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ICMAGS Minifridge Clubhouse


There are many operable fridge grows out there. My ambient temp and internal temps stay constant, internal never going past 77 deg so there is no need for me. cheers.


Siema ;-).

So, let me be active on this thread.
Got an old fridg& i`ll be lookin` for some clues with space, temp and so on.

80cmx43cmx23cm( will be 40 cm after demoliton inside)

100 or 150HPS i`m planning , clones &Scrog




Getting ready to remodify mine as a sex cab or maybe a drying cab. I swear drying weed is a HUNDRED times stinkier than growing weed! If I used it as a sex cab, to pollinate females, would I need to worry about the pollen when I hang plants to dry in there?? I wouldnt think so but have never done it.

I still think it would be hard to do better than the 4.65oz I pulled off my 8 Diesel Ryder females last time. Maybe if I have 9 or 12 females, but everything was about maxed out on that run!



Good to see you back KB! Those 4 oz + are unreal. With your deisels, how much stretch did you get after flipping and how strong were your nutes? Im running some d's this time mixed in with some cherry AK in my 250w box. Peace bro.


New member
I've began construction on my mini-fridge grow box, and i have some questions, but first let me give you some info on the fridge im going to be using.It's dimensions are 17" wide x 18" deep x 31" tall, that is 5.49 cubic ft. I torn between using a 100w hps or 150 watts of cfls. Any input or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Sorry no pics I'll try to get some up soon.... Oh yea plan on doin some headband kush and some good ol' grand daddy purps yeeee!!!


New member
After lurking for many months, I am itching to get a stealth mini-fridge up and running. Having just read this thread again, I still have a few questions before I invest time and money in this project. I haven't picked out a fridge yet.

I have neither the patience nor the means to gut the insulation.
I want to get a small mini-fridge, stick in a 70watt HPS and a couple CFLs too for a perpetual SOG for personal stash. I have another tiny box I could use for a few moms.

But am I going to be able to make holes without gutting insulation?
For ventilation, I was wondering if I will be able to drill (with a holesaw) a hole in the top, and 2 holes in the very bottom, and sit the minifridge on a couple pieces of wood or something. Someone suggested putting a hole in the door, but this would ruin the stealth aspect. (this would go in the corner of a closet with the door of the closet always open, but I still need stealth). Would I be able to house the electronics and the carbon scrubber in a rubbermaid on top of the mini-fridge?

I really would appreciate any advice, as I don't have a mind for hands-on projects and would very much like to avoid any dumb or costly mistakes.

Also, if I need to put the electronics on the back like others have done, can I put holes in the back without gutting the insulation? These may sound like dumb questions, but I am really confused!


Good to see you back KB! Those 4 oz + are unreal. With your deisels, how much stretch did you get after flipping and how strong were your nutes? Im running some d's this time mixed in with some cherry AK in my 250w box. Peace bro.

Hey bro sorry I missed your question!!
I only got bad stretch on one plant, and Im sure it was due to its phenotype. The rest grew great, all stretching the same and not very fast. Total avg height was about 13" tall, with the tallest being 20". Nutes were cheap walmart nutes, recommended dose of fish emulsion from week 2-4, then half dose of schultz 10-15-10 from weeks 4-6, full dose from 6-7 and water only from 7 on.

After lurking for many months, I am itching to get a stealth mini-fridge up and running. Having just read this thread again, I still have a few questions before I invest time and money in this project. I haven't picked out a fridge yet.

I have neither the patience nor the means to gut the insulation.
I want to get a small mini-fridge, stick in a 70watt HPS and a couple CFLs too for a perpetual SOG for personal stash. I have another tiny box I could use for a few moms.

But am I going to be able to make holes without gutting insulation?
For ventilation, I was wondering if I will be able to drill (with a holesaw) a hole in the top, and 2 holes in the very bottom, and sit the minifridge on a couple pieces of wood or something. Someone suggested putting a hole in the door, but this would ruin the stealth aspect. (this would go in the corner of a closet with the door of the closet always open, but I still need stealth). Would I be able to house the electronics and the carbon scrubber in a rubbermaid on top of the mini-fridge?

I really would appreciate any advice, as I don't have a mind for hands-on projects and would very much like to avoid any dumb or costly mistakes.

Also, if I need to put the electronics on the back like others have done, can I put holes in the back without gutting the insulation? These may sound like dumb questions, but I am really confused!

No need to gut the fridge, but I would do a 70w HPS alone first and see what temps are like. With the insulation in tact it will stay warmer for sure. A single 150w HPS like i ran would be better than a 70w and CFLs. Remote the ballast for a 150w and it will be cooler than a 70w HPS remote and CFLs because you cant remote the CFL ballast, its part of the bulb and pumps out extra heat.
The rubbermaid should be ok, just watch out for any spots melting. If you can, get a ceramic tile (home restore places or just buy a single tile somewhere) to put the hot things on. nothing is worth risking a fire, which will not only possibly burn your house down but also get you busted!!

If you have any other questions shoot away and Ill give you my best answers! Best of luck in whatever you decide!


Im a grow bar/cab owner, but I would luv to see what I could do in a fridge... You fridge owners did a really good job on the setups I viewed in this club.. Keep it green thumb...
Alright guys, so I built my first cab and I'm feeling a little nervous about it. Feels like I'm doing too big of a grow! It's a 400w 48" x 25" x 28" cabinet extension and I just think I may be getting greedy and jumping in too deep!

Considering inviting a minifridge to the party and kind of phase away from my larger 400w box. I've got like four 23w 2700k cfl, four 65w 6500k cfls, and three 150w CMH setups (the cmh are all integrated ballast/reflector now, but I could easily make them remote ballast setups)

So... I'd be looking for something like this guy from HD which is 4.5 cf. Thinking of trying to either fit my 5" S&P TD-125 in there or getting a TD-100. I'd like to have it pulling through the carbon filter with the fan and everything in the box.

I would either be trying to figure out a way to use my 6" cooltube vertically in there, or use a diy cooltube horizontally. Cooltube will be directly vented out and totally sealed from the inside of the fridge.

So my question to you guys... how much lighting do you think I can cram in there and of what?? I've already got these CMH and they're the ones I'm most interested in using, but I have also done some heavy thinking on 2g11 bulbs.


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Count me in!


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150/250Watt HPS Working Mini Fridge Grow Idea

150/250Watt HPS Working Mini Fridge Grow Idea

Hey Guys!
First of all, I just want to say I love the forum. Hoping to get a little bit of help on this idea of mine. I saw on here, one user made a cab out of a working refrigerator and I want to do essentially the same thing, but with some modifications.


Above is essentially how I would set up my stealth cabinet. Starting with a two-door mini fridge, cut a hole through the divider of the fridge and freezer. Deactivate cooling unit in fridge, but NOT FREEZER. I'd then wire an aquarium thermostat to the freezer, set at 75F, position my 150 or 250 Watt HPS Light over the hole. Inside the frige, set up up SCroG and DWC setup, grow plant to fill screen and FAPOW. Buds.
What do you all think?
Cooling unit in frige keeps entire system around 75F, therefore more light can be used. In the cab, a 150W would provide ~11,000 lumens/sq.ft. A 250 would be around 17k.

Thoughts? Ideas? How can I deactivate the cooling in the fridge, but not the feezer?


New member
Joining the club! I'm a little discouraged because it seems like everyone with a mini fridge abandons it or mods it so much that it loses all stealth...

Just 1-2 questions
Is there anyway to fit a 150 hps inside...with a scrubber fan combo that WONT require a 4 inline fan?

2 if not what is a realisitc number of cfls/watts that i can cool with a scrubber+pc fan combo


Active member
Joining the club! I'm a little discouraged because it seems like everyone with a mini fridge abandons it or mods it so much that it loses all stealth...

Just 1-2 questions
Is there anyway to fit a 150 hps inside...with a scrubber fan combo that WONT require a 4 inline fan?

2 if not what is a realistic number of cfls/watts that i can cool with a scrubber+pc fan combo

Question 1: No.

Question 2: 165 to 220w PL-L. or a remotely ballasted 70w HPS.

P.S: By the time you start screwing around with PC fan combos that actually work under decent static pressure, a S&P TD-100 does not look that much more expensive anymore.


Active member
Joining the club! I'm a little discouraged because it seems like everyone with a mini fridge abandons it or mods it so much that it loses all stealth...

Just 1-2 questions
Is there anyway to fit a 150 hps inside...with a scrubber fan combo that WONT require a 4 inline fan?

2 if not what is a realisitc number of cfls/watts that i can cool with a scrubber+pc fan combo

Maybe......... I have seen people use a 150w HPS in a mini fridge on multiple occasions, however, most if not all were vented with a inline.

But who cares

Digikey has a ton of DC centrifugal blowers

If you are wanting to run 3-5 air space changes per minute in a 3.5cfm mini fridge, even a 150cfm is way overkill! and won't get much better even with a voltage dimmer [fan controller].

Running a small blower may be possible, but it will involve math [Read the Vent 101 in sig] Most small blowers aren't huge cfm movers, but the static pressure is good enough to push thru carbon and vent heat, maybe even from a 150w HPS.

I ran 126w of mixed cfls' in the last fridge grow and I even stacked two PC's fans [80mm's] to get the static pressure enough, didn't happen, temp was way too high with the carbon on.

The blower or an inline duct fan are probably going to be your only examples at this point.

I am prepping my min-fidge for the next run. 10-15w blower @12v's, interior 80mm fan@12v for plant breezing and between 100-150w's of mixed CFL bulbs. 3.5cfm fidge. I will be making my own carbon scrubber.....really easy!

This will probably be the blower.... http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/BG0903-B054-00L-00/P13443-ND/857936

I tend not to use Delta's because of the static pressure [can't seem to find one I like without a bunch of wattage]

Personally I prefer the EPM Pabst blowers, but they are $$$.

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