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Uncle Hughie

Hey people how goes it....you guys might know me or you might not,hell some of you have met me and became my friends at OG and at IC Mag.

Well the time has come for me to call it a Day here at ICMAG..
I came here on an invite to mod and i did just that when i could.
i came here as i think that an alternative to the High Times Cup was needed and that ICMAG would be a good alternative....

But alas my Judgement was not what i thought...!
im sick to see that threads have been censored and censorship in my eyes has a hidden agenda.

I know there is a lot of personal attacks going on around the forums of which i am a member of a lot of...i didnt come to learn how to bicker and choose sides..hell infact if the truth be known i lost some good friends due to the fact that i came here to mod! yes .......
but i usually judge things for myself and i have and its taken a while.

Anyone who knows me knows that what u see is what u get ! I dont put up with shit..or give it..

So as this is my last thread here i will let my acc ride til op or someone decides to shut the thread up! so i have copied it and will post else where to let u guys know what i feel and of course what i know and have learned about those who deem to be leading the way in our communities online...

MY pics are gone and now myself......
And when your Karma comes around i hope it punches a hole in your world.

IM SICKENED ................GOODBYE ALL !

canadian fisher

New member
Damn, now that should tell folks something when a MOD says fuck it...Jeees Take care UH i remember you from OG and like your threads.Stay safe and take care....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...Stay safe Uncle Hughie....

....do what you have to do..........

....pop back and see us sometime...


Best of luck from another "censoree" (although I'm guessing you won't see this post).


yeah sorry to see you leave, and sorry you feel this way
it was nice to meet you and I hope we can again in the future



:chin: Lemme get this straight: :chin:


Jeez, go figure, who'da know'd. :pointlaug

You've gotta be comfortable with what you choose to do and where you hang your hat IMO, and if not it's time to move on. :confused:

Peace be with you and yours.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Take it easy Uncle. We met only once so I don't know you, but I wish you all the best. We're all anti-establishment bastards, but right now this community of ours need some structure and solidarity. If this means tightening up and a stiff upper lip then so be it, it's only temporarily. Hope to see you again.


peace be with you Uncle Hughie... i am fed up in a different way,, fed up with all these speculations... fed up with all the trolls that came this way,,,, fed up with all the posts full of lies,,, fed up with an active topic board that has the same topic post after post,, crap after crap.... i say delete it all....im sick of seeing my long time friends have vanished,,,, fed up with ppl trying to get others to scrap their gr0 rooms.... fed up with ppl trying to get members to leave IC...... i say censor , delete , bann and do what ever it F'n takes to get IC back to normal......

even th0 i am fed up ,, i will not leave,,, i will not scrap my gr0,, i will not belittle,,,, i will not,,, i will not,,,, i will not ,,lol :moon:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
DrawoH said:
peace be with you Uncle Hughie... i am fed up in a different way,, fed up with all these speculations... fed up with all the trolls that came this way,,,, fed up with all the posts full of lies,,, fed up with an active topic board that has the same topic post after post,, crap after crap.... i say delete it all....im sick of seeing my long time friends have vanished,,,, fed up with ppl trying to get others to scrap their gr0 rooms.... fed up with ppl trying to get members to leave IC...... i say censor , delete , bann and do what ever it F'n takes to get IC back to normal......

even th0 i am fed up ,, i will not leave,,, i will not scrap my gr0,, i will not belittle,,,, i will not,,, i will not,,,, i will not ,,lol :moon:

....Lol....thats the spirit man.....hang in there....


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I will just about second all that howard just said.......
sad to see u go hughie...i dont thinkm we spoke but i saw your posts a couple of times and i kow you were well thoght of buy folks....
Be lucky


If you hadn't noticed....every website censors. If you can't make sense of it, then good luck to you. This is a privately run forum....not a democracy. If someone was making personal attacks against me or mine...I would do ALOT more than censor that person.
Hopefully, we can all see through the nonsense being spewn over the last few months.
I'm sure there is truth to some of it, but if I was judged on past mistakes....i would'nt look like an angel either.


Active member
Uncle Hughie said:
Hey people how goes it....you guys might know me or you might not,hell some of you have met me and became my friends at OG and at IC Mag.

Well the time has come for me to call it a Day here at ICMAG..
I came here on an invite to mod and i did just that when i could.
i came here as i think that an alternative to the High Times Cup was needed and that ICMAG would be a good alternative....

But alas my Judgement was not what i thought...!
im sick to see that threads have been censored and censorship in my eyes has a hidden agenda.

I know there is a lot of personal attacks going on around the forums of which i am a member of a lot of...i didnt come to learn how to bicker and choose sides..hell infact if the truth be known i lost some good friends due to the fact that i came here to mod! yes .......
but i usually judge things for myself and i have and its taken a while.

Anyone who knows me knows that what u see is what u get ! I dont put up with shit..or give it..

So as this is my last thread here i will let my acc ride til op or someone decides to shut the thread up! so i have copied it and will post else where to let u guys know what i feel and of course what i know and have learned about those who deem to be leading the way in our communities online...

MY pics are gone and now myself......
And when your Karma comes around i hope it punches a hole in your world.

IM SICKENED ................GOODBYE ALL !
I'll say what most are thinking. This is bullshit. Every site I have ever visited censors and deletes. It seems like some people would rather read lies than the truth. If you don't want to be here then BYE!!!!!!!!
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Sorry too fat no need for that really is there !!!!

Do you know hugie ??? Do you know what has said is bull shit ????