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if you DON'T grow your own, i would like to ask you a question...


Active member
Now i know this is all gonna come across sales pitchie and for that i apologize, but im just trying to get a gauge on actual public interest for a product ive been designing in my spare time for the last year that im very excited about and plan to soon release.

Don't worry mods i will not be posting any buy my product links, only a grow journal in the coming weeks.

If you currently DO NOT grow for fear of getting hassled for it, but would in fact like to grow your own, would you be inclined to do so using a very sophisticatedly designed LED grow box that had the capability to grow two tall plants and here's the piece de la resistance,... the whole unit slid under your bed! No smell would come from the box because no high CFM ventilation system is needed due to using LED light and there very low heat output. No light leaks, and it runs 100% silent. If an affordable product like this existed would it tip you from not growing to growing?

Ive just always felt more would grow if they felt they could get away with it and im wondering if others feel the same.

Let me know what ya think, and again sorry for the pitch and being some what vague at this point :tiphat:
It would be interesting to see this mechanism only there is a contradiction in the wording here:

How can this unit grow "two tall plants"......

Yet slide under your bed????

Would you have to have a really high bed?

I didn't mean to come in and tease, I usually read articles in their entirety and I was kind of confused.


Active member
No i completely understand,.. its hard to wrap your head around without images. Give this a look, its a wiki link to a clinostat machine. For those that don't want to click and read a lot, "A clinostat is a device which uses rotation to negate the effects of gravitational pull on plant growth"
So in laymans terms, by horizontally rotating a plant very slowly it never knows which way is up and will in turn grow completely horizontally. The device was invented way back in 1879 and to my knowledge was primarily used to test how plants would react in outer space. Anywho,.. that's how you can grow tall plants without needing a lot of vertical room, you grow them horizontally. As for the price i really don't want to say, i don't know whats allowed here on ICMAG and im not a vendor here although ive been trying to be,.. so maybe PM me and ill tell you what i was thinking for price a little more specifically, but sufficed to say you'll have to make your money back in just a few grows or it wouldn't be worth it to me.
As a newbie grower, what tipped me into growing was seeing the results of MH & HPS lamps in other newbie grower threads.

How many watts are you talking for your system?

If it pays for itself in a "few" grows, that seems kind of expensive. I guess it is more for a personal stash grow system? How many watts will the LEDs give off?


It would be interesting to see this mechanism only there is a contradiction in the wording here:

How can this unit grow "two tall plants"......

Yet slide under your bed????

Would you have to have a really high bed?

I didn't mean to come in and tease, I usually read articles in their entirety and I was kind of confused.

Exactly. Also, what do you mean "get away with it?" Who are they hiding it from? Are the cops not going to look under a bed? Do parents not look under the bed?

I dunno... dude. LED's are pretty expensive and I think your market of "people who hide shit under their beds" cannot afford what you're building.


Active member
Somewhere between 24 and 30w im estimating, although i haven't measured what exactly the unit is putting out yet precisely. But more then THIS LED GROW and well i think those results speak for themselves. A personal grow yes, but by no means a small yield. A unit capable of making you enough bud to share with friends for sure, once you get growing down ;-) Oh and like that grow, my LED's are from Knna as well, Osram Golden Dragon's. To be honest "watts" is not really that pertinent in the world of LED's, it's more about quality of light and what nm you're giving your plants. Knna knows way more then i do about it, he's a flippin' genius, im just the mad scientist in my garage building away at grow boxes. But don't take my word for it read his DIY LED array thread there and be prepared for your brain to hurt, Ha..

I shouldn't have said a few grows,.. i was thinking of course of the inevitable first time growers pit falls but even that said im talking 1-2 grows tops and you pay for the unit. Once you get an oz you've paid for it lets say that ;-) ...and if Pinstripes grow i linked up there is any indication you'll get that in a grow if you do it right and follow in his steps.


Active member
[lemons'] might work:D

Ha! i know right,.. im such an idiot sometimes. I'm much better in my shop then on the keyboard :dance013:
..but i sell no lemons i promise :tiphat:

Stoner Chick,..
If you went right to HPS you don't pull no punches, i like you! Ha! Ya this device would be more for someone who really needs to keep there grow hidden and isn't looking to sell, just wants to not pay for there own and probably even grow enough to give a little away to friends at times.

Cookie monster

Firstly I like to wish you the best of luck and hope your idea takes off.

Quick question tho, how do you water the plants?


Firstly I like to wish you the best of luck and hope your idea takes off.

Quick question tho, how do you water the plants?

i was thinking a yogurt container or sealed top containing the soil medium and plant + rootzone. plant grows through hole and big gasket folded around stem keeping the container relatively watertight. decrease size of foam gasket with time, perhaps create a hole somewhere to pump in your supply of water, seal up and continue rotation. id do it like that, hell, thanks for the physics lesson, im going to do this my own way:D


Active member
Yeah i'd like to know how you water as it says something about offsetting the horizontal growing style if you stop the revolutions for even as little as 0.5/s??


Active member
Good god damn question cookie,..
The unit has an external fully automated watering/feeding drip system (designed by yours truly) that fits under the bed as well. But PuReKnOwLeDgE you're remark was so F-in funny i about pee'd the bed and over my crop under there right now! Ha! Once set up i can go many days, possibly weeks without any kind of maintenance to the plants required at all. Meaning i wont even have to touch the grow box for long periods of time. It is at this moment staying hidden out of site while my plants just grow for me. I honestly do love it!

good luck my man, it was not as easy as you make it sound though. When i really broke down this endeavor i ran into a lot of hurdles. Heat issues even with CFL's, sustainability, lets face it no one wants to lug a grow box out from under there bed everyday, and the mechanics to reliably rotate anything horizontally for months at a time was no walk in the park either. But ive been working on all the above issues for months now, and lots more, and ive finally got all the bugs worked out. But good luck to all those who love to DIY.

As for the plants stopping rotating, its not a problem. That's only to be worried about if you're trying to evaluate the effects of having no gravitational pull on a plant. I've taken my ladies out a few times to adjust things and there still growing fine. The purpose of my clinostat type device is just to keep the plants from growing upward which will happen even if you full on turn a plant upside down and put the light below it. It's just to grow it horizontally since under a bed (which i think is a great hiding place) you only have room horizontally.


yogurt container with drilled 1/4" hole every square inch or so. SUBMERGED in rectangular reservoir(allowance for displaced volume in res.) perpendicular to plant growth to allow more growing room. spinning endlessly, geared down, by RC servos. never remove plant from spindle, only exchange bottom feeding reservoir. done, soiled version of your drip system. this is great, i needed another project. many kudoseses to you


Active member
yogurt container with drilled 1/4" hole every square inch or so. SUBMERGED in rectangular reservoir(allowance for displaced volume in res.) perpendicular to plant growth to allow more growing room. spinning endlessly, geared down, by RC servos. never remove plant from spindle, only exchange bottom feeding reservoir. done, soiled version of your drip system. this is great, i needed another project. many kudoseses to you

I tried what you're saying,..
First off forget the endless spinning, its not necessary less you're gonna take weed into space and you need to know how its going to react, Ha! It's suppose to take you into space not the other way around, LOL.. It was fun to have at it but the res idea didn't work at all, kept the roots way too wet and there was mold fast, soil turning through water would be a total mess too, think mud-bogging in your truck, lol Oh and those servos better be able to turn a few pounds, mine weren't so i had to go a little bigger. Anyways,.. Im currently growing each plant in a 4" ID foot long PVC tube sealed at both ends and filled with a 50/50 mix (2.47L) of coco coir and perlite. Sealed at both ends is thus why i need the fountain pump/dripper system hooked to a timer to kick on VERY little.

Boy has this gotten off topic in a hurry :)
I'm still more wondering if this is a product,.. for those not inclined to DIY this trust me, i do not exaggerated, very complicated system to build all be it simple as hell to run and maintain after initial setup,.. that people would be inclined to pay the cost of an oz for?


since this is very far from what is considered the norm in growing i think you need to supply some pictures.

dont bother having it under my bed, but if you can stack 10 of these high you could pull some serious grams/sq ft if it really is a feasible way to grow your own.

cost of an ounce? $400 for a complete grow system of any sort. i would believe that when i see it.


Active member
Thanks for the input Toyot,
Don't worry, at $400 a unit im making enough profit for my tastes, the most expensive component is the LED's but i buy in bulk from Knna. It's only a 2 plant system,.. although the design would easily lend itself to having many plants wide and wow i really love your stackable idea! But ya i cant see charging more then that since you can buy one of the PC grow cases i and a slew of other online sites currently sell to those who don't or cant DIY there own for $300 or less. Not high tech LED units though. Those are currently in the $1000 range which is insane and they don't even come with good proven LED's. I also intend to offer LED PC grow boxes soon for much less with the same high quality LED's that Pinstripe used in the grow i linked earlier, but i digress. Lots of pics and grow journal on the way proving feasible-ness ;-)

since this is very far from what is considered the norm in growing i think you need to supply some pictures.

dont bother having it under my bed, but if you can stack 10 of these high you could pull some serious grams/sq ft if it really is a feasible way to grow your own.

cost of an ounce? $400 for a complete grow system of any sort. i would believe that when i see it.