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Icmag slow on iPad??

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I am not buying into the touch screen pad market for at least two more years. they need to develop more powerful versions before I spend all that money. smart phones are ok though


Active member
The reason it's slow is because of the numerous animated graphics on every single page. It's out of control. Also, too many background images. I wish this was configurable.

iPad on every other website = super fast
iPad on icmag = insanely slow.
Fellow iPad users unite! Naysayers can mind their own. I would take a used iPad over a $400 laptop anyday (and did)

Zeppelin: the touchscreen works great. Like I said earlier I too was skeptical for numerous reasons but this thing has far exceeded my expectations. Apple has the touchscreen thing down.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
stoner4life: sounds like you might be a little bitter you wasted your money on a kindle... I would be...
bitter? are you nuts? I didn't say anything alluding to dissatisfaction.

I love my Kindle & opted for it over the ipad. I only wanted a reading device & got the best one. I can afford the ipad still & I could buy every silly little app they make for the unit but as I spend most every waking minute @ home nearby my computer I know I don't need an ipad. When I go out I mostly leave the digital world behind although I often bring my Kindle along in case I have a prolonged wait somewhere or a breakdown on the road.

My cell phone costs me $11.37 per month.
Kindle costs me whatever I decide to buy.

instead of making unnecessary purchases in my life like an ipad & paying for who knows how many apps every month I can afford to buy diesel for my motor coach and go to baseball games (480 miles round trip) whenever I like.

no swampy, I'm way too satisfied to be bitter. I passed on the ipad as being to much fluff, a jigsaw puzzle with a couple a pieces gone.......

Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem? I love lurkn on here and it's so slow it's not even funny. There could be another thread on this topic but I cant even search, let alone type. fwiw it's an iPad 1, 64 gig.
actually this above sounds bitter.......


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
iPads are for kids and old people (i.e. my Mom wants one). Or people who need a user friendly OS.

Netbooks are cheaper, faster, and more useful. EEE PC FTW. 320 gb, 2gb RAM, Windows 7 Pro, Intel Atom, for 500 bucks = win.


donut engineer
ICMag is a shoddily constructed site and because of this, a memory hog. That's why it performs so poorly on mobile devices.

BTW, I love my iPad and I'm not a mom or an old person. In fact, most of the tech people I know worth their salt love their iPad. It seems only neckbears who are kept in the dark recesses of office buildings talk smack about iPads.
Walt: you can "jailbreak" the iPad/iPhone and get flash media. Idk anything about the nook to be honest but I'll check it out.

Bobby: I used windows for years and I'm over it, I have made the apple transition and I'm not going back if I can help it.

Seeyou: that's exactly what I was looking for, I'll give that a try.

Stoner: just to clarify, when I implied you were bitter it was not in regards to the functionality of your gizmo but because you invested hard earned money into a far inferior gizmo.

A quick observation I made is that you seem particularly conscious of your finances simply based off your comments about gas expenditures, cellular bills and purchasing applications. If my phone bill was only $11.37, I too would be upset for wasting $200 on a substandard product such as the kindle. With regards to the jigsaw of applications and constantly buying new ones, there's over 100,000 free apps, even a kindle one! I would be willing to bet that even you could find a couple you liked.

You also seem well educated judging by your vocabulary and mention of intensive product research. *So for the sake of this discussion I decided to inform myself with the kindle, having admittedly never held one and only knowing its an ebook reader supported by amazon. I quickly discovered comparing the iPad to the kindle is like comparing apples to oranges. The kindle is more similar to an actual book whereas the iPad is more similar to a computer. The kindle has a far superior battery life but that's probably due to the fact that it's not in color and lacks a touchscreen. It also lacks a backlight therefore you need a light source to read in darkness. The kindle reminds me of my old ti-83 graphing calculator.*

The quickest analogy I can come up with for comparing kindle to iPad is an axe to a chainsaw. You can cut wood with both, but which would a neanderthal most likely feel comfortable using?

I don't think I mentioned it before but thank you stoner for making me feel welcome to icmag! The relevant and constructive nature of your posts were a nice contribution to one of my first ever threads! I can only hope everyone within this online community is half as nice as you! Now if you'll *excuse me, i have to wake up early for my weekly drive to San Francisco (440 miles round trip) in my vehicle that uses premium gasoline.*

Sincerely yours,*
Swampy XOXO

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
It seems only neckbears who are kept in the dark recesses of office buildings talk smack about iPads.

Not really.

I know quite a few IT pros, and non of them have iPads.

The facts are there. Netbooks are cheaper and do more. Not skin off my back, if people love shiny gadgets and great marketing.
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I'm not sure the site is fully to blame, my color nook is running at 925mhz, and only 512mb of ram, and its fast for me. Maybe try a different browser, I like opera or dolphin.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

boy oh boy you sure got me there swampy, all that just for me. now I'm really upset for wasting my money on a $300 per hour therapist when I could have it done (by you) online for free,

golly I'll bet your ipad even has an app for that.......

and as far as your warm welcome to the boards? please show me where it says I have to agree with everything you've written here & I'll just apologize*.

I didn't come here to insult you, it was just my response to the ipad swampy. I don't much like double standards and here I see you give posts #2 & 3 a free pass at mocking the ipad, hell you even responded kindly to them.

it must be me then.


Game Bred

ya got what ya paid for, you didn't buy a phone, you didn't buy a computer you bought a gizmo, a spendy one backed up by a big name but just a gizmo nonetheless.......

never feed your ipad after midnight?



i wish i had gotten one of these when i bought mine...


My 3 and 5 year olds play with the thing. Its great for airplanes and keeping them busy on it. Other than that, I use the MacBook or pc for computer purposes. The site is also with iPhone but works

Cabinet Ninja

Outside of all this bickering, has anyone found a way to speed up ICM on the ipad at all? It really is painful to browse this website when any other site works just fine.

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