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If moonlight could be heard, it would sound like “audible stillness”

Owl Mirror

Active member
I love sitting outdoors on a warm summer night. It's such a peaceful time when the sounds of the busy city go quiet and, the creatures of the night begin chirping and singing.

I love the sounds made by crickets as they seek to find a mate.

Even though there seem to be plenty of crickets around my house, I've often thought about trying to find other species of crickets to purchase and release around the house. There are so many different types of crickets and, each produces their own unique song. There is one variant that you can use to determine the outside temperature simply by counting the number of chirps in 13 seconds, then add 40 to that number.

snowy tree cricket ~ Oecanthus fultoni

Nathaniel Hawthorne described it as “audible stillness” and declared, “If moonlight could be heard, it would sound just like that.” On a more commercial note, producers of movies and television shows often dub the song of this species onto sound tracks to signal that the action is taking place on a quiet summer’s night in a rural or suburban setting.

The most common type of cricket is the (Archeta domesticus). You can order these @ $10.75 Per Thousand from many places that sell them as fish bait or reptile food. They will chirp and are easily cared for and raised year after year.

I haven't found a resource that sells the various types of crickets specifically to be raised for their singing abilities. I have found a few interesting websites which I will share with you. If you are as interested in enjoying a little “audible stillness” around your home.


Songs of Insects ~ Click on a name to play that species' song

Singing Insects of North America

North American Crickets




no doubt it would sound calming, love the moon.

crickets also. loved when used to have lizards and reptiles around as young adult, and feeding them live crickets. i remember listening to some light Zappa and having my crickets just going nuts with songs, like they where part of it, sitting with the lava lamps on, smoking tubes till you cant even hold your head up, man, those where the dayz..thanks for some memories.

becareful, don't crickets eat plants? i know back in the day those crickets could and would escape the reptile cages......