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ICU - Autoflowering Medicine



Piel...do you any doctors that might prescribe you SATIVEX.
The medical cannabis spray.

Made in Holland to act on pain without the high.
I know some Hospitals in the UK have been using it for MS patients.
All the results are good..but I haven't seen it compared to cannabis-pure relief to know it's comparative effectiveness.


SIR – The sacking of Professor David Nutt as chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (report, Issue 954) is clearly wrong. The science is on his side.

However, there is a deeper political agenda here that exposes the populism of the Labour leadership.

In my opinion, cannabis is very unlikely to cause schizophrenia. After 35 years as a psychiatrist I cannot recall many cases of so-called cannabis-induced schizophrenia where there has not been a family history of schizophrenia.

Professor Robin Murray published one of several family studies that show that cannabis-induced psychosis is, indeed, associated with a positive family history of schizophrenia.

One draws the conclusion that schizophrenia, or its early effects before it becomes clinically diagnosable, is causing the cannabis smoking rather than the other way round.
The deeper malaise is the need for the Labour leadership to portray itself as the great protector of the British people, so that it can win votes. The leadership has convinced itself that, by creating a moral panic about cannabis, Ecstasy and crime, it will be seen as our saviour.

The reality about cannabis is more complex, as Professor Nutt has so carefully explained. The same is true about crime and antisocial behaviour, where Labour pretends that parents are to blame, and need punishment as much as their children.

There you go...that is EXACTLY where MY research has led me.
It is not smoking cannabis that Causes those diseases.
It is the people that have those diseases Undiagnosed..
that are turning TO cannabis for relief.

Self-medicating humans..
every other animal in the world has forms of self-medication..
We are No different.

And if it inherant..how can we be punished for it...?


The rate at which all of this is happening, with the AMA recommending reschedule, and now the British Government being called on the carpet for its lies, is truly staggering. To all out there that need cannabis, now is the time to redouble your efforts. Change is in the air, we are So close now...letters from true medical users will carry even more weight now with our politicians. They might now actually HEAR what we are saying, so please, if you have never written your elected officials with your cannabis experiences, now is the time.


Active member
Allo all, again with the long absence I know. Thought I would share with you all my experience with the homeopathic alternatives for pain management that were recommended to me here namely, tonic water /w quinine and apple cider vinegar /w the mother.

As for tonic water. I have tested it thoroughly, one week every night a glass before bed, one week without, one week on, and one week without again to make sure I could tell a difference. My conclusion: for my situation, which to remind anyone is reactive arthritis due to prior infection, YES IT WORKS. A glass before bed makes walking on my feet MUCH MUCH easier. I could not recommend it more, for how cheap this is, to reduce my morning pain by half or more is stellar. I never would have thought of it, but I have stocked up and don't plan to let up.

As for apple cider vinegar. I did the same test only, when I was off the tonic, I was on the vinegar, and vice versa. My conclusion: YES IT WORKS, but.... not nearly as well as the tonic water. HOWEVER. While it may not be as suitable for pain management, it does have, perhaps an even MORE useful function. You see as I continued to take the apple cider vinegar, the pain in my heel gradually began to migrate up the foot... to where it now resides almost totally on the top of my foot, and not the heel/ankle. Now, if I were to guess at a 'cure' to my condition, it would be that the remnants of the infection NEED to migrate from my joints towards either my urethra or rectum in order to be evacuated completely. Being that I do not walk on the TOP of my foot, the pain is MUCH more manageable, even if still horrendous (have to lace my shoes pretty loose these days). So, in conclusion, there appears to be either a singular or synergistic effect /w tonic water that allows apple cider vinegar to move joint irritants. Unfortunately the movement is SLOW, however, progress IS progress.

Oh yes, and Wobenzym M.... BUNK! DO NOT BUY! DOES NOTHING!

Hope this helps anyone else looking for alternatives. I myself am down from 3 naproxen a day to 1 or none, which to me is a vast improvement.


Thanks for your results Krazy, I will have to try the tonic water. How much do you drink each day? You notice any changes in the pain with different erb? Wondering if a more racy strain might improve circulation and help to clear the crud a little more quickly.

Does anyone know if Mossy is well?

I have a quandry that I was sorting through while on the road today. The medical mj movement, and hence the whole legalization movement, needs to spread our positive results with all of the world. Everyone must know the REAL healing benefits of herb, if we are gonna change minds, and get this done. That said, I am scared shitless to say anything to anyone about what I am doing, for fear of a security breach. Beyond these boards, and letters to politicians and newspapers, anonymous if you may, how can we spread the word? Society will more easily embrace the concept of legalization, once it sees just how many of us there are, and what this herb has helped. My results when I have free access to lots of good bud, and an array of strains for particular, focused effects, are quite remarkable. Wait and see what happens over the next year. I fully intend to cure myself with cannabis, and that should be well known. But I dont want some f'n cop kickin in my door because of it.


Active member
Hey chyna, sorry i never got back to this thread my life has been hectic. The best thing about the new year is that my joint pain is down about 90%. I have been taking 24 ounces of tonic water a day, 8 in the morning, 16 at night. One of the glasses at night has apple cider vinegar mixed in. Since I began using the apple cider about 3 months ago I've only used half a quart, so, just a dash in one tonic water dose a day. The difference is night and day. I thought I was going to be severely crippled for a long period of time and barely able to walk, now I hardly ever think about my joint pain. I do notice slightly different pain management with different types of herb, but the difference is minimal at best. Then again, most of what I smoke has been heavy on the indica side.

So, this combo is pretty powerful. The quinine loosens everything up, the apple cider moves it out. Too freaking cool.
I can't thank the people who suggested apple cider vinegar and tonic water to me enough. I would still be on WAY too much naproxen a day and miserable if it weren't for these simple remedies.


Active member
Mossy: I know that Sativex is being prescribed but not by many docs yet. The MD´s in the world need a lot of education in how/when to use MJ and it´s derivatives. There is also a major hassle with paperwork before patients can get it and the price is quite high, I think it´ll come to several hundred €´s a month used daily. I heard of a lady with MS who received Sativex and it relieved her pain bigtime. Any doc can prescribe the medication but I´d rely mainly on specialists in pain management.


So, I thought I would post my latest experiences, cause things are getting very interesting to say the least.

For the last 7 years I have been functioning almost normally, but this was only possible through high doses of antibiotics to keep the infection at bay, and major amounts of oxycontin and oxycodone in order to be able to move and walk...the easy way of managing chronic illness, just take a pill, you know? I knew this strategy had to come to an end at some point, but limited alternatives made me run it until recently. Over the past 4 months I have lost over 30 pounds, from a body that was already lean and athletic. My liver enzymes are all severely elevated, cortisol levels through the roof, etc, etc. My prescription for health was doing me in.

I cannot completely eliminate the antibiotics, or I will end up with permanent brain and cns damage, so they will be used more sensibly, in pulses with lots of breaks. I have gone in one week from 160 -200 mg of Oxycontin, which made me somewhat comfortable and able to move but not pain free, to 75 mg of oxycodone yesterday, and today I am shooting for around 60. Already I notice a difference in the level of discomfort in my liver when palpated, energy levels are increasing, and I have gained 2 pounds. I don't know if I can eliminate opioids entirely, but with plenty of bud, I think I can keep them at a level that does not cause such GI and liver issues.

I am currently eating the auto AK47 x NYCD buds, mixed with coconut oil and simmered in a crock pot on low for 2 hours. Pain relief is excellent after eating about a teaspoon, and lasts for about 1.5-2 hours. With this alone I can lower pain levels from 7-8 out of 10 down to about a 3...and if you add 10 mg of oxycodone, pain levels can go to near 0!!! I had similar results with Bluestreak as well, and also made a Green dragon tincture from one of the girls that was excellent as well. Good pain management can come from having both the oil and tincture: Oil or cannabutter takes longer to take effect, but lasts longer. tincture gives immediate relief, but lasts only about 1/2 hour. Having enough bud to produce unlimited supplies of both is the last obstacle I face. Smoking the bluestreak and aak helps with pain a bit, but at times makes it worse, so eating it is mandatory. I found that one bluestreak girl would last about a 6 days to a week, with similar findings with the ak's. The sati lean of the ak's gives more of an energy boost than the bluestreak, but the bluestreak was better for pain, so I am gonna continue to grow more variety, so that satis are available during the day, and stronger indicas are available for evenings, and they can be mixed as well to better hone the effect. The Sour 60 looks like it will fit perfectly into the routine, and hopefully the increased potency will allow the buds to go a little further. My current goal is to harvest perpetually at least 1.5 oz per week, and I think I have the setup about right...but could use a couple more LED panels. The beginning of Outdoor season will be a real godsend, and will allow me to stockpile more meds for additional topical pain relievers and other strategies I want to try, but dont have the bud for. The (aAK x NYCD) x Bluestreak beans I just made might be a perfect outdoor medical bud that I can harvest LOTS of, and we shall see how the tall pheno of S60 does outside too....very interested in how Esbe's danish passion will do in the medical effects department,

Although I live in a non legal state, I have a great Lyme Doc that is very hip to what I am doing, and is working with me to document exactly what is happening to me, and all of the improvements or setbacks I encounter with labs and physical findings...I hope to take this case to elected officials as documentation that canna saves lives, and convince them that continued restriction of the free access of unlimited quality bud to sick people is costing them their lives.

Autoflowers ARE good medicine despite the bullshit you hear....indeed they may just be the best medicine, thanks to that ditchweed heritage...I just gotta quit f'n around with making seeds, and focus on making more buds....and I think I got it. My only criticism of autos come really from the stoner in me, not the patient...there are times when I enjoy that trip into outer space that you just cannot seem to get with autos, so I am growing the long season girls to feed my head. I think there is a lot of CBD in autos, and it blocks the THC binding, and keeps you from getting that true rocket, outer space high that I like to take at times....trade offs really, cause the CBD makes them so effective at controlling pain and inflamation.


Flying Goat: I am curious of your 'relapse' into chronic fatigue....are you aware that many smoldering Lyme infections have been misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia???? Remission of symptoms and subsequent relapse indicates to me an infectious agent...classic Lyme symptoms you have there...Have you been thoroughly examined by a LYME LITERATE PHYSICIAN?

Flying Goat

Yes, Chyna - it was ruled out, thank God. I should have given a bit more background, but was worried about boring people.

After I was diagnosed (already disabled at this point), I decided the best thing I could do was reduce stress. I was going thru a bad divorce, had a son with teenage angst, etc.

On the net, I had discovered that fresh, unpasteurized goats' milk has a short-chain fatty acid which retards the progression of FM. A lite went on in my head. In short, I chucked the hubby, moved to a farm in East Texas & bought some meat & dairy goats.

The daily routine of caring for the goats & milking the adorable critters was enough to get me out of bed & active. The milking was good for loosening spasticity in my hands. Getting back to nature as possible, these lifestyle changes, over a year, enabled me to get my health back. (That's not all I did - I also cut out refined sugar entirely, cut out NutraSweet, reduced starches in my diet, and completely eliminated processed foods.)

I began life as a goatlady, milking & making cheese & ice cream, & began to see people come to me for milk for their ulcers, etc. Each day, I would eat at least 1/4 lb. of goat cheese. I also got back in touch with my Native American roots & began playing the flute & meditating outdoors every day.

My remission lasted nearly 4 years, but in 2005 I got fed up with my inbred redneck neighbors & sold the farm & stock & went to Australia with my son, to show him other cultures. We traveled the country & visited Laos, Thailand & SE Asia... We stayed in Thailand for about a year, living with friends of mine who have a goat farm near the Cambodian border. I was strong enough to go out in the jungle & cut fodder for his goats every day, as well as butcher goats or cook when needed. If I overexerted myself, I had only get a ride into Soeng Sang village, where I could buy Soma (carisoprodol) & Valium for 5 cents a pill.

Returning to Oz later, I discovered to my horror that their pharmacopia has no non-addicting muscle relaxants... & I didn't want to rely on Valium except for occasional sleep.

After spending a chilly winter in Tasmania, a hot one in Indonesia, then another chilly winter in Perth, I could tell my immune system & resistance were down, so I began preparing to come home. Ultimately, it became a question of whether I was too sick to fly the 30+ hours home OR was I too sick NOT to fly.

I've been home for 2 years now & can tell you that I have not been able to obtain medical herb of anywhere NEAR the quality found in Oz. Altho I am feeling better than I was, any major stress can trigger an inflammatory attack.

My present complaint is rib cage pain on the right side. The whole family caught a dose of bronchitis on New Years' & the violent coughing strained the intercostal joints of the 4 ribs I broke back in '83. These are not attached to the spine or sternum after that car wreck. Now, I'm fighting to tuck my right leg into my arm pit before I cough in order to support the ribs & dampen the stabbing pain.

But, the thing with FM is - you don't die FROM it, you hafta learn to live WITH it. At least the symptoms move around & change, depending on the inflammation.

One thing I have noticed is that when I do consume lite beer or refined sugar, I can expect to have an increase in muscle pain within the next 2 days. I have a theory that it is the constriction of the blood vessels by spastic muscles, locking the lactic acid in place rather than letting it flush out.

What are your ideas on this?

So glad to have "met" you online.


Flying Goat

I might also say that, again, I have found a country place to destress & am now breeding & milking goats again, as well as keeping chickens. (Grass-fed eggs have 4x the betacarotene & less than 1/2 the cholesterol of store-bought eggs.)

I can feel my health returning, until I caught the bronchitis, I had not had even a cold since 2007.

All in all, it's just a matter of "this too shall pass" & getting up & soldiering on.

Now that my son is raised, I'm dedicating the next phase of my life to producing herbal remedies for specific complaints. Luckily, I have a jump start on that, as my grandmother trained me as an herbalist (she grew her MJ in the back yard in Amarillo, Texas, along with her poppies). I also had an aromatherapy shop for a bit.

One recipe I do have for a topical rub for muscle pain is similar to Green Dragon, except instead of 151 rum I use isopropyl alcohol. In addition, I add essential oil of peppermint, chamomile, lavender, myrrh, and some ground red pepper flakes from the garden (and a bunch more stuff I won't go into here). Add in about 1 cup frosty trim to the 1-gallon jar. Final ingredient is about 2 oz. of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) which is an excellent solvent & carrier.

My gran invented the original recipe (hers uses over 400 herbs). When I had the aromatherapy salon, I used to get $25 per 1-oz bottle for this stuff & I had people coming for trigger point therapy, etc.

If you'd like the entire recipe, I'll be glad to send it to you. Contact me at my private Email - flyinggoat628 at the yahoo place.

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