent time that I quit, thanks to an e-cig, I stayed off the cigs for almost a year! E-cigs totally work for those of us who already have a psychological desire to quit. My problem was going into a severe anxiety/depression when my young cat unexpectedly died, and knowing e-cigs never actually made me feel "calm" I just went right out to the store and bought a pouch of tobacco.

If something happens again that makes me feel that way, I think I will be able to stay on the e-cig, as long as I have WTA juice around.

I am currently on day 6 since I last smoked a cigarette. I feel good about it! :)


Well-known member
I tried Blue and all the cheapies you can get at the corner store. Garbage. Went back to smoking.

A year later I made a new friend with a higher quality setup. Night and day. Spent the 100 to get it. Been a non-smoker ever since.

IMO it's all in the juice. Find a flavor you really like and it's game over for cigs.

High quality mod and setup is real important too. Lots of the starter ones you get at the vape shop like Ego's just don't give the kind of vapor I find satisfying. Give me a good strong hit with lots of flavor and I'm more satisfied than I ever got with regular cigs.

So what's the deal with this WTA juice? Sounds interesting.


Señor Member
It's basically an alkaloid extraction from tobacco leaves which yields all the alkaloids found, of which there are more than just nicotine. In fact, there is a beta-carboline that many people associate with the calming effects of tobacco. I think I was missing this drug the most in my e-juices. Many people suggest, and there does seem to be some logic in this, that if you want to quit smoking you might want to avoid whole tobacco alkaloid extract, because it might keep you addicted. Many people address this by using regular e-juice most of the time, and only busting out the WTA when they just *really* need that actual tobacco feeling. My intention is actually to only use WTA, but step down my dosage until I'm using alkaloid-free juice.

In regard to what you said about flavors and gear.... I highly agree. As I said before, I actually did quit "successfully" for an entire year (before my cat died) and had no problem using my e-cig with regular e-juice whenever I wanted to "smoke." Having good flavors makes all the difference. I went with Halo for their flavors. IMO they have the best ones. I really liked the Torque 56 now that I think back on it. I might have to try puffing on that again if I still have some.. Also, I use a Ego C for my vaporizer. This thing rocks, and I can also use it for wax and shatter, with a concentrate tank.


Well-known member
Nice I'm smoking on some Halo Belgian chocolate right now actually. This was the first flavor I got hooked on where I stopped craving cigs all I wanted was this. Then I got sick of it and went on to other stuff. Went from chocolate and desert type flavors to tobacco flavors to fruity flavors which is what I love now. But I ran out of my favorite juice just today and found this one in my stash that's been steeping for like 3 months. I still dig it.

That's the great thing about vaping, there's always new juices to try so lots and lots of variety no matter what kinda flavor you're craving.


Señor Member
I think most people recommend the Ego or the ego-threaded ones. I bought a pen from Gentlemen's Vapes which is basically an Ego C. Because I originally bought it for qwiso. But I just bought their tincture tank which works perfectly with my WTA juice, so that's what I'm using.

I'm not sure of prices, but you can buy a kit that comes with the complete pen setup including charger for like $50 or so, in that ballpark. That would be for at least a small one, what they call cig-alikes. Maybe a slight bit more for one of the larger, variable voltage ones like the ego-c.