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If legalized, what's value of raw leaf?


Active member
When I was in cali, the homelss Army vets smoked a little trim. They were Panama veterans, a little older than me! My tolerance is very low, so yes, trim gets me very high and it's hard to get!!! A perk for us in regards to regulation, is tax write offs, for organic ferts, greenhouses and other supplies~

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It would vary upon the quality obviously.

I would want to know if it was from scissor trimmed or machine trimmed buds... not just what strain it was from.

In a "legal" market I'm sure you're looking at a higher percentage of machine trimmed trim.

I would venture that hand trimmed would fetch twice as much as weedwhacker mulch.


Active member
The trim machine trim can't be worth much other than for making hash. Not even sure how you could dry that, if trimmed fresh. Probably would kill drid buds. I think I'd rather hire people to do trim work, maybe some Vietnamese immigrants? I don't see those around here, but they can ride a bike a ways....right?
I could design a carbon filter for a trailer, to haul product around.


Active member
I'm surprised you want fan leaves to get you "high". Fan leaves contain more CBDs than THC and don't really get you very high cause the CBDs moderate the effects of any THC.

On the other hand Fan leaves are the perfect thing for medical patients as they are richer in CBDs, which most medical patients need for an anti-inflammatory agent and other medical uses.

Fan leaves are not considered "trim", and are usually removed prior to harvest. Fresh leaves are exceptionally good to juice or make edibles with.


Active member
I dunno, but I do know that fan leaf gets me high. There is plenty of THC on fan leafs, just get a microscope.....plenty of cloudy trichromes....perhaps your fan leafs ripen sooner than you bud? I have only smoked fan leafs off of veg plants, it was good too!!! Fan leaf usually doesn't habe capitat trichromes, but the glands are most deffinetly there. They are just not tall, they are down low


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
So wait, is this a thread on how much you charge me to come pick up my useless leaves?

I'll give you $10 for every pound of fan leaves you take to the dump for me.

jk lol

lost in a sea

yes that's all true but statistics just don't change the world do they? and voting doesn't make the world a better place (99.9% of the time, statistically speaking that is :biglaugh:).. seriously out of all the american presidents, and all the uk primechimps, most of them have been complete internationalist fascist shits.. they are a completely immoral inbred group..

have you looked at your government???

i see ultra fascists only on a par with the EU government freaks and the british government inbred scum,, these people all stand to potentially lose all by legalizing or decriminalising cannabis.. explaining why that is would require an essay so i wont really even start ranting but let's just say it is not the world they want, and if you look at history they get what they want.. most countries are pretty poorly hidden dictatorships but the usa is a laughingstock.. you should have learned by now that politicians don't listen to people !!!?

it isn't their job to listen to you, in america you actively encourage billionaires to decide your politics, in other countries they have to try and hide it..

But they may let you have it if you really really really want it that bad within this system that they have and are frantically building but you will come out of it with no rights whatsoever..

and i wouldn't live in hope because they don't back step ever really unless its already planned..

these gangsters get millions killed and act with impunity,, they see us as ants to be controlled and blown up on cue...

i dunno :dunno:

a new pew poll says 52% of americans now approve of legalization as compared to 45% against. up 11% in the last 3 years.

as folks over 65 die off these numbers will rise and politicians just might follow.

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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I'm surprised you want fan leaves to get you "high". Fan leaves contain more CBDs than THC and don't really get you very high cause the CBDs moderate the effects of any THC.

On the other hand Fan leaves are the perfect thing for medical patients as they are richer in CBDs, which most medical patients need for an anti-inflammatory agent and other medical uses.

Fan leaves are not considered "trim", and are usually removed prior to harvest. Fresh leaves are exceptionally good to juice or make edibles with.

I dunno, but I do know that fan leaf gets me high. There is plenty of THC on fan leafs, just get a microscope.....plenty of cloudy trichromes....perhaps your fan leafs ripen sooner than you bud? I have only smoked fan leafs off of veg plants, it was good too!!! Fan leaf usually doesn't habe capitat trichromes, but the glands are most deffinetly there. They are just not tall, they are down low

depends on genetics.

check out these pics post by Lifebreather - Female Seeds NL.

i bet some of these leaves would get you high as shit !!!

thread here -> https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2480425#post2480425







I throw the leaves and trim away; I don't think people around here would want it generally.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
idk when i was a kid w could get a sandwich bag of 'leaf' for like $10 ~maybe $20 but that tended to be 'shake' {likely trimmings} of course; formed buds were $10/gram and $20/8th ~those were the days

though actually today is leaning back that way

$100/oz for leaf?


^^ I don't smoke hash and people around here don't smoke hash, it's not sold commercially around here and there is no demand for it, so if I wanted to sell hash I would have a hard time finding anyone to buy it, they all smoke green around here, so it's not worth the effort.


Active member
difference between fan leaf and trim.

difference between dank potent trim and trim off low grade bud.

difference between landrace sativa fan leaves and most other fan leaves.

indians killed a buffalo and used the entire animal. white man skinned the hide and left everything else to rot. nearly exterminated the buffalo. makes me sick. .

$50/oz = $800 lb.

show me another biz. where peeps throw away something worth $800/lb.

if a person wanted to buy some blunt wrappers bulk and make and roll blunts off different grades of bud by product and could sell them really cheap there might be a market.

just sell cleaned bags "joint leaf/trim" dirt cheap. make sure it has some potency first and a little sun cure can go a long way on this product re unpleasant green taste.

otherwise donate to needy types?


Andinismo Hierbatero
leaf and trim are really useful when dried, you can melt hash into them and roll some nice joints :joint:

or use it to help a nice joint of sticky herb to burn down more evenly, by mixing both a bit.

avoiding the use of tobacco of course.

or to make an alcohol based sub-lingual drops :D


Sometimes I save scissor hash, roll it up into little balls and dry it out, mostly is sits around for a while and I end up throwing it out, but I have given it to people free, and they never seem at all exited to be given it, and I think they all end up just throwing it away.
There's no hash culture here, and I think very few people would know what to do with it if you gave it to them anyway. If you give them some they just look sideways at it dubiously and then roll up some green.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$50/oz = $800 lb.[/FONT]
Couldn't imagine anyone spending $800 on mere leaf, when for that you can get four oz and get stoned for months to come. And sell a bit to offset your costs; couldn't imagine anyone wanting to buy a twenty of leaf.

And if I did smoke hash then it would be scissor hash or like they make it in india, which is basically hand hash, scrape off what sticks to their hands or the screen they bash the plants against. No way would I smoke this westen style hash disolved with butane or whatever they mix in with it. Too many poisenous chemicals involved for me.

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