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Icmag groovers



Id just like to say a BIG thankyou to my mate Spankin' Elvis, and the lovely Bluevelvet, and my good mate Nobodyknew who has saved the day many a time in my neck of the woods, and also to Wally duck for taking time out for me not long ago, thanks mate, i havent forgoten your kindness :friends:

Thanks ALL for the good vibes recently, Mr Green jeans, Zep, my man Cook(dare i say i might even barrack for your Lions to win again this year mate ahaha!)

And all the others who sent get well cards,pm's and best wishes for my stay in hospital. Thanks guys :friends:

The friends ive met on this site have made an impact on the trust and enjoyment of this site and i thankyou greatly for taking the time to send your vibes my way, it really does perk up ones spirits when out of the blue genuine thoughts come flying through.

:friends: :bongsmi: :joint: :wave:


I didnt know
But i hope your much better and all is good.. As well as you and yours being blessed by the good lord.. Hope you rbetter leeroy.. peace..

ohh i almost forgot here is a flower from the family here where im at..
picked from our garden.. Its a mix strain..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Sack thats one purdy flower man, thanks for your kind regards, i just went in for a few days in the hospital thats all, but i got a few nice cards and i wa surprised and just wanted to give thanks, especially to Spankin'Pelvis, i mean Elvis... And his lovely wife :) :joint: :friends:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
:wave: Leeroy - YOU'RE BACK MAN!!!!! :woohoo: You sound very up, so my guess is all went well and you are well on the mend. While some aspects of modern medicine suck, certain things they really have down. I can't imagine what a pain in the ass it would be to be 50+ years old 100 years ago. No real solutions to the physical problems, just a lot of alcohol+ based remedies :yoinks: I'd be a turnip at best, but probably pushin daisies....

Anyway, glad to see things went well, you sound very happy and grateful! :friends:


Very up indeed my friend! Can ya tell? :p
It took one whole week to get the after effects of anasthetic out of my system,and thanks toa good mate ive got some REAL medicine to smoke now :joint: :canabis:

I dont even want to think about how they did surgery 100 yeras ago man, lol thats some medievel stuff!

funny you should mention alchohol based remedies, i remeber one of my old university lecturers saying thats how they took his teeth out, the dentist, a pair of pliers and a bottle of scotch, but it wasnt him who got the scotch!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good to see you back again Leeroy&Co.........lets all wish you a full and complete recovery...


Many thanks Gypsy~
We hope everything is well on your side of the pond!
:joint: :friends:


no worries , always happy to help out a good aussie mate ..
glad to hear your doing ok ....


better than ok wally, cant wait to get back into the swing of things in the grow room, its a bit bare in there, hope your doing well mate. :joint:


Glad to hear you are feeling better Leeroy. That Spankin Pelvis is one hell of a guy isn't he. Feel better Bro and I hope your grow room overflows with sticky nugs.



Just so there's no misunderstanding, I'm not the one that provided the medicine, just good vibes. :wink:


Active member
Yo, Leeroy, man its good ta see ya in print again. Aaahhhh, how nice of a feeling it must be to have friends who'll stick by ya.
Here's wishing you well and a quick return to active gardening of this lovely plant.
Stay safe....n....healthy.


Watch em grow!!! :canabis:
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Thanks guys, you know what they say, its the thought that counts :joint: :friends: :canabis:


Hiya sweetie...you know you're always in my thoughts, what a wonderful person you are! Big hugs to you :smile:


Big hugs right back at ya blue!
Hope your not working too hard over there!

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