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ICU - Autoflowering Medicine



I wanted to get this going to help those that are looking for answers in their fight with Chronic illness. The medicinal qualities of the autoflowering plants is nearly impossible to track down, and the patient in need is left to hope and guess that a particular strain will help with their illness. This in spite of the fact that the autos represent the most promising route for those in need! I would like to start this thread as a public service to all of us in need, and hope that it serves as a place for all auto fanciers to post their medical results with af's, as well as their strategies with cannabis in general. It is my opinion that all cannabis usage is medical.

My need for cannabis medicine stems from Chronic Tick Borne Illness that began in September of 2000. I was diagnosed with multiple tick born pathogens, including Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, Erlichia, and Mycoplama. One dirty ass tick decided to feed upon me, and my life has never been the same. My pride, and cavallier atitude kept me from seeing a doctor in the early phases of my illness. Big Mistake. All I succeded in doing was allowing the little beasties to gain such a deep foothold in my body and brain, that no matter how many antibiotics I take, or what form they come in, the infection is permanent (or at least the devastating results of it). The journey has been long, and I have nearly lost my career and life on many occasions, but have developed a strategy to manage my illness, and am gettin it done one day at a time, with great assistance from our favorite plant.

From the moment I open my eyes in the morning, to the moment i fall in to my drug induced form of unconciousness at night, I have severe, unreleting pain in my hips, knees and low back. Most days the untreated pain registers an 8 on the scale to 10. With 160 mg oxycontin, and about another 50 mg of oxycodone, I can reduce the pain to about a 6. However, add in a good indica bud with the narcs, and I can get the pain down to a 3-4, and cut the narcs by about 1/3. My means of administration is I keep a dropper vial of green dragon tincture with me at all times, and administer about 1 ML under my tongue every hour. I also keep a full dugout with me at all times, and when it gets real bad I toke as needed. I have always had the best results with DJ Shorts Blueberry, but have also had great results with Sensi Star, BOG's Sour Bubble and lifesaver as well as deep chunk, to name a few. My selection of Bluestreak for my first auto grow was based on my great success with Blueberry, and it is my hope that Bluestreak will be similar. I focus on growing indicas almost exclusively for 2 reasons. First, I go through a LOT of bud making tincture, about a zip a week for the tincture alone, hence I had to dedicate all of my limited growspace to pain relief. Second, I also cannot sleep due to the little beasties messin with the workings of my brain (they screw with serotonin levels) and indicas always help me sleep. I have great hope for the autos, and a lot of confidence in them. Mossy's work is nothing short of stellar, and I feel blessed to have found him and his group of medicinal little girls, which I will be adding into my mix shortly. I also hope that the auto hazes become a reality, cause I love the antidepressant qualities of haze, but dont grow it because of space.

This thread can develop into a tool that can help so many, if all join in to share their results. I look forward to hearing how others use cannabis to treat their ills, and especially learning more about these wonderful little plants.


I have had great luck with Snowryder from ***** seeds. My wife has cronic pain all over her body and this strain has been best for her so far. I too make about 90% of the plant into dragon for her. She uses it as needed and it works better than the drugs she gets from the RX. I like it because it does not knock her out like the scripts do. I don't care for it much, but it's a godsend for her so I will grow as needed.


Active member
I have chronic pain from my neck downwards -lots of reasons but mainly osteoarthritis and neuropathy. I´ve tried AK47xLR2, Dieselryder, Typhoon (early bloomer) and a few experimental strains from a friend. All strains seem to work but so far the best results have been with DR and the AK47xLR2. Smoke, vaporize and tincture are all used.

My first batch of tincture is running out, for that I used bud and trim with Everclear and it works a bit but the effect is moderate. Should the bud be heated when making tincture? Some say that it´s needed to activate the THC...


My first batch of tincture is running out, for that I used bud and trim with Everclear and it works a bit but the effect is moderate. Should the bud be heated when making tincture? Some say that it´s needed to activate the THC...

Thanks for your input, Piel. When I make tincture, I always put the bud in the oven at 275 (confirm w/ a thermometer!!) for 20 mins to make sure that the THC has decarboxylated. Tincture works by far the best for my pain control. Sometimes I need to use A LOT, but that is why I grow. I also save MY BEST STUFF for the tincture. It is painful sometimes to throw good dankage into the coffee grinder, but hey. Tha results are consistant, and as good as or better than any narc Ive ever taken! The numbing warmth that radiates outwards from under my tongue when I dose is truly a gift from God. I find at times with my pain that smoking will make it worse....but never has tincture failed to at least suppress the pain.

Great input so far, and I have many questions, but sadly it is time for work.:joint:


Active member
I´ll try heating the next batch, thanks for the input. I wish I could get the painkilling effect without getting high -nothing wrong about a buzz but I cannot use weed at work as I´d probably kill myself on the road! LOL!

But I guess one can´t have it all.

The vaporizer is also a good way to kill pain but the effect is a bit more cerebral with some strains -seems to bring out the sativa in hybrids.


I´ll try heating the next batch, thanks for the input. I wish I could get the painkilling effect without getting high -nothing wrong about a buzz but I cannot use weed at work as I´d probably kill myself on the road! LOL!

But I guess one can´t have it all.

The vaporizer is also a good way to kill pain but the effect is a bit more cerebral with some strains -seems to bring out the sativa in hybrids.

Hey Piel, saw your post and had to pull over and give you an answer m8. My tincture is ALL BODY, with very little head effects. What I am using now is good hillbilly outdoor indica bud, and it is working pretty good. My standard recipe from the past using Blueberry was similar in the lack of any head effects, but the pain supression can at times reach nearly 100%!!!! Hey, I run a business, and father 4 kids, and can get er done better completely pumped full of tincture than I can full of narcs. YMMV. Good luck m8, and try heating those herbs. I put em in a covered baking dish after shredding the buds with my fingers. After 20 in the oven, immediately dump into coffee grinder, pulse a few times, and then put in a jar with everclear or strong vodka or rum. Keep in a dark spot, and pour off daily needs into brown glass dropper bottle. I keep the tincture jar going for months, and continue to add fresh bud and alcohol to it, since I have never been able to get far enough ahead of it to have a batch sit for as long as they say to. However, when using bud with lots of trics and resin, the tincture is generally effective almost immediately after pouring the alcohol over the bud dust. Good luck man.


I have had great luck with Snowryder from ***** seeds. My wife has cronic pain all over her body and this strain has been best for her so far. I too make about 90% of the plant into dragon for her. She uses it as needed and it works better than the drugs she gets from the RX. I like it because it does not knock her out like the scripts do. I don't care for it much, but it's a godsend for her so I will grow as needed.

Has your wife ever tried any of the 12/12 strains for her condition? I would suspect she may have, and they have not helped so much? What has drawn me to the autos is the high levels of CBD in ruderalis. I am curious as to the levels of CBD in these more elite strains, and suspect that they are quite high. Even if they were low for the levels listed for straight ruderalis, they would still be double the levels in most 12/12 strains. I have seen a lot of med people having great success with the af's, and wonder if it is due to the anti-inflamitory properties of CBD? I would like to try the white dwarf that closet grower has that does not get him too high. There has to be something in the trics on that plant, and if it is not THC, its probably CBD, and this can be a good thing for certain med patients. Does this make any sense, or am I just really high?


Active member
I'd like to know more about making tincture... it seems like a great way to go as far as condensing large amounts of weed which could get you in trouble into a small amount of liquid which wouldn't be nearly as bad if found, if they even knew what it was. Is there a 'preferred' alcohol or will any hard liqour suffice? What is the recommended time to let it sit before using (even knowing it seems to be effective almost immediately). What alcohol have you found tastes best after making the tincture? I assume at least some of the weed taste must be imparted to it.

you're probably right on the money about the CBD levels in autos, and why someone who is used to a 12/12 strain might think autos are ditch-weed, when in fact they have a THC profile perfect for pain/etc.
I would like to try the white dwarf that closet grower has that does not get him too high. There has to be something in the trics on that plant, and if it is not THC, its probably CBD, and this can be a good thing for certain med patients. Does this make any sense, or am I just really high?

I found the high of the White Dwarf made time pass by fast and work was fun, so it would be great for a mellow start up.... i've been thinking about what you said earlier in my thread and there must be truth to it, I wanna learn more :)

what does CBD do when smoked? and why is it helpful?


I'd like to know more about making tincture... it seems like a great way to go as far as condensing large amounts of weed which could get you in trouble into a small amount of liquid which wouldn't be nearly as bad if found, if they even knew what it was. Is there a 'preferred' alcohol or will any hard liqour suffice? What is the recommended time to let it sit before using (even knowing it seems to be effective almost immediately). What alcohol have you found tastes best after making the tincture? I assume at least some of the weed taste must be imparted to it.
I have read a nummber of different recipes for making tincture, and all are pretty similar. I sort of made up my way of doin it, and it has worked very well for me. The alcohol you use should be the highest proof you can purchase, either everclear grain alcohol or 151 rum. Not sure on how long it takes to ultimately strip out all of the THC from the bud material, so I just leave it all to build up in a big jar. Add fresh bud and alcohol to it when I need a refill, and decant off the tincture that I need in a couple days. Strain it as you pour it off. I empty the jar, 1 QT. about every 6 months, and wrap the bud in cheese cloth and press out as much tincture as you can, then chuck it. I suppose you could smoke it, but never have. I put the tincture under my tongue because I want rapid uptake. If you got good stuff, it doesnt burn because it immediately numbs your tongue. Then a warm numbing feeling radiates down your chest, eventually covering the whole body. The whole while, the head effects are VERY minimal, just a pleasant happyness. If you were using to get high, tincture is not the way to go, at least in my experience. I suppose you could use brandy or some flavored strong alcohol, but it would get overpowered by the bud taste. Its really overwhelming bud taste, ya know what I mean? I love the tincture because I can use, an use heavily all day long, and my eyes arent glowing red, I am not stupid, I dont smell like smoke, and I can pretty much function normally, but in significantly reduced pain. I sit at my desk in my office with the bottle right on the desk beside me, and no one knows the difference. Have used breath spray type dispensers that are really great, but they always eventually break. I could use a new one...Try it out man, I Highly recommend it.


I make mine with heat. I bake the weed then put it into the everclear in a double boiler and cook it at 170f until reduced about half. takes about an hour to make a batch and it's good right away. Tried it with some 12/12 and it had a much greater head effect and not as much body pain control. I like the autos and will stick with them. I don't see why anyone would grow anything else these days, You only need half the equipment and room to keep you in meds.


Active member
Why am I hearing so much about heat? Seems to me you'd want to diminish heat as much as possible to avoid vaporizing any of the thc... maybe i'm just high but I don't like the idea of baking or boiling weed whatsoever.


Why am I hearing so much about heat? Seems to me you'd want to diminish heat as much as possible to avoid vaporizing any of the thc... maybe i'm just high but I don't like the idea of baking or boiling weed whatsoever.

From what I understand, the THC in raw bud is in the form of THCA, which is slowly decarboxylated as the bud dries and cures. But, even with cured bud, a significant amount of the THC is still in the inactive THCA form. The application of heat decarboxylates the THCA to transform it into the form we want, THC. When you smoke of vape, this reaction occurs as the pot is Heated. As long as you do not heat the bud above the boiling point of the cannabinoides you are trying to extract, they will remain in the bud, and will be in the active form.


Active member
CR: Thanks for the feedback, tincture looks to be just what I need´but next time around I´ll try your recipe... How does your tuíncture efect sleep? I usually toke a last time before going to bed as then I can sleep all night. The tincture I have now only has effect for about 4-5h.


ChynaRyder..well done my M8...:yes:
This is the thread for people that NeedWeed.

Lots of info has been pulled together on the medicinal properties of long season girls..but adding the LR into it brings a new set of genetics into the pool and it needs investigating/catagorised.

It is My opinion that the first strides we will make into getting cannabis Legalised is to get the medical value recognised first.
Once people accept that it has True Medical benefits..
they will stop being afraid of it...and we will be able to share the true value of this Incredible Herb.

ATM..it is a dream..but we have taken the first steps...lets convince the world by helping ourselves get well...and documenting it thoroughly so others can follow :woohoo::woohoo:


ChynaRyder..well done my M8...:yes:
This is the thread for people that NeedWeed.

Lots of info has been pulled together on the medicinal properties of long season girls..but adding the LR into it brings a new set of genetics into the pool and it needs investigating/catagorised.

It is My opinion that the first strides we will make into getting cannabis Legalised is to get the medical value recognised first.
Once people accept that it has True Medical benefits..
they will stop being afraid of it...and we will be able to share the true value of this Incredible Herb.

ATM..it is a dream..but we have taken the first steps...lets convince the world by helping ourselves get well...and documenting it thoroughly so others can follow :woohoo::woohoo:

Well said, Mossy, well said. My activism level has increased dramatically as of late, because I can feel the momentum all around me. I had my parents Bring me bud from Oregon for gosh sakes. We All need to work our politicians with our REAL stories of success with ganja. Prop them up along side all of the REAL problems with Big Pharma's approach to things, and it shant be long.
I am glad you are here my friend, as I have a number of questions of you about the JEM line. Let me know when you have time.


ChynaRyder..I am hoping to get a few hours in Friday..bang any questions in and I will try to answer for you. I should catch up on mails too..pray for connectivity. :rolleyes:

My activism level has increased dramatically as of late, because I can feel the momentum all around me.
I think we all can m8..I can feel it in me Water...:smoke:
Our Friends esbe and Paddi from outdoor are activists and they say that 4 countries within the european union are close to legalising for medical use.
And I have to say Cally may just lead the way for other states within the US.
Unfortunately it will be through tax revenues..and it galls me to pay tax on medicine..
BUT IF it would enable me to grow legally and pay tax on it..I would still give my thanks. :bow:

Prescription medicine could not help me..
I could get lidocaine..morphine and ketamine injected direct into my system at the pain med clinic..LEGALLY..
(but it doesn't take the pain away..)
cannabis does..but they tell me a joint is illegal..

I did everything my doctor said and the prescribed gear made me worse...or the pain simply caught up with and overtook it.

The doctors Couldn't take away my pain..so I reserved the right to treat myself by whatever means possible.

THAT has GOT to be a basic Human Right..?
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In my wife's case she cannot work due to her many conditions. She has the crippling kind of arthritis, Bi Polar, and a few other things thrown in for fun. We have been going to the doctors to treat her for years and the out of pocket cost for her meds last year was over $6k dollars. Since I started treating her with this herb, her mood swings have become almost nil and since she is able to control the pain herself with green dragon then she is happier than I have seen her in years. My parents were here in May before I began to give her herb and she was in bad shape. We saw then again in July after she had been on the program for a month and they were shocked at the recovery she had made. My mom said she looked and acted like she did when we got married long long ago. That's proof enough for me.