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Identified Flying Objects. "Aliens"



Has anybody here in the tokers den had any sightings?

When i was younger i did see with my family and alot of other people, an unexplainable light omitting from the sky, hovering over a spot, very bright and very high.

After a period of time, prahaps 15minutes, it litteraly just went, it was there no more.

Before there is any ridacule of this subject in this topic, i would please like you to first make sure you have atleast followed my signature to the related video, where there are testimonies from top govermental agencys doing top secret work that their clearence is beyond what is taught in our common knowlage.

I look forward to hearing your storys, to help understand how wide and vast this is,

thank you.


cant stop wont stop
cork brother
good thread, i think theres another regarding this subject posted by crazy composer.. you oughta check it out.. i'd link but damn its a lazy sunday..
anyways fuck yeah man. (i'll check your link inna few)

for real 'they' are definitely out there and there is no denying it.
have you heard of 'The Phoenix Lights'?
we're talking a major metropolis with over a million witness's reporting this one siting. even the former governor who made light of the situation at the time is now speaking out towards the authenticity of this siting.
Wild stuff man - i hope in my lifetime some light will be shed upon this subject..

i got more but this brick weed and cheap vodka aint lettin me gather my true thoughts.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
One night real late about 330 am I was with some friends laying on the grass looking at the sky and I noticed this white light hauling ass 3000+mph at least. So I'm following it across the sky and all of the sudden the light disappears and after about a 3 seconds it reappears as if it has never stopped but only turned the light off for 3 seconds. After I watched it fade away in the distance, all of us were silent the whole time not a word, then my buddy says "did you just see that?" Our answers were all the same, how could you not, its the only thing moving in the sky and its hauling ass.

If you have never heard of the disclosure project, its worth a look. Dr. Greer currently takes meditation trips out to Joshua Tree and attracts ships. He says every time a ship shows up, it eventually leaves and fighter jets show up.


thanks for the posts guys,

steppin i hear you man, somtimes its hard to collect your thoughts, prahaps its the booze man, our collective thoughts are so important,

sam, it is a shame that they chase and investigate them, i think theyre fearfull of a force more powerfull than what they had built their idea to be.

they disable nukes, theyre obviously peaceful.
i was listening to some random george noory youtube videos/broadcasts.mainly for entertainment cant take what most of his guest say seriously because they lack concrete evidence.. and supposedly if you have some high quality night vision. you can see them all over the place. like its that common. sometimes i wonder if even our own solar system has life in it. like if higher ups in governments wanted to keep pyramids and buildings on mars secret would it really be that hard. no. your average person doesnt have access to the equipment to view other worlds.they know what they know from highschool textbooks and corporate media. even college educated same deal.would be very easy to simply show photos you wanted to show and bury the "controversial" ones. i dunno. i do personally believe that the phoenix lights were not alien tech but human spy blimp technology. from the videos i saw it didnt behave in a way that screamed alien tech. plus who is to say that the aliens are extraterrestrial. i thinks us humans are more advanced than the public could even imagine. alot of the good stuff gets horded and kept secret.


i was listening to some random george noory youtube videos/broadcasts.mainly for entertainment cant take what most of his guest say seriously because they lack concrete evidence.. and supposedly if you have some high quality night vision. you can see them all over the place. like its that common. sometimes i wonder if even our own solar system has life in it. like if higher ups in governments wanted to keep pyramids and buildings on mars secret would it really be that hard. no. your average person doesnt have access to the equipment to view other worlds.they know what they know from highschool textbooks and corporate media. even college educated same deal.would be very easy to simply show photos you wanted to show and bury the "controversial" ones. i dunno. i do personally believe that the phoenix lights were not alien tech but human spy blimp technology. from the videos i saw it didnt behave in a way that screamed alien tech. plus who is to say that the aliens are extraterrestrial. i thinks us humans are more advanced than the public could even imagine. alot of the good stuff gets horded and kept secret.

your totaly on it there mate, i would like to expand on some of what you said because alot of it is right there and your very close to realisation.

they teach a small portion in schools and because we have created an image of ourselfs to be so much more superior to others because of the system we have inplace compared to other uneducated countries, people will think "no im learning the cutting edge here, people in africa cant even hear about this!"
Therefor in the conciousness of people who think they have been educated on the situations, they will disbeleave anything else that goes against what they have been told.

Why are they holding this infomation back? there is obviously a primary goal of those in the entirey of knowingness on the subject of I.F.O's.
When I was over in Eastern Europe I saw 1 bright light flying in unexplainable patterns throughout the sky for about 15 minutes. I think there has to be some intelligent life out there somewhere...
I remember way back when I was bout 13 or 14.. We were outside about 10 pm jumping on the trampoline, me, my sister, and couple of my friends. We were laying on our backs on the trampoline, just watching the sky, when this light came flying over the tree line, and stopped in the center of our sky view. IT was really high up but looked like it stopped above our house. We watching it amazed for what seemed like 2 mins, then it just took off again out of site. This thing was moving faster than any jet or plane could possibly go. i will never forget this night. This was when I was a young boy, and before I ever had used drugs or drank, so my mind was absolutely clear. Not to mention it was spotted by 3 others. I remember yelling to for someone to "get the videocamera!", "get the video Camera!".. But by the time we had a chance to move, it jetted again.

Crazy.. There is no doubt in my mind that there are extraterrestrial beings among us, and there have been for years. I believe th e government has a good understanding of these beings, and they chose to keep their secrets from us. No doubt.

I was looking out the window of an airplane at the clouds as a little kid, and noticed what I thought of as basically a blank white basketball, but I'm sure it was bigger than that.

I stared at it for a minute or so until we went by it, and always thought it was the strangest thing, but never thought ufo until seeing similar things in videos this past few years...


New member


i saw at least 4 ufos these summer while at my cabin around 1:00 one night. it was crazy they were all differently shaped, and a traingle one went right over my cabin when me and my mom were out and we both saw, and heard it. plus 2 days after that i was out by myself around 12 on the boat house, and heard a loud "hovering" type noise, and a red flashing orb came down from the sky, and started going around the edge of the lake ! it was nuts. tell me what you think of my photos.


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I thought I had been abducted by aliens once and gotten the infamous "alien butt probe". Then I realized I had passed out drunk and my buddies had played a practical joke while I was unconscious.


Active member
lol ^^


I saw an energy ball hovering just above me, not too high, like 8 meters
above my head

it was intense.. I was alone, just walking by,

it went up and down, then it disappeared, didn't talk too much about it ever.

I feel lucky to have seen that

when you see things like those, you know that there is a lot more to life then what you might think


New member
I dont know if it's related with aliens, but years ago one morning I walked in the bathroom and saw a confused bird which crashed in the wall next to me as I quickly close the door, cuz I was wtf.. and told my dad and when he came in no bird was there... windows closed. I was looking such an idiot, but it was real :mad:

the bird was sparrow
What you saw was more than likely a satellite or blimp.

As to the other links, pictures, and stories;

Weather balloons, fighter jets, and ball lightning OH MY!

It is truly amazing how easily people can ascribe supernatural explanations to natural objects. USA gov relies on this fact to keep their black projects still black.
You forgot/left out swamp gas.

Yes satellites zooming through the night sky can be confused or misinterpreted as something else, but saying that every single thing someone sees is explainable and that you've got it narrowed down is just retarded.



now thats weird...

"On 16 July 1969, a United States law was passed called the "Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law" that made it illegal for the public to come in contact with extra-terrestrials or their vehicles. (Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations). Anyone found guilty of such contact could face up to one year imprisonment as well as a fine of $5000. Also, any individual who had been "exposed" could be quarantined under armed guard by the NASA administrator without a hearing. "


This thread is like an invitation to reach into the shitcan of ones imaginations to compose gutwrenching story.

But of course ntohing like that here, I really respect the effort to gather any experiences the forum members here have had. I got my lawn chair out. :D

Many many years ago I lived in Cape Canaveral, thats right by the Kennedy Space Center where they launched the shuttle. Ther were also announced rocket launches where people would always gather to watch the launch. I did a lot of fishing also at night, and every now and them there would be a launch without anyone knowing. It was usually far out on the complex which is huge and extends onto an exclusive peninsula miles out into the ocean. Usually they were small, and you couldnt hear them, but clearly see it rise through the clouds. Then dissapear into the Stratosphere a few minutes later. But on 2 occaisions I remember full scale launches that shook our windows at night. There was no news coverage and nothing in the newspaper. Noone even talks about it, because the locals are so used to having rockets go up they usually dont even get out of bed to see it, or they watch the launch on TV because its so hot out :D

I have also seen bright lights over the ocean but too high to be a search copter. Fly for a few mins then turn completely off. For me its hard to be a skeptic when I see nasa footage of outer space where there is shit literally buzzing around up there.

Speaking of that. Im very positive that if we can see these weird objects on their films, Nasa has already sent a good camera in all spectrums up there to take detail closeups and the works. They know exactly what these things are, or must have a decent clue, but their explanations dont cut it and are flawed.