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Identifying bad CalMag and Calmag alternatives?



The first bad bottle I used had dark sediment in the bottom. The second bad bottle I used caused problems after the 1st use. It was a gallon bottle so I never saw if there was sediment in the bottom of the bottle, I exchanged right away.

The rep did mention sediment without before I said anything about it. He said that CM with sediment on the bottom is 100% definitely bad.

Maybe cloudy is OK before the sediment shows up? That would suck checking the bottom of a gal bottle for sediment before every use though.

LOL .. gotta agree with you on that last line. actually had problems trying to return a half gallon of B-52 with about 3/8 of an inch of concrete on the bottom. they said i should have caught it sooner.


Active member
I just checked the bottom of each bottle for sediment. Neither had any. I'm going to go to the hydro store and exchange my CM for Magical and ask if I can check the bottom of the last bottle I returned (that I know is bad) for sediment.


so is there actually anyone out there in stonerland who has seen a clear bottle of botanicare cal mag ? it would be cool if mullray dropped in and explained to us whats going on in the cal mag bottle over time. should this stuff have a "best before" date on it like milk?


Active member
I just picked up some Techniflora MagiCal. This is what good Botanicare CalMag Plus should look like. I knew I wasn't crazy. Like I said, maybe ALL cloudy CalMag isn't bad, but I'll never use it again. I'm sticking with MagiCal from here on out, but if I ever get a cloudy bottle of it, I'm returning it. Here are a couple of pics.

Grow Tech, yes, you should be able to read through CalMag in a clear glass.




Active member
When my calmag has fallout (sediment in the bottom), I shake it up really well. I re-dissolve it in hot hot water and up the dosage as much as I dilluted it. I haven't had any problems.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
man this really sux !!!! i just last night bought a bottle from the hydro shop & sure enough its cloudy ..... now i'm afraid to use it ....Damn !!!!


My last 2 gallons of Cal Mag, purchased about a year apart, have been translucent with tiny gold sparkles circulating through it after shaking fwiw. Haven't noticed any negative effects I can directly relate to the Calmag though, in fact it has recently saved my behind. Might try an alternative product next time around if the mood strikes me.
I've noticed Botanicare CalMag has been different over time. Sometimes it's darker, and cloudy, I just bought a gallon that is clear and looks like apple juice. I like the smell, and I usually take a whiff periodically, usually you can tell when something's going bad. I have a big 5 gallon jug of Diamond Nectar that went bad, MAN you can tell it's bad by the smell.

Thanks for posting, I'm going to keep an eye on my Calmag.


Active member
Hey Puff,

I noticed the change too. I am not sure if it is how it has been stored by the store, or the amount of minerals in the molasses that they use.

Regardless, it has always treated me well.