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If u were tryn to quit ciggs

I quit in 1989 and it was the hardest,I mean hardest thing I've ever had to let go.It took three months before my lungs and mind let it go.I would wake up with my hand in the air like a peace sign,you know how you sometimes hold a CANCER stick :(.

I would always smoke twice as much drinking,then not.

I won't lye,I actually still crave chew,but that's another story.

When I quit,I think it was like around a dollar a pack?

I think if I where to smoke this stuff,I would grow my own.


Talk about evil corporate shit. Tobacco would have to be near the top of the pile. Congratulations to all who have been able to get away from it.


This is my first day quitting too. Good luck man to you and to me :D

Been smoking pueblo and manitou for few years now. Those are like american spirit without additivies.

Today I been mostly vaping.. Hope my weed last till next harvest or I'm in trouble.




Active member
If I ever did smoke a cig again it will be because I just want one not because I need one or can't stop the urge.
Afraid I don't see the difference there. You either smoke or you don't. That one cigarette is usually all it takes to start again.

This is my first day quitting too. Good luck man to you and to me :D

Been smoking pueblo and manitou for few years now. Those are like american spirit without additivies.

Today I been mostly vaping.. Hope my weed last till next harvest or I'm in trouble.
Good luck to you. Quitting is a great thing to do. It absolutely requires throwing that mental switch.

I used patches and lozenges for the first week or so to get over the hump. It helped me to realize that I could use nicotine replacement products for the rest of my life and spend less than I would on cigs with many fewer heath consequences. Sort of gave me the emergency out that didn't require that one cigarette that would have me smoking again.

Got bored with the replacement products very quickly and haven't consumed any nicotine since. 30 years a heavy smoker. Two years off.

Wife just quit a month so it was difficult for a while. I decided it was on me to quit and let her do what she wanted, realizing that while she smoked it would be harder for me to quit but easier when it came to be her time to quit to have no other smokers in the house.

OP: try hard not to be self-righteous. Set an example and enjoy not being addicted to a harmful substance.


Active member
baby pacifier, chew toys, anything to chew on and keep your hands busy.

Sweat it out for 3 nights of hell. The rest is easy.

Just throw away all cigarette like stuff, all the stuff you associate with it, all the people and places and don't associate with it.

Otherwise, you'll be back.

You need 1 year plus to never fuck with cigarettes again. After that, the years just spin by.


Active member
It's a total life change and a definite decision you have to make.

Nobody can do it for you or talk you into it. You just have to be determined and want it.

You'll feel better for it. After 30 days you'll wonder how the hell you ever smoked cigarettes.


Active member
I quit in 1989 and it was the hardest,I mean hardest thing I've ever had to let go.It took three months before my lungs and mind let it go.I would wake up with my hand in the air like a peace sign,you know how you sometimes hold a CANCER stick :(.

I would always smoke twice as much drinking,then not.

I won't lye,I actually still crave chew,but that's another story.

When I quit,I think it was like around a dollar a pack?

I think if I where to smoke this stuff,I would grow my own.

lol yeah, i remember $1.85 cigarettes

the people who said they'd quit if they ever hit $5 are still smoking. lol

I find that funny, because now it's almost $7 and they still suck that shit down.


Smoked for 16-17yrs. Half-heartedly tried to quit a couple of times but it never stuck, cause to be honest I loved to smoke. I started mountain biking and realized that it was holding me back. I wanted to ride more than I wanted to smoke...
Sooo one day I decided that I was going to quit for good...cold turkey. No patches, no pills, just good old willpower. Now, it wasn't easy but I did it, and it's been more than 5yrs now.
I feel good, my clothes/car/house don't stink anymore, and I'm not tossing away thousands of dollars a year. But most importantly I'm not paying to kill myself.
You can do it. Stay strong...and maybe, just maybe you can inspire your girl to follow your lead.


Then, I made the mental decision to truly quit. Like a light switch. On or off. I turned it off 2 years ago and I haven't craved cigarettes since...even when drinking...not one craving!

Turn that switch OFF!

That really describes how I quit a 20 year pack a day habit......I woke up one day and said enough! 13 years now


Active member
If I ever did smoke a cig again it will be because I just want one not because I need one or can't stop the urge.

Afraid I don't see the difference there. You either smoke or you don't. That one cigarette is usually all it takes to start again.

Basically it means I am not smoking again. Why? Because if I am wanting for a cigarette, have a super craving, start to shake or just have a super addiction type urge I am never going to smoke a cigarette again under those circumstances. It is a moment of weakness when one should never make that chose. That means the cigarettes told me what to do.

If I don't have an urge and I am not in a vulnerable state I would never smoke a cigarette anyways. So if that is the only time I will let myself smoke it will never happen. But I still told myself I can smoke if I want to. I am in control and still free to do what I want. Somehow it makes a difference to me. I can if I want but I don't want to. This way nobody told me what I can't do. Not even me.

It is a Jedi mind trick we use to help us not make stupid decisions. LOL!


Active member
If I ever did smoke a cig again it will be because I just want one not because I need one or can't stop the urge.

Basically it means I am not smoking again. Why? Because if I am wanting for a cigarette, have a super craving, start to shake or just have a super addiction type urge I am never going to smoke a cigarette again under those circumstances. It is a moment of weakness when one should never make that chose. That means the cigarettes told me what to do.

If I don't have an urge and I am not in a vulnerable state I would never smoke a cigarette anyways. So if that is the only time I will let myself smoke it will never happen. But I still told myself I can smoke if I want to. I am in control and still free to do what I want. Somehow it makes a difference to me. I can if I want but I don't want to. This way nobody told me what I can't do. Not even me.

It is a Jedi mind trick we use to help us not make stupid decisions. LOL!
What I do instead of tricking my mind one way while my mind (addiction) is trying to trick me another way is to just tell myself: DON'T SMOKE! It's like a mind trick only not at all. :D


Active member
I started smoking weed when I was 18. I never smoked a cigarette until I was 42. In that time I always liked the smell of people smoking cigarettes. Practically everybody I knew except for myself smoked. I let then smoke in my car and all around me. It didn't bother me. It still doesn't bother me. I like the smell of tobacco. I smoked 20-30 cigarettes a day for 16 years. Age 42 to 58.

Now that I quit at age 58 I do have an advantage because I didn't start smoking until 42. I did have many triggers to smoke. Like having to smoke one when I get up to the bathroom at night, or after sex or after dinner or when drinking alcohol. I liked to smoke a menthol cigarette after getting stoned and while watching football, UFC and web surfing. I still have triggers but not like my wife and people who started smoking at a young age.

It was a bit easier I think for myself but it was still a battle and I get urges to smoke.

Having a spouse that still smoke and you do still quit just confirms and strengthens the fact you did quit. The person you live with tests you everyday and you pass. How will you fail anywhere else. Roll with it. Enjoy the smell of other people's tobacco. Don't fear or loathe it. Embrace it. You have defeated nicotine. Smoke smells good. Campfire smoke, barbecue smoke, tobacco smoke.. especially pipe tobacco.

Smoke smell good. Smoking bad.

DO NOT BECOME A BORN AGAIN NON-SMOKER and start preaching. Don't go there.

Don't throw away friends and people to quit. IMHO It means you are weak. A bottle sucking baby that can't quit by yourself unless the whole world helps you.

I can look the fire breathing balrog right in the eyes and say "I shall not smoke!!!"

So can you.


Well-known member
Hi, IMO you can't force your wife to stop smoking as well as your wife should not smoke near you ... many people have managed to quit using e-cigarettes and gradually decreasing the nicotine content ... you could suggest to your wife to try to quit with you using this method but, of course, she will have to be absolutely convinced ...
good luck to both ... :)


Active member
I would love to quit. gonna work on it while here in sequoia.i tried several e cigs hated them and most tasted like speed,meth and thats a road I don't wanna go down or remember lol
I would love to quit. gonna work on it while here in sequoia.i tried several e cigs hated them and most tasted like speed,meth and thats a road I don't wanna go down or remember lol


I have a few cartons of Newports I would like to send to you. I'll even Fedex or UPS them. All free baby.



The Tri Guy
Smoked from 17 to well, a week ago. (41 now) I'm using the nicorette inhilator. Its good but that's not what the thread is about.
Do some maths, and then look up uk cig prices coz that's where usa prices will head towards.

After you know what you would expect to spend in the next 12 months, take that figure to your wife. Tell her to pick something out for that value that she wants, and if she helps you to quit, then you will buy it for her. Create a win win situation out of it.
Smoked from 17 to well, a week ago. (41 now) I'm using the nicorette inhilator. Its good but that's not what the thread is about.
Do some maths, and then look up uk cig prices coz that's where usa prices will head towards.

After you know what you would expect to spend in the next 12 months, take that figure to your wife. Tell her to pick something out for that value that she wants, and if she helps you to quit, then you will buy it for her. Create a win win situation out of it.

Wow, that is brilliant. Heck that might infuence her to quit as well. Then you could double the savings!


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