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if some1 . a glass blower.. could put something in the top of the glass.. that would make it like a damper.. allow butane in. but allow the can to be removed without losing pressure.. or maybe a lil tube that has this feature on it.. that u can screw in too a piece that u put the glass around?

iuno how it could be done.. but. for the BHO tubes for non closed systems.. it would be nice to be able to keep more pressure in the tube.. instead of a finger over the hole..

anyone have an idea.. or a product already available. if not..

some1 please make my life easier and make them.. I know a ton of people running glass tubes.. that would love a way to keep pressure.
If anyone is in the process of further developing an open blasting system, please, shoot yourself in the foot.

Sorry to go against your cause BredForMeds, but the real push should be towards making closed loop systems affordable for most.
I agree highstaketoke, I've looked at closed systems and they are ridiculous. Using butane as a solvent like that is nothing new chemists have been doing it for a while, it should be more readily accessible, at least not 1k.... My stuff is just as good.
But I agree I once cracks my tube at the top and they need to fit it cause glass is just going to break (my Pyrex one hasn't yet) and I actually did something like this i use a one way valve off an IV bag I had from a expired kit (no longer suitable but never used) and I could jam a can in and when I removed it the rubber would seal.