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if weed were legalized...


Active member
[i did a search for this and nothing came up so forgive me if its
been discussed before.]

would any of you still do guerrilla grows? i know it would be kind of
pointless if cannabis was legalized and you could grow outdoors in
your backyard or something, but would any of you still do any guerrilla
style grows out in the woods? i probably would still do it just because
i love being with nature, and growing marijuana outdoors in the
woods allows me to be where i love. that is one reason why i do
very few indoor grows, and another reason why i wouldn't want to
grow just in my backyard. if legalized i would have a backyard grow
for my top-notch plants but giving up my guerrilla spots would never

curious to hear what everyone else has to say...


Active member
i also like the struggle of growing outdoors. call me insane but half the
pleasure i get from smoking is working my ass off until i am literally unable
to move. growing indoors and in your backyard makes things to easy and
controlled for me. i need the physical challenge.


natural medicator
I'd still run off into the woods and dig those holes. Of course I'd keep the consistent supply indoor. Still wouldn't grow any outside the house in my backyard though, unless I was in a nice private area.
Yes I would still do guerilla grows out in the woods if it was legalized just for the sheer pleasure of being out amongst nature growing is a real good stress reliever for me and its very relaxing :)


Active member
Probably not, id be happy not to sneak around all the time, theres other stuff to do out in nature other then growing pot, but I don't think legalization is something thats gonna be happening in Canada anytime soon with Stephan Harper being the douche bag of the day lately.


I love being in the isolated outdoors almost as much as growing, but no, if it were legal, I would plow up my lawn, put up a high electic fence, get a couple of germans shepards and spend every day tinkering and growing... as opposed to digging thorns out of me, packing heavy loads,etc,etc,

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