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If you could move anywhere in the US to grow....


Active member
Iowa, Born, and Bred!!! Cornfed TITTIES EVERY WHERE, Fo SHO!!!

But FUCKING feral Hemp, EVERYWHERE So Out door W/o seeding is dam near impossible.

I have smoked plenty of seeded Shit that goes un noticed among the Corn fields with the feral Hemp.
Its like the old daze, just break it up and let the seeds roll. Way better than
FUCKING Cartell BRICK!!! in a pinch.lol.

Peace; 1TT


Haha how does one go about getting Hemp seed? I want to find a female with leg long buds and hit her with some kush pollen call it Hemp's OG.


Active member
Wait...did somebody say TITTIES?

What was the subject again? Oh yeah, growing, all I know is NOT FL.


Active member
I moved to cali a long time ago to grow. theres so many of us here they cant even get a small percentage of growers and with 215 its gravy. great climate too


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Colorodo or Oregon ..... not cuz its legal to grow there , but because i've been in the Adirondack park all my life & I'd REALLY like to check out Rockies now . & as long as i'm there i'm gonna need weed , so why not grow it :biggrin:


I moved to cali a long time ago to grow. theres so many of us here they cant even get a small percentage of growers and with 215 its gravy. great climate too

I think he's going for higher than these lowballing assclowns try to pay. Unless he's talking indoors, 40 lights, one season, in and out....Anything less than 50lbs would be uncivilized type shit for that type of work put in, Cali aint the place for that. My dispensary in between harvests sells their OGs at 10/g so you want a market that still has a $20/g rate at least.

Think he said it's pretty much sold already though so Cali might be the friendliest place for you, other than the obvious legal states. Brush up on the spanish though, when the billboards went spanish I felt like moving from here. But, latinas are hot and I can use authentic mexican food in my life. ;)


Yeah I've never done it but that's cuz I'd never be that ignorant, that and I've never hit the 50P mark....Moving the storage unit w/ cali plates would just be ignorant. New Mexico U-Haul for anywhere, no one's gonna question why anyone wants out of New Mexico.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Think he said it's pretty much sold already though so Cali might be the friendliest place for you, other than the obvious legal states. Brush up on the spanish though, when the billboards went spanish I felt like moving from here. But, latinas are hot and I can use authentic mexican food in my life. ;)

I've seen lots of billboards and signs in Mandarin since I moved here. Doesn't bother me. Asian girls are my favorite. :) Being a single guy here is awesome. Everywhere I go I see hot Asian girls.

I grew in Florida and Georgia for a long time. I'm glad I moved to California. I don't know if it's worth it trying to grow commercially here with the high cost of living and low prices for bud. It's great as a hobbyist grower. I won't live in a state where growing is illegal again.

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
PA isn't that bad either...

You must not live in pa then. Do you know what a commonwealth is? It means it sucks. For example, you know how when you watch the show cops, and then catch people with drugs. They tested it, and wait til it turns blue or red or purple or some shit. And only if it tests positive, do they arrest the person. They dont do that here. If you have a bag of flour, they can charge you with possesion, without any test. When i was younger, i knew a guy that sold a bag of crushed advil to an undercover. He was charged with delivery of cocaine, because he had presented the powder as such.

On time, a friend of mine was arrested, jailed, and givin 5 thousand dollar bond, for having such a small amount of weed, when they weighed it, it came up 0.0. Tell me Pa isn't that bad. Oregon here i come!!

And i know, i know. He doesnt care about legality. Well that is just downright silly nowadays were the laws vary so much from state to state. Like i said, even if your not getting a card, laws in some states are much worse than others.

and anyone who doesnt think laws matter, must feel that way cause they think there is no chance they will get caught. Thats stupid and naive. Prisons are full of people who thought they would never get caught. Noone plans on getting popped. But its best to always hope for the best, EXPECT the worst.


Active member
i hit the 50 lb mark so far back I cant remember the date. now I am a goldfish or less. I aint even growing here just have a small setup in da city to keep old lady setup and moms alive for my return.


Ain't even legal yet already needs a Grassroots movement. Think that's enough grounds to fire D.C.

"Make the most of this Indian Hemp Seed and sow it everywhere, for it is more valuable than the native hemp." - George Washington

I've got to assume he had seeds from Dutch East India Company aka kush beans....GW was blowing heads off like a forefather.


Active member
where would you move?

I could care less about laws. ....for now (edit)

I care more about land and low priced housing. I want to rent.

My goal is to get in and get out within a year. I have the knowledge to make it happen, but I would like to get ideas about the where the best environment to do so would be....

MAINE!!! Cheap houses, cheap rent! 99 plants is a misdemeaner. Prices for product are 4-5 per P. I mean, how can you go wrong it's a gold mine!


i tried typing 3 long ass replies and all 3 would not go through and now i am effectively pissed the fuck off and will not be replying to these awesome replies until i cool down. god damn i am pissed. I really put a lot of research into what I said - only to get a fucking message saying my shit could not be processed....and it wasnt saved each time either.... WTF! FnBS!get with the fucking ages ICMAG admin! lol..... its not 2004 anymore... update this shit!

edit: ok. calmed down kinda.....

what does everyone think about upstate Michigan? anywhere along the great lakes or any other lakes within the state? A house on a lake with woods and neighbors many miles away for less then 1000 a month rent sounds enticing, but not everything thats shiny is gold so what is the downside to michigan? i have ancestors from there and michigan could use my money to help their economy a bit. I would hate the cold winters, but I am used to cold winters.

Vermont has also been in my radar. Any info on radar? I havent looked at the average rental prices in vermont, but I know the geography in vermont is absolutely stunning.

I need a change, and I would like to live as remote as possible as I am truly a lone wolf at heart. I would like to go "off the grid" in a sense for a year, do it up hard, save it, and return to my home village with it all and get top dollar.

Once i get the top dollar, hopefully by then laws change in the state that is where my friends and family and people I love reside and I can re-invest that money once again in a legal manner and take my life to the next level. I have seen the bottom and now want to see the top. You only live once so why not strive to experience the best that life has to offer? No risk, no reward.


Active member
i tried typing 3 long ass replies and all 3 would not go through and now i am effectively pissed the fuck off and will not be replying to these awesome replies until i cool down. god damn i am pissed. I really put a lot of research into what I said - only to get a fucking message saying my shit could not be processed....and it wasnt saved each time either.... WTF! FnBS!get with the fucking ages ICMAG admin! lol..... its not 2004 anymore... update this shit!

That's why I press the copy button before I send my post. Happened to many times to me in the past so I know better now!


Active member
you arent fucking kidding about maine bro..... first search in and i come up with this for 1250$mo....



I was living in MA and grew there for years but the houses in MA are pretty close together and expensive. ME is a different story. Plenty of locations on many acres. You can even buy houses there with no banks with rent to own situations with like 5k down. It's crazy. And the best part of it is east coast prices and not far from Boston in the right area's only a few hours away. You just don't want to be hanging out and going places because people like me really stand out so I just stay on the farm and do my thing.

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