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If you like to breathe fresh air


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ICMag Donor
Whose down to start an ICMag community to have a cleaner, better world!

Lets spread the message, lets fight back, lets be free!



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ICMag Donor
Well what do you thinks the bigger problem? The water? I feel both coincide.


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Say no to greed, because greed is the real problem. I feel bad for the people of the Amazon, but it will be hard to get anyone to peel their face off their iphone long enough to give a crap.

Former Guest

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simply, too many problems, not enough time and not enough people will get on board. everything has a natural death. why not the earth? humans are a virus really. nothing else attacks it's host with the intention of hurting it's host's body. nice idea tho. kinda sad really.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Aww come on guys! you all seemed to give up!

We don't need the sheeple, we got us!

Why not be that little change, that pebble in a lake whose ripple still reach the other side.

Agree'd greed is a huge problem, but nature has this harmony and spiritual feeling that envelopes a person once they are immersed in it.

If we could re kindle that connection for people, between mother earth and our souls, I'm sure no iphone will be able to stop us.

I think its very plausible, if we actually do something about it vs just talk about it.



Active member
Honestly LyryC, I am all for helping the environment and doing what I can by recycling, growing and eating organicly and buying local and doing my best to live sustainably as possible. But oil is not the first fight to pick, mainly because it is in everything, from plastic, to fertilizer to our cars and everything in between and there is no viable replacement.

If you are not doing everything you can do in your daily life no amount of hippy love is going to change anything. The change starts with you and me, until you can get your life as sustainable as possible it makes no sense to go start picking fights with oil companies 1000 miles away. Change your life, and ween yourself off of their products and they will shrivel and die. But so long as we consume consume consume you cannot expect to beast to die.

It is hard to shut yourself off from a product, when there is no viable replacement. Just like the idiot Obama shutting down the coal fired power plants out of spite without having anything to replace the energy being lost it just fucks everybody when moves like that drive up the price of energy. Maybe he thinks by forcing us into poverty we will use less? I don't know.

Our generation is pretty much hopeless, the best we can do is teach our children to live better and smarter, we can get the ball rolling but they will be the ones to change the world, because well their existence will depend on it. Currently we have too many people fumbling around with old ideas and addictions to dirty energy and wasteful living practices, we also have a system that suppresses world changing innovations to keep their pockets lined with cash. Governments and elitists of the world don't want dependency on oil to stop because they make way too much money off of it, it is the old say one thing do another type of thing.

When the new generation takes over it will be easier to implement change but these dinosaurs need to die off because they have far too much control and far too little consideration for humanity.

Now what we really need is an entire over haul of the world around us this includes the way we produce energy, the way we move ourselves around, they way we grow food and distribute that food and other products and the list goes on and on. Basically we need to rebuild our earth, because the way we have done things up until now will not work in the future.


Kiss My Ring
the waves will wash away the footprints...

oil is certainly a fracked solution to energy needs but the investment in infrastructure based on petrochemical production has stifled interest in alternative energy, and will until electric vehicles catch up.

hho seems a viable alternative regardless claims of 'fringe science'.

water and atmosphere are on my list above oil.

thanks for posting and exposing this travesty.


if it smells like fish
I do most of that list already....unfortunately I still do shop at Walmart as with my remote location everything but meat is way overpriced for tourists....bag of charcoal 14$$$$ double walmarts price, last case of beer 38 dollars,,,,, again about double what Walmart charges, and the list goes on...


Active member
if you want to change things, talk about the ma$0ns.

what i am saying is, if you want to change things, talk about the ma$0ns. i hope that you understand, if you want things to change, ever, any time ever at all, then what you need to do is talk about the ma$0ns.

do you get what i am saying? because this is what is going to change it. if you want to change it, then you need to do that.


Stop eating commercially caught fish, if you dont catch it dont eat it. Commercial fishing has wiped out 70% of the populations of edible fish in the ocean. They say we are looking at the death of the oceans in 20 years.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Honestly LyryC, I am all for helping the environment and doing what I can by recycling, growing and eating organicly and buying local and doing my best to live sustainably as possible. But oil is not the first fight to pick, mainly because it is in everything, from plastic, to fertilizer to our cars and everything in between and there is no viable replacement.

This is awkward, but you do realize the Hemp replaces all that and more?

The real problem is money.

Heres what hemp can do

It was common knowledge to the forefathers of America

But this is REALLY why its not being used an alternative


Stupid Hearst! That bastard ruined it for all of us.
is it just me or is that chick like really hot?

no really. there are ways to drill for oil without chopping down a whole forest. I mean they doo it around here in the Midwest. they make very narrow dirt roads out to wells. you can get lost pretty easy if you don't know where your going on those oil well roads. country boys like to use them as mud bogs with their big trucks and atv's

oh, and I was serious about that "ACTRESS" being really hot. I would fuck her brains out in a oil bog
and oil is not non renewable. it can be made in just a few years in swampy stagnant areas that have3 lots of organic matter. I swear I have come across large puddles(ponds) of crude oil before out in the sticks. smelled like it and I took some home and was able to catch it on fire quite easily.

I mean anerobic sewage that is used to fill some shallow covered pits and aged for 20 years would likely become crude. it starts producing methatne almost instantly.


if it smells like fish
Stop eating commercially caught fish, if you dont catch it dont eat it. Commercial fishing has wiped out 70% of the populations of edible fish in the ocean. They say we are looking at the death of the oceans in 20 years.
what about all the by catch???dolphins ,sharks,sea turtles ect...worked on a boat many times in my youth..looking back I am ashamed
mome fish farms used in large outdoor aquaponic systems. every homeowner should have one. the gove should offer to pay for it in the form of tax credits like thy do for geothermal and solar/wind


Active member
Have any of you thought about where we would be if oil wasn't used all around the world everyday? Would humanity be evolved at all really?

Now ask yourself is there any real evidence of global warming? I know people like Al Gore would tell you that the polar ice caps will be gone by......when was that.....o yea, 2014!! The group of explores that went to see if the ice caps were gone, GOT STUCK IN ICE FOR WEEKS!!!! JUST THIS YEAR!!!!!! Al Gore will also tell you the shorelines of the world would be a foot higher than they are today, by 2014!!

I know people will say, storms are getting worse and blah blah blah. However the truth is Florida hasn't seen a hurricane in 5 years. Same with Cat 4 or 5 hurricanes in the United States. 30 years ago they were telling us it was global cooling.

I believe global warming is possible, however I feel the burning ball of hydrogen gas in the sky might have more to do with it than humans. I guess time will tell.

As to what other issues are more important in the world right now?????Really???? How about the start of WW3......How does nuclear bombs help global warming? Not saying nukes are going to go off for sure, but I can say with 100% confidence that nukes going off have a higher probability of affecting humans than global warming in the next 40 years. Even the most extreme global warming activist would agree with that. With there own graphs, humanity would benefit from warmer weather for 70 years before the negatives will out weigh the positives. Yea positives, you heard right. Global warming up to this point has be a positive benefit for humanity.

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