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If I had a Time Machine I'd........................


Resident pissy old man
I would go back to 1963 and get a piece of ass off that redhead i turned down. What the Hell was I thinking????


Registered Med User
swampdank said:
oh, and my favorite....

take a bunch of ak47s to the knights of the round table and show em how cool i am cuz i got a weapon that will stop thier whole army. HEHE. kinda been a dream of mine since i was a kid.

:headbange Me to man!! I wouldbring some swat-body armor too, theyd think I was a god! and thats what Id tell um, change history and be worshipped!! :muahaha:


stoned agin ...
i would go back in time to egypt with a big-ass flashlight a few laser pointers and a shitload of batteries, and i would convince the locals that i was the sun god ra. i figure i could be cruisin pretty well for a while on that :rasta:


natural medicator
ever hear about the guy who had sex with his girl while time travelling? He thought he lasted forever and she said she didn't even notice he was in and out...........


her dankness
I'd try to get in on the team mapping the Grand Canyon. Colorado River in wooden boats... BAD ASS. DAG. Or be a Viking. Either or, lol.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Wow if i had a time machine i would do many many things....but the first thing i would do would be to meet my grandfather on my dads side who i never met and died 6 yrs before i was born. I heard many great things about him and i feel as tho i know him and a trip through time would definitely have a few scotches with him and laugh at his incredible sense of humor....after that id probably use the machine for less personal needs and do some serious borne supremacy shit to make the world a better place! HAHA DAMN IM HIGH @! LOL


668, Neighbor of the Beast
First thing, I'd go back and kick that guy that shot Lennon directly in the nuts, right before John stepped out of the Dakota.
BTW I know who "that guy" is, but I refuse to say his name, never have and never will.

THEN I'd go leave myself notes about Apple, Microsoft and Walmart.

Might even attempt to save Jimi, Janice and Jim from themselves but, who knows if it'd do any good.


Green Mujaheed
Hmmm, I'd go back about 100 years ago or so and join the fabled charas caravans which used to go from Yarkand to Kabul to deliver their load (and to Srinagar as well).
Yeah, riding Bactrian camel across high passes, valleys and deserts with dozens more following & carrying tons of some of the best hash History has seen ! yay !

Irie !


Throbbing Member
I would go back and heckle Lincoln about freeing the slaves......

"whos gonna pick my cotten now??"


Registered Med User
Id go back in time and kick Bacchus's mom in the stomach while she was pregnant... make a racist stillborn!


Id go back and fuck my ex a few more times, than Id grab a machine gun,shit-tons of ammo, throw that sumbitch into hyper-drive and...long story short Id be a living god in our time


My little pony.. my little pony
Pops said:
I would go back to 1963 and get a piece of ass off that redhead i turned down. What the Hell was I thinking????

Probably thinking how cool it would be to go back to the era where every girls vagina looked like Sasquatch putting a headlock on a giant clam.

Lucky 7

Active member
buy some Google when it was affordable! Smoke some of that highland Mex weed for comparative purposes, just to see if it was that good, or only remember it that way.