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if you make bail...leaving the country...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you do realize that once you're arraigned there is no 'statute of limitations'
allowing you to return yrs later, indictments just like diamonds are forever.

If I was able to bond out on a 20 to life charge - Im not sure what I would do or where I would go, but I know what I wouldnt do, go to court and then to jail , lol


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

:thinking: I'm hearing a lot of potential "20 to Life" sentences being tossed about, do
we really have that many cold blooded killers walking amongst us in the Den? :nono:


Owl Mirror

Active member
popped with a garden I can't do the time for

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.


:thinking: I'm hearing a lot of potential "20 to Life" sentences being tossed about, do
we really have that many cold blooded killers walking amongst us in the Den? :nono:

In some NON med states its easy for them to rack up enough charges to end your life. And yes we're all killers, I kill several females every 10wks:biggrin:



:thinking: I'm hearing a lot of potential "20 to Life" sentences being tossed about, do
we really have that many cold blooded killers walking amongst us in the Den? :nono:

I used to live in Florida when I was in college. This is just a few years ago. I had 30-ish plants, a few ounces of shrooms and a few legal, registered weapons in my home.

That's about 20 years right there.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Nobody growing is doing any crime, its the gov doing the crime, why let them lock you down for something you shouldnt be in jail for..

Yes, I know how folks like to live in a fantasy world of non-social compliance.
The hard reality is, it's on the books because the majority of people ALLOW it to continue being a crime.
Personally, I think it is quite cowardly to run and hide rather than walking in to court and pleading your case before a jury.

I wish the reality was that this plant was not deemed illegal to grow.
Unfortunately, even the OP lays it out that it is a crime today.
So dealing in reality and facts, if your 'business model' is such that it is viewed as a crime, even by a jury of your peers, don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.


Yes, I know how folks like to live in a fantasy world of non-social compliance.
The hard reality is, it's on the books because the majority of people ALLOW it to continue being a crime.
Personally, I think it is quite cowardly to run and hide rather than walking in to court and pleading your case before a jury.

I wish the reality was that this plant was not deemed illegal to grow.
Unfortunately, even the OP lays it out that it is a crime today.
So dealing in reality and facts, if your 'business model' is such that it is viewed as a crime, even by a jury of your peers, don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

Hold up- to clarify, you're suggesting it's cowardly to run from tyranical government who want to effectively end your life under the pretense of standing up for what you believe in?

I'm going to assume I misunderstood your perspective. If I did, sorry, it's late here.
Yes, I know how folks like to live in a fantasy world of non-social compliance.
The hard reality is, it's on the books because the majority of people ALLOW it to continue being a crime.
Personally, I think it is quite cowardly to run and hide rather than walking in to court and pleading your case before a jury.

I wish the reality was that this plant was not deemed illegal to grow.
Unfortunately, even the OP lays it out that it is a crime today.
So dealing in reality and facts, if your 'business model' is such that it is viewed as a crime, even by a jury of your peers, don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

If I would have a jury of MY peers then yes I would go , but for some reason I think they wouldnt be,lol Were talking life ending sentences, for anything less I wouldnt run, but ending my life , no thanks call me a coward , I say run away to grow another day:biggrin:

Owl Mirror

Active member
Hold up- to clarify, you're suggesting it's cowardly to run from tyrannical government who want to effectively end your life under the pretense of standing up for what you believe in?
I'm going to assume I misunderstood your perspective. If I did, sorry, it's late here.

Why would you allow the government to get away with this unfair trial and conviction?
Seriously, why run away when standing up for your rights could lead to opening the door for others.

Maybe I am not understanding the original question.
Are we talking about someone simply growing for themselves or, someone who clandestine is growing to supply the black market and get rich off their enterprise?

If you are growing for self-consumption, I say go before a jury and plead your case.
If on the other-hand, you entered in to this situation because you knowingly operated a criminal enterprise, man up, grow some balls and do the time.

I am sorry to say, I violate my states medical marijuana laws every day since those who wrote this law didn't stipulate the 12 plants I am allowed should be sexually mature. As it is, if I pop 13 seeds and all crack, I am suppose to kill the thirteenth seed automatically or be found in violation.
If that were the charge against me, I would relish a jury trial.
Why the folks writing these laws didn't stipulate 'sexually mature' plant counts, I'll never know.

Now before 'some' go around accusing me of wanting people to go to prison for growing this plant, let me say unequivocally that I do not want or believe anyone should go to prison from growing this plant for self-consumption.

You know going in that growing for profit is a crime, right?
So why be a coward when it comes time to pay the piper ?


Why would you allow the government to get away with this unfair trial and conviction?
Seriously, why run away when standing up for your rights could lead to opening the door for others.

Maybe I am not understanding the original question.
Are we talking about someone simply growing for themselves or, someone who clandestine is growing to supply the black market and get rich off their enterprise?

If you are growing for self-consumption, I say go before a jury and plead your case.
If on the other-hand, you entered in to this situation because you knowingly operated a criminal enterprise, man up, grow some balls and do the time.

I am sorry to say, I violate my states medical marijuana laws every day since those who wrote this law didn't stipulate the 12 plants I am allowed should be sexually mature. As it is, if I pop 13 seeds and all crack, I am suppose to kill the thirteenth seed automatically or be found in violation.
If that were the charge against me, I would relish a jury trial.
Why the folks writing these laws didn't stipulate 'sexually mature' plant counts, I'll never know.

Now before 'some' go around accusing me of wanting people to go to prison for growing this plant, let me say unequivocally that I do not want or believe anyone should go to prison from growing this plant for self-consumption.

You know going in that growing for profit is a crime, right?
So why be a coward when it comes time to pay the piper ?
I guess we just have a fundamental disagreement on what it means to be a coward.
not everyone can or wants to grow, someone has to grow for those. why should growers for others do more time than the person who is selfish and only grows for themselfs? seems like the public grower is doing a public service to me.
and where im at growing for profit or just for use doesnt matter, your still a lowlife drug producer.....

a couple southern states penalties........

Under the new law, possession of 25 or more plants (formerly 300 plants) is prima facie evidence of intent to sell or distribute, and is a second degree felony carrying a maximum penalty of 15 years in jail and a $10,000 fine.
Cultivation 1oz to 10 lbs felony 4 - 10 years $25,000
Five or more plants felony 138 - 204 months

Owl Mirror

Active member
I guess we just have a fundamental disagreement on what it means to be a coward.

The definition I am using is, a person who shrinks from or avoids danger, pain, or difficulty
So a coward may be one with his tail hidden between his legs or one who turns tail and runs like a rabbit, with his tail showing.

Owl Mirror

Active member
where im at growing for profit or just for use doesnt matter

It would to a jury
A jury would view someone growing a few plants for themselves much differently than someone growing to sell and distribute.
INTENT has meaning and carries with it, possible consequences.
I'm not saying it's right, just reality.


The definition I am using is, a person who shrinks from or avoids danger, pain, or difficulty
So a coward may be one with his tail hidden between his legs or one who turns tail and runs like a rabbit, with his tail showing.
Going to prison while foregoing the option of fleeing because a broken justice system convicted you(or would convict you) of a so-called crime does not make you brave, it makes you functionally retarded.

Why don't you just go martyr yourself right now. Go turn yourself in to your local authorities. Why wouldn't you? Face the music. Are you some kind of a coward?

Owl Mirror

Active member
Going to prison while foregoing the option of fleeing because a broken justice system convicted you(or would convict you) of a so-called crime does not make you brave, it makes you functionally retarded.

Why don't you just go martyr yourself right now. Go turn yourself in to your local authorities. Why wouldn't you? Face the music. Are you some kind of a coward?

Naw, I just kill the thirteenth seed and remain compliant under my State's Laws.
Then I also work to change the laws which are not properly constructed, making improvements along the way.

If you aren't working to change the laws, then you shouldn't bitch when confronted with this situation.

I still say, sue the Federal government, mandating they hold tobacco equal under the law to marijuana or, change the laws pertaining to marijuana to reflect the same legality as tobacco.
Nobody is willing to step up and challenge the government so, nobody should complain.


I'm not sure what you mean.
He means if you got busted for a grow & are looking at 20 to life you must have talked your way into some deep shit, rather than talk your way out of it. (dont mean to be nosey but how do are you looking at 20 to life for growing?
Either it must have been a big grow or you had 3 dead bodies on the furtilizer pile!
TBH you just need to man up & do the time, you wont be the 1st person to go to jail for 20+ years. Where ever you go if you choose to jump bail you will always belooking over your shoulder & unless you have a few million in cash you will find it hard to survive. I mean, how much would you say you spend a year to live? Rent, food, weed, bills, car whatever. Now try to think how you would pay for everything working with no ID, you would only be able to get cash in hand work or have to do dodgy stuff to get buy. Where would you live? Where would you get your weesd from?
Dont mean to sound harsh but these are just things you have to think about. I thought of jumping bail & going to live in Amsterdam or Spain last year on a production charge in the UK (production is the next charge up from cultivation in the UK) as i thought i was going to jail, but after coming up with an amazing defence plan (with no help from my brief) i didnt go down.

The UK dont have extridite to the US as they have the death penalty, if you can get over here with a bit of cash i can set you up with a place to live & a bit of work.


Patient Grower
Hell, I say it's cowardly to wait until you're charged to make your stand in front of a jury. Owl Mirror, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. Turn yourself in and show us you're a man!

I'd volunteer, but I have no problem with people thinking or calling me a coward. I just don't want them to think me a moron.



:thinking: I'm hearing a lot of potential "20 to Life" sentences being tossed about, do
we really have that many cold blooded killers walking amongst us in the Den? :nono:

Thanks to "three strikes" laws in several states, many are doing life on drug and/or other nonviolent felonies.