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If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?


Registered Med User
I go back and not negative rep floridian for some dumb shit he said, which hurt his fealings n made him loose a little green box. Haha! No I wouldnt!


Registered Med User
Id go back to before bow n arrows, with one uh them super powered swat suites and hella guns n ammo, n play God. It might suck for a while tho, probably couldnt understand the language...

I didnt mean to kill everybody, just ta give a demonstration, let um know I mean business.

Buddy Holly

hell if i could really go back in time id think out a plan that would be useful for all of humanity. but thats boring so lets just do some trivial shit instead...

id prevent og from going down. half the shit heads that flourish on this site wouldve been stomped out long before they could get a foot hold if this was og. back then people had integrity and your word meant something, as did your handle. now people change names at will, muck up stories and bastardize others work. no honor in this game. just a bunch of sick, sad dogs chasin after the same bone.


Forgot to add after making sure no european settlers reach the interior of Africa I would then take over two nations by myself and use my knowledge to advance civilization.


Registered Med User
Go back n spread all the weed genetics we got now, see where they evolve to with another couple thousand years. After convincing them Im God (with my guns n shit) Id make sure that they cultivate the shit out the plant... see where they evolve to too.
Maybe stopping the filming and distribution of Three Amigos? What were they thinking?

Then there's Tanya Harding's wedding night video - talk about being able to flip any testosterone-laden stud muffin. Not all porn is good, obviously.
tanya harding and nancy kerrigan? dont remind me would rather forget all that nonsense and scary women I didn't think were all that scary at the time! :D


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

perhaps going back to stop The Brady Bunch
from covering Don McLeans 'American Pie'.

WARNING!!! You cannot unhear certain things.......




Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Once I returned from my trip back in time, facebook would now be known as "puffybook"
and I'd be spending my time counting my millions.

And google would be known as "askpuffy.com"
More money, more money, more money

Oh, and you would also all be buying your seeds from PuffyNirvanas seed boutique

And we'd all be accessing the internet on our Puffysoft based PC's I suppose?


Active member
If I could go back in time I would have bought some serious stock in apple when they first hit the market..... :laughing:


Active member
Get Mo someone like you couldn't hurt my feelings on a good day,some of the shit you spout is absolutely embarrassing.(After convincing them I'm god with my guns and shit?Are you 12?All I said was its hard to feel sorry for the Seminoles living among the them and their vast amounts of wealth,and I admitted what we did at the time was most uncool.You seem to want to become their god or something so that you can force cannabis cultivation from less advanced people.Who sounds like a dick?


Well-known member
I'd go back and save seeds from some of the exceptionable herb from back in the day. Sure wish I'd kept seeds from a particularly awesome bag of Colombian gold, a very notable bag of Red bud, that killer bag of Acapulco gold and that bag of purple Thai that was so sticky the joints would drown in their own resin half way through. Also seeds from the first bag of Afghan I ever got my hands on.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

never trying cocaine would be the true one thing I'd like to be able to change, I fucked up and fucked with way more than just my own life in my 8.5 yr addiction. I walked away from Britta and what perhaps would have been my one true love, squandered cash, gold, guns and sweet cars to satisfy that appetite; I turned on friends and family while turning to crime as well.

although I've apologized and made amends for my betrayals the guilt stills weighs heavily on my mind and I'm often haunted/mortified by the thought that others may still measure me by those years, August 1st will mark 24 years of sobriety from that shit.......



add a couple letters to a famous document .........

i think "freedom FROM religion" would be an improvement. just 2 letters ..... 2!