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Icmag, Help me identify this pest! ( Gnat? )


Hey guys, recently there has been alot of ( what we think ) are gnats dieing off near the lights and making a mess on our floor, we suspected them as a gnat infestation, and let the media dry out real well, then proceeded to use Gnatrol (7.5g per Gallon).

Using Gnatrol and Azamax ( helps with the minor mite problem as well ) and i have been neem oiling religiously every 3 days, we figured we would see a decline in the production rate, but it doesnt seem to be dieing down AT ALL, ive cleaned up atleast 4-5k Gnat bodys, and there getting in the buds! :(

Anyhow There not only affecting the final product but i think they are affecting the growth and making tips Curl down like a Claw..


Also! i lifted up a netpot today and just WOW, i see alot of Larve i think and small bugs that i hope are just the early life of Gnats, and not APHIDS?.

Next step is buying Nematodes, Thoughts/Idea's ?

Thanks Icmag


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First few pictures Where identifying the bugs, about a week ago, Then Today i discovered these...


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This is the Affect i think im getting from the infestation, it could be many other things, i understand but this IS the only time the plant has curled for me, and just so happens i have these pests at the same time >.<

Thanks Icmag! :thank you:


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Active member
Stems drooping? Having a hard time staying up?

I dunno man...i wanna say the fuckers are Root Aphids....ugh

Check out the sticky about pests or search rootaphid, you will get an idea lol.


Active member
:puke: i hate these dude

here, check it, and all your answers on methods for getting rid of them is in here as well. You know, I had these for two cycles that had zero bene's, im not sure if it matters, but I maintain nematodes now and I see nothing as of now, and drenches every so often. God speed sir. I hope im wrong



Yea ive been reading that thread, i wanted to appoint that gentlemen here and get this thoughts..

i just need to know what kinda pest it is so i can take appropriate action ;)


space gardener
Bad news, guess I better let someone else chime in here, not sure how to safely kill them in flower....


ICMag Donor
The dreaded root aphids, sorry for your diagnosis. They are a horrible thing to deal with for sure. Not trying to scare you just speaking from experience also. Had them for two rounds and couldn't figure out what was wrong and midway through flower there they were flying around and munching down on my once healthy roots. Battle raged, harsh chems came out and because i had a perpetual also, maybe two or three lived and that was all it took to start the cycle again. Tore down and ditched everything soil related (after I took cuts in a ziplock to a friend's) Some win, some fight and end up almost pulling it but it depends on the size of your grow. I had to take drastic measures.NS


space gardener
100% root aphids?

Yes, 100% Aphids, It's going to be a real challenge to kill all of them in a perpetual setup, Maybe someone that has won the battle can help out.. I have only killed them in veg, wouldn't be doing you any favors giving advise on your setup..

Figure it out fast though because I have a feeling that you will recover faster if you nuke the room and start over... Just one opinion... Hope someone has better news..

Guest 88950

i run prepetual and had root aphids bad. i lost a few strains because i didnt want to use anything systemic.

i had some fresh WORM CASTINGS from a worm bin and i transplanted the affected girls from 100% coco to all worm castings.

i saw my girls start to recover and then i saw ZOR post info that something excreated by the worm makes the roots less palatable........i think it was chitlineas or something like that.

it worked for me.


Active member

OP if u can find this stuff, get it!

Also about perpetual, I as well had perpetual going , as I said earlier it was for 2 cycles that I knew of. My only option was to stop the Perpetual and clean like a mofo, and then clean again, and once more. For me, I stopped for 10days in there and cleaned everyday like a mad man.

For me personally, my downfall was not recongizing the problem earlier ( expierience ), and doing more preventitive stuffs, nematodes, drenches. It was a good thing, although bad...it was good cause I know now how to handle t his situation, as you will. Go to war son!


Well today we bought Bayer "Tree & Shrub" and did 2 systems at 25 ML per Gallon ( Containing .74% Imidacloprid ). and filled the ebb and grow system till pots where pouring onto the floor ( ugh )

waiting for 3rd system to dry abit more, then soak them again...

Buying Merit-75, just needed something TODAY, but we are infested, Bad. We have to fight this battle, either we nuke them rather quick, or be forced to tear down and start over.

So, Question - How do we go about feeding with nutes? i figured we would just be using straight water for the next few days, But we apply Imidacloprid 2-3 times in intervals of 3-5 days?

Need suggestions please ;)

Also, even if we cleaned, where did/do these come from ? Apparently another friend has them, and i think we where cross contaminated.

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