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ICMag photo galleries


ICMag Donor
Recently we have noticed a dramatic increase in bandwidth from this site. Because of this, we discussed what is causing this increase.

We have found that some of you have literally hundreds of images in your galleries that have nothing to do with marijuana. And some of these are animated. The main thing that we see is pictures of women, because of the bikini and hobby thread, and others even have pics of porn. You can still continue to post pics in the bikini thread, but these can be hot linked instead of being kept in your ICMag galleries.

Now we don't care if you have a few unrelated pics, but we have to ask those with numerous pics of unrelated photos to clean them out. The costs for this site are becoming staggeringly expensive and this is one way of cutting down costs.

Some people were already asked to clean their galleries of these unnecessary pics and said they would. But they have yet to do this. We are now asking those with numerous unrelated photos to please remove them from your galleries. If you refuse to then we will have to do it ourselves.

We would like to thank everyone for your cooperation in this matter........


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
i wasn't aware that stored pics took up bandwidth my wife and i will do a clean out then for sure to keep the server cost's down
Thanks JJ sorry

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes.....good post JJ....The site is getting bigger all of the time but we would like it to stay basically on-topic and you can help keep it uncluttered by getting rid of pics and posts that are off-topic and don't really help the theme of the site at all.......

I would also advise any of you to clean up your PM boxes of old PM's......



Aw gee whiz, I only had 604 PMs in my inbox.... :)

You have my permission to delete my album "Crappy Internet Pics I Use For Laughs", but I just can't hit the delete button myself.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

I'm all for some humour on the site, but when it ends up costing alot of time and funds to keep all that un-canna related stuff hanging on the server then it gets to the point where we are going to have to do some house cleaning......house cleaning takes time out of what the Mods and Admins already have to do, so it would be much easier for all of us if you the members cleaned your own spaces on the site, and did this on a regular basis........




I'm all for some humour on the site, but when it ends up costing alot of time and funds to keep all that un-canna related stuff hanging on the server then it gets to the point where we are going to have to do some house cleaning......house cleaning takes time out of what the Mods and Admins already have to do, so it would be much easier for all of us if you the members cleaned your own spaces on the site, and did this on a regular basis........


I had already got rid of my 604 PMs when I last posted! I'm cleaning!

I am curious if the new feature IC Experience could be the cause of the sudden jump in bandwidth?

just a thought. I know it keeps track of lots of stuff.

If I had the ability to delete my threads that I have no more use for, might get rid of some stuff.

I think we all feel so at home here, we've moved in!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Is there some form of speed or mass delete? One at a time is averaging close to a minute a pic.


When people don't re size their pics before loading does that take up more space too? Seems like it would but I could be wrong...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'm playing with a macro shot from my tiny 3 MP camera right now thats 4.6 MegaBytes. Reduced to 800x600 and Saved for Web with Image Ready it's 24k. That's 4,823,450k vs 24k. Yeah there's a difference and that's with a 3 MP camera. Imagine what a 12 MP camera would do?

Be wise - Resize.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
For some odd reason, i thought hot linking was disabled.
Will fix some shit later, too..



I'm playing with a macro shot from my tiny 3 MP camera right now thats 4.6 MegaBytes. Reduced to 800x600 and Saved for Web with Image Ready it's 24k. That's 4,823,450k vs 24k. Yeah there's a difference and that's with a 3 MP camera. Imagine what a 12 MP camera would do?

Be wise - Resize.

i think you mean 24kbyte, 4,823,450 would be in bytes


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
D'oh. Good shootin' Tex. Still, the shot in question was 4 feet x 3 feet and there's no need for posting pics that size. Especially on someone else's dime.


Is there some form of speed or mass delete? One at a time is averaging close to a minute a pic.

unless you fixed this recently, if you could it would save us all a of a lot of time, effort and last but not least you some money.



uhm.. i made the effort to check and it was easy to delete only selected pictures in an album. just select edit pictures :yes:

did the cleanup in pics ... peace


He asked for speed or mass delete,the fastest way is by entire album :yes:
did not think to put both ways down......