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ice water wax


so I watched a couple videos at youtube on Matt rize ice water wax which is just a really well done ice water bubble hash and its dabable. I was wondering if anyone here is into dabing this type of concentrate over solvent based concentrates. All the bubble hash ive smoked clogs my lungs with tar and makes me cough alot, not smooth ever really. So im intrested in this really fine looking full melt and if it smokes like a good oil.

I love bho, the flavors smell and high are all just like the starting plant if purged correctly. But I keep second guessing it since its a petrochemical and it usually isnt pure. Ive read MSDS of the butane(vector) i know butane is FDA approved as a food additive/propellent. and although both of those are good reassurances that theres nothing wrong with using butane I still keep second guessing it,
I dont know guys I just wish i could get BHO with out the butane i guess


Active member
Tried it. It was pretty unimpressive to me....
And no you can't dab with it, at least I couldn't lol.
disclosure: i'm an oil head:)


honey oil addict
for some odd reason or other, whole trichomes only tastes good smoked, and can taste really good too, but it seems very hard on the respiratory system. but vaporizing them tastes not at all the same, i am not sure why. didnt people used to hotknife hash back in the days, was it tasty?
for some odd reason or other, whole trichomes only tastes good smoked, and can taste really good too, but it seems very hard on the respiratory system. but vaporizing them tastes not at all the same, i am not sure why. didnt people used to hotknife hash back in the days, was it tasty?

heheheeheheheee. last experience hot knifing hash was in the three valleys in the french alps. three skiiers three snow boarders skiing out of bounds france. a pasture lodge for shepards in the summer, for skiiers in winter $3 american propane cooking (perfect for hot knife) and wood heat.

we decided to play asshole (a game with no winner, only a looser). we decided the penalty for loosing a hand was a hot knife hit that you could not exhale until you took you tequila shot! vicious......

honestly, cant tell you what it tasted like.......


thanks for the replies guys

I used to do hot knifes all the time when I was a teenager. when we got hash it was pretty much the only way we smoked it from what I remeber you didnt notice much taste because you were usually coughing ur ass off.

Ive made a couple winterized extracts I have some absolute amber right now I made from cleaning my dishs and razorblades after scraping. absolutes are indeed very smooth, if not the smoothest oil ive tried with a mild in flavor and extreme high

Its not that I dont love vapin these oils because I do and my lungs have been thanking me ever since i stoped smoking and started vapn oil only with the occasional bag or two from my extreme q. but the idea of being able to dab something made with no solvent is pretty sick

I know one thing im doing is switching to different brand of butane fuck anything made in korea. Lucienne and Colibri are the only brands Im going to be using from now on.


Active member
I know people are using CO2 as a solvent. I don't know how, but co2 wouldn't be as dangerous as BHO.

I am a huge oil head.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I know people are using CO2 as a solvent. I don't know how, but co2 wouldn't be as dangerous as BHO.

I am a huge oil head.
While I wouldn't classify myself as an oil head, I am a huge oil fan, and point out than many of the application for cannabis can be effectively applied no other way.

Short of a pharmaceutical grade, oil is still the most potent form you can condense cannabis extract into. Even full bubble hash, has other constitutes besides the cannabis oil and turpenoids that dilute it. The cellulose case of the trichomes, for instance.

To me the key point is that neither is any better or worse than other methods, just individually effective tools in the medical cannabis tool box.

I agree that CO2 extraction might prove safer brother BF, primarily because damn few people could do it, due to the equipment required. Even for sub critical CO2 extraction below ~1200 psia.

Most people can safely extract water hash, though prime hash requires some invest in quality filter material, as well as some knowledge and training.

Some people can't extract with flammable solvents safely and I recommend that no one try, with out proper background and lab safety training.

Like driving a car in traffic, you must know what you are doing and pay attention to details to win.
While I wouldn't classify myself as an oil head, I am a huge oil fan, and point out than many of the application for cannabis can be effectively applied no other way.

Short of a pharmaceutical grade, oil is still the most potent form you can condense cannabis extract into. Even full bubble hash, has other constitutes besides the cannabis oil and turpenoids that dilute it. The cellulose case of the trichomes, for instance.

To me the key point is that neither is any better or worse than other methods, just individually effective tools in the medical cannabis tool box.

I agree that CO2 extraction might prove safer brother BF, primarily because damn few people could do it, due to the equipment required. Even for sub critical CO2 extraction below ~1200 psia.

Most people can safely extract water hash, though prime hash requires some invest in quality filter material, as well as some knowledge and training.

Some people can't extract with flammable solvents safely and I recommend that no one try, with out proper background and lab safety training.

Like driving a car in traffic, you must know what you are doing and pay attention to details to win.

i agree, graywolf. each must examine their own capabilities to determine what tasks one can accomplish. i will make no judgements on what others can/should do and request others do the same for me.


I know people are using CO2 as a solvent. I don't know how, but co2 wouldn't be as dangerous as BHO.

I am a huge oil head.

From what I understand co2 extraction is way more dangerous, WAY more pressure.
Hey GW, If one were to do a super critical or sub critical co2 extraction would it be considered a solvent extraction?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
From what I understand co2 extraction is way more dangerous, WAY more pressure.
Hey GW, If one were to do a super critical or sub critical co2 extraction would it be considered a solvent extraction?

Technically yes. CO2 is the solvent, which becomes a better solvent in super critical condition.

My guess is the dispensaries don't consider it as such.


I have had this hash, it fucking ROCKS. He wants to make it dabbable, but I don't care for that hogwash.

The best hash I have had was only one step above matt's


right on juice! ya I love the dabb'n lifestyle haha best way to get medicated fast with sharp flavor and without being hard on the lungs. smoking anything just doesnt work with my lungs anymore, i spit up so much brown tar its insane. Ive seen some of the videos of mattrize tryin to dab and it looks like it leaves behind a small amount debri, but not enough to have to clean your ti in between hits.

i made some rosin the other day and it dabbed just like oil but i didnt like the taste at all, probably because the bubble i used is getting old.

bench warmer

ice water wax

Oops! I deleted my own post before the helpful (and quick) post below this one appeared. (sorry)
My post was a little off topic & I made another thread since posting here to ask my question.
I asked if pressed bubblehash could be made into butane budder.
:tiphat: :ying:


little of topic but ya I dont use butane nor iso to run hash. I use ethanol(everclear.

break up hash into the smallest pieces possible
freeze everything hash/ethanol/jars
get your filters ready on your jars
get a stainless steel cooking strainer
shake for a about 2-3mins and then filter into another mason jar and seal it up

then set your freezer to below 0F and place your jar in there for 24-36 hours to allow waxes/ lipids/ green to coagulate and then filter one last time.

now evaporate your ethanol off. while monitering the boiling point of ethanol.

bho from bud tastes way better than any ethanol run from bubblehash ive done. so i usually vap bho and eat qwet hash oil.

oh and i doubt it will budder up. you can try though extracting strait from bud is the easiest way to get budder.


Active member
just watched a video of how he makes it, was pretty interesting, i really like his sprayer for rinsing the product :)

bench warmer

Beautiful wax in those vids.
Gotta get the process info stuck into my head and try that soon as. :yes:

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