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Ideal humidity for wet trimmed drying environment


I will be pulling my first harvest down in a couple of days. I have a small tent set up with two humidifiers in the bottom controlled by a sentinel and a fan to exchange air. I'm going to do the final trim as I harvest.

What humidity setting would you plug in for a 10-15 day dry? :thank you:


My best guess is 50% humidity per dansbuds' comment in the wet vs dry trimming thread, though I might go with 55% or 60%.


Active member
The humidty you kept in the last three weeks of flower. Dense buds are still at risk of mold.


Active member
For your first effort at drying, I would shoot for 50%, good airflow, and a fan in there, not blowing on the buds, but keeping the air moving.
You can achieve excellent results with 4-5 days of hanging, and a proper jar cure.
Wait for the outside of the buds to get "Crispy". You are getting close. Check the stems for brittleness, when they "Crack", as you bend them to 90 degrees, you are good to cut them up into smaller nugs, and put them in jars.
You MUST open the jars for about 1/2 hour per day, for the first couple days, and then "Burp" for a week. If the buds revert to a no-snap condition, it's acceptable to remove them from the jars, and put them in a paper bag for a few hours, or lay them on a screen. You don't want too much, or too little humidity in the jars, but just the right amount.
Keep in mind, the difference between just right, and too dry, can be as little as 12 hours, sometimes. Keep an eye on them!
There are a million ways to do this, and it's pretty tough to explain the "Feel" of it, in a forum post.
I am about to try my hand at a longer dry/cure, but I've been at it for a few years. You might run into trouble, trying it right out of the gate.
I have never had mold problems while drying/curing this way, only while the plants were still growing.
Hope this helps. One man's opinion, as usual.

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