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I you coulden't smoke would you still grow? (poll)


Active member
this thread i hope will become sticky worthy!

i see this Q? pop up here and there,and i am in this boat.

...i havent smoked weed for almost 2 months now and it's hard to tear down a grow...i have peeps that rely on me literally, and to stop is hard.

to stop smoking weed aint hard, but to not be able to help the ones that need it is.

i dont need it personally at this point in life...i will someday need it no doubt tho.


Registered Cannabis User
probably. I dont know though. when I used to grow I did it just for personal so I didnt have to buy any for 6 months to a year. Never really sold any or gave a large amount away so people werent really dependent on it. good question...


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I have always tried to live my life by the K.I.S.S method (keep it simple stupid) and in a situation like this would simply ask myself,

Does the ends justify the means?

Sounds to me like it does but as I said it's your situation not mine.

Good Luck with your decision.



Active member
I would still grow if I couldn't smoke only if I could smoke again later on...

that way i ensure my self of having a nice stock of buds saved up


Registered Med User
Yes. I would keep growin, my girl smokes too much and we would lose a lot of money on the shit if I stopped. besides that, I would still grow as long as I had a medical script posted, or if I lived in the woods somewhere thats low risk.


I'd grow for others, and just the sheer pleasure that those lovely plants give me.


I would grow no matter what, I love to see my plants and sometimes the right seed makes me feel like I hit the lotto when I see that special pheno


Hey Y, I have not been smoking for several months also. I made a big move and have a new business, language and area to learn so smoking is not in the near future. But I have been given some seeds to help produce for some med patients and a med site so growing will continue. I will have to start from scratch also. I love to grow and have always grow something in my life be it food or our favorite plant.

So, hang in there brother there are those who depend on you. In the book the `Secret`it says the seeds you sow along in life will blossom in return. It is not a word for word quote but you get the meaning.

Take care bro. And I hope it helped out.



If you have no fear of the law keep growing. If you do, then do what you think is best.


Moon-grass farmer
I just got out of prison 3 months ago, not for growing, but for deliveries. But due to the fact that prior to my charges I had a clean record, and my charges were non-violent, and the judge was nice enough to not make me go to rehab... I slipped through the cracks and have no post-prison supervision.

So at the moment, I'm smoking like a chimney, but it's all coming out of the pocket. I'm not growing not because I'm necessarily afraid of the law, because if no one knows about it but me, I don't have anything to worry about. I just have absolutely no equipment because I thought I was going to have to be on supervision, so I had my house cleaned out of basically everything grow-related. Better safe than sorry I suppose.

Once I do get enough money to get back in the swing of growing, I see no end in sight. I love it. Love everything about it. The best hobby I have ever had. Even if I have to quit smoking for some period of time, I will continue to grow for the next time I can smoke again. Herb is expensive over time... I live in a price-friendly area, but there is no price better than what you pay to grow your own.


i smoke, my girl smokes, even more. we go through about 3-7 grams of sinsemilla a day. so like GET MO said, if i didn't grow id be basically broke with only enough money to pay bills and buy bud, nothing else. no groceries. lol. we didn't used to smoke this much till we started growing. now for the poll question that yukon started this thread for.

yes i would because 1) i love the plant and the mystique that it brings
2)I started growing to help battle a severe opiate addicton, keeps my mind occupied.
3)could always sell the bud and make a killing being a non-smoking grower.
4)i love the "OOOhhh's & AAAWE's that we get when we whip out some super sticky, dank smelling, mind bending buds,
5)@ times i do ponder the idea of just growing and not smoking @ all for like 3 years, but in those three years grow out as many different varieties as i can. dry em out, cure them for at least six months (the ideal cure time) and after ive grown out about 12-13 varieties. and they are all perfectly cured. then i would start smokijng again and have a "golden coral" style bud bar/buffet to smoke from.

but the short and skinny is; yes most definatly i would still grow cannabis even if i did not smoke it. unless there was some type of authorative restriction like being on felony probation, where they can come and search your house from top to bottom without a warrant any time they want. then i would not grow here id grow out dorrs in this scenario.

i will alway try my hardest to grow this plant, simply just so it can prosper like nature intended it to.

i would start a serious breeding program with my fav. strains if i wasn't smoking it,because i dont have the time to do so now on the scale id like it to happen (breeding program) i do and always since a year into this hobby wanted to create a hybrid of some of the genetic i have and box them and get them all nice and stabilized, and name the strain after my very sexy and smart wife. but i have no time to do so now cuz i smoke and need weed consitantly month after month, but if i want smoking it would be the perfect opportunity to start my breeding project.

i love my wife soo much and i want to create a strain/variety that is outstanding and name it after her. god bless her she puts up with all this "gardening stuff you do" and i know she would love a strain of cannabis named after her, shed love this more than a 3 carat platinum diamond ring. i would give the seeds away and send finished up product to high times, skunk, weed world, and cannabis culture, and any other weed mag out there. i would give my new wifey strain the most exposure as i can. i love her and my plants and this is the perfect gift for both the plants and the woman.

progression of cannabis gentics and ever espanding the species to create the super potent super buds is great for this plant species to unlock medical potential, and the wife woudl love for such a wonderful plant that heals the nations to share in the same name.

my $.02


natural medicator
I've taken 1-6 month breaks from smoking while growing. hjowever, if I was to stop smoking all together I would probably quit growing because of the penalties and the stress it can be sometimes to know that if someone came into my place without my permission for any reason i could be going to prison for quite a few.


gods honest truth i would be a much better grower if I didnt smoke


I was going to make a post like this about a week ago.. Because I rarely smoke anymore (random drug tests at work) and other stuff going on...

But I love to grow, everytime I come home its nice to look in the closet and see something different and knowing you created it etc.

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