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ICMAG ...YES One of Our Outlets ...burned to the ground,


Uncle Hughie

Well Guys !

Well Guys !

It seems to be that ...It was a crime!
Fire started in 4 different places i think...but then Fliptop could let you guys know whats Happening..there is a lot of cloak and dagger stuff with this one...
i mean a 1930,s protected building..that has been holdin up a major development in the city of Belfast...suddenly goes up in smoke...
Deliberately....Now as i know and everyone knows ..there was noone who had a reason to torch the place ...noone...
but these guys are suffering bad...as the fact is..that tempoary premises in the imediate are are few and far between..and not of the same rates etc...so these poor guys are getting it from all sides..!

Yes Pet shop destroyed all perished...cats hamsters..fish...squeaky rubber bone...etc..but also peoples livelyhoods..

Maybe flip has an Update..


New member
hmm yeah suppose Ive been a wee bit quiet about all that shite. Really just trying to get on with it. If I stop too long and think about it I just get plain MAD a la Dirty Harry type mad! :mad:

We were not the only place to suffer, we're lucky in many respects in that we still had our old premises. There were 22 other businesses in there, along with a lot of artists and arts organisations. One place lost 250,000 that night. Some of the folk in there are still without premises or real hope of getting going again. Insurance is useless, it'll be months before anyone sees anything from that, and the most important thing is to get back up and going again.

We are up and running again, back at Lawrence Street :rolleyes: but its good craic here, just aint got too much of the passing trade :-/ A bit weird though, sorta feels like all that was a dream with good and bad bits. Many folk didn't know we had moved anyway and were turning up asking for a bottle of this and that. One guy turned up who had heard about the fire, figured we were back here, arrived here to find us sitting in a totally empty shop (not even shelves left here at that point) in heated talks about what we do to get up and running again (this was Monday morning after the fire) only to ask us after hearing all our woes, "so you haven't got any 3 inch cubes then" (in ALL seriousness) the three of us just looked at him. He left. Apologetically I'll give him that :)

As to the fire itself, well I am convinced it was not arson, nothing to do with the development of the Cathedral Quarter whatsoever :rolleyes: I mean it MUST have been an accident to have it start in 4 places at once inside the Arcade :rolleyes: but then again I think it was those bloody Pixies again. The Fuzz (they do have a use sometimes :D ) seem to be well interested, as far as I know theres at least 6 of them working on it. And we had nothing but sympathy from them about the shop, they knew full well what it was about, and thought it was dreadful what had happened (interesting eh?!). I remember the night of the fire getting right up to the entrance of the Arcade which was very much alight at the time and asking the Fire Officer what started it, he just said it spread incredibly fast even for an old building and then looked at me in a way that from that moment on I knew what had happened, it was just the 'how'?

Theres waaaaayyyyy more to it than that, wheels within wheels and all that. But the Police and Fire reports will no doubt settle all our suspicions one way or another, then its all the legal wrangling.

It was done by someone that really knew what they were at, not only in setting the fire, but in what would happen in the aftermath

There will be more I can guarantee that, its just a waiting gme really now, see what happens with the reports



FlipTop said:

One guy turned up who had heard about the fire, figured we were back here, arrived here to find us sitting in a totally empty shop (not even shelves left here at that point) in heated talks about what we do to get up and running again (this was Monday morning after the fire) only to ask us after hearing all our woes, "so you haven't got any 3 inch cubes then" (in ALL seriousness) the three of us just looked at him. He left. Apologetically I'll give him that :)
LOL, shit buzz at the time but at least now you can look back & laugh at it.
Glad to see your back on your feet Flip ;)

Catch yas later!