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If you had like 3-5 million for a house, plus suitable money for day-to-today living.


Active member
What a joke, who tells someone that they are inheriting 20mil and can't leave the US... To many drinks.. That's like saying oh I won the lottery but can't leave my house.. doubtful at best wishful at most. :moon:


Active member
What a joke, who tells someone that they are inheriting 20mil and can't leave the US... To many drinks.. That's like saying oh I won the lottery but can't leave my house.. doubtful at best wishful at most.

It's actually not like that at all.

no offense.

If he's lying he's an epic troll..he has an accountant I know (who presumably sees his documents), his best friend, and his mother all fooled. He's gonna feel like a dick when he talks all this shit and then goes back to work like nothing happened, hoping no one notices or something.


Active member
Yeah, yeah it is. that's the most ridiculous shit I have yet to hear, I mean really man it is.


Active member
new England , prob maine . I would buy a modest house and a fuckload of land . I don't need a 5 mill house. 500k would be ok there. and I would have roving packs of german shepards


Active member
What a joke, who tells someone that they are inheriting 20mil and can't leave the US... To many drinks.. That's like saying oh I won the lottery but can't leave my house.. doubtful at best wishful at most. :moon:
if I got 20 mil I wouldn't have any probs leaving the usa. still easy to slip out in south florida. you could be in several good locations in a heartbeat
new England , prob maine . I would buy a modest house and a fuckload of land . I don't need a 5 mill house. 500k would be ok there. and I would have roving packs of german shepards

bro, no-see-ums in the summer and freeze your balls off cold all winter.

Good people though.


Active member
bugs don't bother superman much . don't forget big horse flies that take chunks out of ya lol. lived in maine for quite a bit once. had up friends from city who couldn't handle it tho. I like the good an bad in a place. deer game moose bears a real outdoors place. I love maine for so many reasons. ooh ya lobster and clams tooo mmmmmmmmmmmmm Portland , bangor and surry and north maine woods Millinocket and up. I get a boner when I hit the golden road. lol I like the stuff that winter brings too. lack of bugs,skiing , snowmobile , ice fishing mainly
bugs don't bother superman much . don't forget big horse flies that take chunks out of ya lol. lived in maine for quite a bit once. had up friends from city who couldn't handle it tho. I like the good an bad in a place. deer game moose bears a real outdoors place. I love maine



Regrettably I've not seen much of the world outside of North America and Europe. But North America, I've been almost everywhere.

Maine, certain places in Oregon and rural Colorado seem to have vibes I consider special. Not many other spots...I just can't handle the weather and bugs in Maine heh...so glad I experienced it tho. A mans man kind of place for sure.


Active member
brought a friend up once for brook trout . he didn't last long on the stream no fish an went back to tent covered in bites . me I found a beaver damned area and caught a stringer full. I do own a Canadian camo bug suit tho.i hate deet bugspray an try an avoid it when possible as along with other reasons it weakens fishing line and when I got a bunch on my hands it wore the grips smoothe on my fishing reel. wonder what it does to your body?oregon is sweet I got to see a lot of it from freight trains in my youth.bend had a hobo festival was cool


Active member
Some place most people can't pronounce or find without a map.

Not on an island, or near an ocean. Not near a major city. Not near a power plant or nuclear facility. A place with few snakes and predators. A place with favorable tax laws and a reasonable adn affordable citizenship process. A chance to retain dual citizenship if desired. A place where real estate and the cost of living and medicine is affordable to those who reside. A place where pot is tolerated and sexual politics are more open. A place where it doesn't feel as though it's scripted from a Hollywood movie. Probably a tragedy. A place... a place... there's no place like home.
I guess the one thing I got out of the situation is that I always talked shit about living alone in the woods. But then I met a dude who could really do that, live in a castle in the woods if he wanted to, in stunning landscape. It became a reality in my head for a moment and the landscape changed.

No friends, no neighbors, just me, my dog, my internet, my hunting skills, and a trip to the store once a month. That's it.

Shit man I don't know. I might lose what's left of my mind or might love it...tough to say.

what you guys think? Life long isolation + internet= ftw?


I guess the one thing I got out of the situation is that I always talked shit about living alone in the woods. But then I met a dude who could really do that, live in a castle in the woods if he wanted to, in stunning landscape. It became a reality in my head for a moment and the landscape changed.

No friends, no neighbors, just me, my dog, my internet, my hunting skills, and a trip to the store once a month. That's it.

Shit man I don't know. I might lose what's left of my mind or might love it...tough to say.

what you guys think? Life long isolation + internet= ftw?

You will miss human contact within 6 months almost guaranteed. Try it for yourself though and see :)


Active member
Some place most people can't pronounce or find without a map.

north maine woods area . few signs ,logging roads to confuse folks and a lot of land not named but lot numbers.you def need a map if your going deep there. I prefer gps tho as the logging roads can change a bit once off main path.


Active member
Bank the money, do nothing with it for 2 or 3 years. This will give him time to think, and make a solid decision.
I personally knew 2 people who had 5mil +/- land in their laps. Both had middle class jobs. Both quit their jobs to "Live the good life".
One is dead. He killed himself after blowing through the money (Like buying a 3-5 million dollar house with a 10 mil inheritance)
The other coked himself into a stroke. No health insurance (Thought he had that covered)
Now he's broke, and lives in a wheelchair, talking about all the chicks he banged, and all the toys he had.
When my Dad died, he left me some money, in an irrevocable trust. I get a small amount each month.
I railed against it when I was a young man, now I believe, he saved my life, and set me up better than I could have myself.
I'd pass this along to your buddy. I also realize, it will likely fall on deaf ears. I wouldn't have listened either.
I honestly hope it works out well for him, but just know, a 5mil house, will drain ten mil in a few short years, almost certainly. I'd be looking in the 500k range, if he even needs that.
Best regards
Update if anyone cares. He bought a house in Tampa, Fl of all places.

No income tax, lower cost of living and the fishing, I guess.

The house allegedly has an elevator that leads to a pool on the roof that overlooks the ocean. lol. Douche! (jk)
About 20 million. Has to stay in US. As you may know the US is one of the only nations in the world that requires all its' Citizens pay double taxes if they live abroad. Meaning if he were to move to Marseilles (his favorite city), he would pay about 80% of his wages in taxes to two governments on two continents.

If he were to renounce citizenship he would have to pay a massive fee (it's based on net worth) or never come home. He wouldn't care but he wants to be able to bury his mother, who lives in Texas. Crazy huh?

Land of the free.

That is messed up double taxes!


So, I am seriously looking for a bugout spot, again. I bugged out in 1981 to the woods of Maine, around where Superman was, and battled the bugs, the cold, the mud, the isolation, for 25 years. It was great but we moved on, first for 8 years in a small college town in the mountains of southwest Virginia, and now live on the beach outside Charleston SC. There are many small towns that host large Universities all over the country. They are great places to live because the largesse from the schools protects the local economy. My quest for a safe spot is leading me to the eastern foothills of the southern Appalachians, where the growing season is long, Winter is short and shallow, water is abundant, and farmland and woods are plentiful. Building a near self sustainable homestead , whether it is grand and complete with all needs and wants met, or a less capitalised version which is what I would do, would be my goal. If you want to be a millionaire playboy and buy a shiny plaything and grow gangsta pot then Colorado and Cali seem beautiful and easy. Give me 5 acres for crops, hoop houses for Winter greens, a nice pond for aquaculture and irrigation, ample surface water, a spring that originates on the property, 20 acres of woodlot and an earthship or similar house and a barn/workshop, and I'm flying. Southern country folk are still aquainted with rural skills, value privacy, and are good natured unless you fuck with them. Advantages of southeast US mountains are: almost no weather that can kill you, no fires, earthquakes, bugs aren't bad, lots of water( to me this is the most important requirement), long grow season, good soil, abundant raw materials. I read a lot of stories about people looking into Costa Rica, Belize, Ecuador, Peru, Europe, southeast Asia. All those places are fine unless and until something goes horribly awry. Then you will be a rich Gringo on your own, far far from home. Most banks are in the process of banning foreign money transfers, and capital controls are in the works. Smuggling wealth is very frowned upon by the powers that be, unless you are in the connected class, then you get a numbered account in the Caymans , with access to banks in Hong Cong and Singapore. Usually people who are given money were never intended to have it and lose it all pretty quickly do to bad decisions.