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If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?


weed fiend
I'd be reluctant to change anything after watching "The Butterfly Effect". Every time dude changed something bad, something directly related ended up worse.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'd be reluctant to change anything after watching "The Butterfly Effect". Every time dude changed something bad, something directly related ended up worse.

Only when he changed it based on his self interest. The last time he changes it to make it what's best for everyone and then everything was fine.


I'd be reluctant to change anything after watching "The Butterfly Effect". Every time dude changed something bad, something directly related ended up worse.

true .......:chin:

so maybe a little guerilla gardening around thomas jeffersons pad ...... bring a whole shit load of HoL clones to montecello, do some midnight gardening and you are out. :dunno:

Thurston Howell

New member
I'd make Nikola Tesla write an electronics textbook instead of keeping all that shit up in his head. Then we'd have more then just a few notes and drawings. Instead of a VW, I'd be driving my anti-grav hoverBuick or something like that.
When I was real young I used to be into the Insane Clown Posse.

Oh man. I'm embarrassed already.

Beyond that, I dunno. I wish I would have figure out how to get a bigger financial cushion. Or been nicer to mom.

Ahhh fuck this, not going there. Forward!



i go with your opinion. if i could change anything i would let religion disappear below the horizon.


Registered Med User
I go fallow john smith or whatever his name was when he found them golden tablets, n steal his mushrooms.


i would walk up to my 15 yearold selfe, andsay "a cook, A COOK" , followed by a sollid bitchslap, the kind that makes it painfull to shave for a week, but thats wasnt an issue for 15 yearold me. then i wold tell yselfe a ting or two about life the universe. how you can choose to be a winner or a looser, and how to find innerpiece.


Active member
I'd stop that asteroid from slamming into earth 65 million years ago...

Or videotape the impact from orbit and put it on youtube. Most....views....EVER.

Smoking Gun

Active member
true .......:chin:

so maybe a little guerilla gardening around thomas jeffersons pad ...... bring a whole shit load of HoL clones to montecello, do some midnight gardening and you are out. :dunno:

Not sure why you would go guerrilla to do that. Jefferson grew plenty of cannabis.

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