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I Wish


Active member
Yep, what are you wishing for this year, as it nears completion?
;)Dentures, depends or a motorcycle? Whether figurative or whatever.
Funny how age is, as a young one I did plenty of wishing and quit it as an adult and just worked to fulfill myself. Now, at an age I am actually starting to wish and want, again.

Age and life sure has it's advantages, even the sad parts of life, as well.

I am wishing that all my friends here at IC haven't given up their dreams and life happens with Legalization and I hope to never see a friend in jail for a plant, ever!
:rtfo: jpt


Active member
This is a thread of my 'cockiness' I finally really really made a wish for a smoking buddy that is female because I am so new to medicinal or much marijuana and i knew I needed to be in a safe environment and just get stoned today. I know I can smoke more and enough to be where I wanted to be with cough cough (medicine) and I was feeling so good the past week I was able to take my dog for a walk in the early afternoon. I even said, I'd like a group of women to sit and smoke with!

My dog was taken by this little old black lady that I live a few doors down from and I was walking fast and couldn't even do that when I left my home. And we talked and talked and ended it for today. I arrived home and realized I am nervous as hell and I am not a nervous person and I grabbed some pot and clean pipe and headed down the street. Her daughter and we smoked to perfection.

I wished that last night and as simple as it was, it came true today, I am so stoned and I know better to post when I am stoned but, I simply can't believe how it came so true. We just became really fast and loyal friends in a heartbeat. I was so nervous I forgot a flashlight and a lighter.

I'll be on cloud nine forever, now. I've never felt like a particularly lucky person but, the truth is, even with all the crazy bullshit in my life, I can be happy and content and I know I am not the crazy ones. LOL...I've been on this journey to being the happiest I've ever been in my life when dared to "come over to the dark side," as Dutch Pimp use to say at c.dot; Here I am after May 22, 2008 posting I needed help and wtf do I do. Grannystormcrow, shovelhandle and others told me, I did it and got off a life not worth living and not being suicidal but I do believe in Euthanasia and even when it is suicide I realize the pain in their heads was simply too much to bare and they sought help and did what they could to get better it is time to end it but, I wasn't ready and I used marijuana to do that and I managed to direct my energy from my medical nursing background and use that on our politicians to get their attention to the greatness of this "weed" and I can call it pot and weed and whatever, I never could do that when I was so deep in my work, I bought reefer madness and since 2008, I am for total legalization and I understand how they think and I've learned enough to teach them and I feel a mission in life for me, to help others get better healthcare and i fell into the activism as we all go where we can do the most good in this war. I have been so blessed, being diagnosed with MS in july 2012 and now, I know...sad it took that to light up and change my direction a tad but, they listen better to me now that I have it. I had an email ordeal with a local politician for this past election and he responded, "I bet you were stoned when you wrote that. " I said well, I didn't write it but, like you I suspect he was toned too and then shared my story and journey. He ultimately wrote me back and said, "After reading this and meeting you, I AM going to re-visit my stance on marijuana!"

I hate to have something like I do but, it has made me more effective and now, I managed to walk home stoned and not get injured, I am feeling so much better of my purpose in this and I really do need to get better to do more.

Even now, I was thinking well, if I got better..I could go back to work and improve my finance's but, I just want to keep being happy and smoking my pot and making sure I am not stoned or using when I present to those lying sacks of shits politicians.

I promise, I'll never post again while stoned. jpt

Former Guest

Active member
what happened to your dog? you went walking and some old lady took it? you can contact animal control in your county. dogs are normally thought of as property *shudder* so in my county, you own that dog even for two weeks afterwards so I am sure there is a law about dogs being your property *shudder* in your county and you probably have an animal control which would go over to her house and demand to see some sort of vet bill or receipt of purchase for the dog or just by asking questions they can normally mediate the situation to get your dog back.
for my Christmas wish, I just want to be happy and for my best friend to come back off cloud 9. maybe a fan controller, some slippers with soles on the feet for outside. but I'd settle for just being happy, even if it was only for a while and I'm kinda at the point of choosing slippers over the bestie.....


Active member
just - ty for taking it to the man.. the rest of your post is so surreal. i remember being like that but at some point i learned that it was the social stigma not the weed. i do everything and go everywhere baked, it's no hinderance to my ability to cope with things.

i encourage you to write more posts high ;)


Well-known member
I wish i didn't have to think of my son ripping me off. Other than that life is good... Quick edit.. I wish Sam would let me tell how to make the 99.99 dry sift...


What were we talking about?
jpt, I'm really happy for you. New friendship is exhilarating.

I am also very happy that you have found relief from smoking weed as well as enjoying the pleasurable side effects.

Me . . . I just love to get high. All the time, every day. Sometimes I wonder if that makes me an addict. Then I think, "fuck it, where's my pipe?" :biggrin:

I had dreams when I was younger. Some I realized and some I didn't. I don't see it as giving up on those dreams. I see it as finding dreams I didn't know I wanted or needed until I had them.

Oh, and all my posts are high posts.


New member
I wish the BEST genetics from yesteryear (Chocolate Thai, Thai Stick, OG Haze, Deep Purple). I wish for complete and total LEGALIZATION!!! I wish to spread my genetics far and wid! I wish to find a "INE HIT WONDER" at my age! Think.... 26 years of multi smoking daily, edibles, BHO... Get it? That's my ultimate wish!!,!! A STRAIN THAR DEFIES TOLERANCE!


Active member
Well, I keep wishing and it keeps coming true! I am not going to Las Vegas though.

I hate gambling and only go to Vegas when "I feel lucky" and I should be there right now!

This year will be the first year in ages, I am going to celebrate the holidays!

Earlier this year I wrote my best friend that this year was as screwed as the last and I won't be celebrating the holidays. Then I had this thing of, 'Well, life is too short to wait for another year to pass, to get a 'better' year and wrote her to say, "I finally realized, I need to start every year over daily." And things changed.

I don't believe in this kind of crap around me but, I cannot ignore it either.


My journey of getting where I am today started with a benign post at C.dot of how to get that medical marijuana stuff and get off the meds I feared, that my doc had me on. And today, I am no longer a broken person! With the people here...etc. I'll shut up now.

OK, I am still not buying the religious bs, i think?...jpt

(edit) Part of this is a member here seeing she needed to make changes and stepping out and doing it and it just seem to fall in place, as hard as she looked to improve her life,etc and how she went about it and not a religious person, at all. I felt she was making risky decisions but, it is going well and she listens to her inner voice, etc... I have that now
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3rd-Eye Jedi
Ill tell you what I wish for when I sit with my plants and consider that they will serve as medicine for those who enjoy it.

That they would experience, in at least some small part, the healing that I have gotten from this plant. That the pain that they have come to know might be lifted and that the joy of being be revealed once more, and lastly that the love and understanding that has been shared with my in this lifetime, the things that feed my soul when nothing else could, well I wish for this too.

I am not going to lie, I don't just wish this stuff, I vocally pray for it before my plants as I tend them.

I treat them as sacred, their lives being lived for the benefit of those myself and those who consume it, which articulates into better medicine if nothing else.

I don't admit this kind of thing all that easily because I understand how, from the outside, it must look, but I haven't found a bottle that has that stuff in it and I think people need it that badly.

nam myoho renge kyo

Bud Green

I dig dirt
JPT asked if we're wishing for Dentures, Depends or a motorcycle?

Somebody said they're wishing for world peace, so I guess my wish is gonna make me sound kinda shallow, BUT,
What I'm wishing for is a NEW vacuum tube stereo amplifier..

My old one is having problems and it's very hard to find parts for it...AND I gotta have my rock and roll back soon,or I'm gonna go CRAZY!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I hear ya JPT , we get so caught up in working , raising a family that our own wants become secondary to the familys needs , but as we get older & alot of the familys needs have been met & they're off raising kids & working like we did , that we can actually think about ourselves for a change .... seems weird don't it ? :)


Active member
My car has become unreliable, since December and that was solved, as well. I am not that special that I should have these "issues" of mine resolved as I blindly walk forward, being blessed everyday with such profound things and just feeling it was 'good planning' on my part. I now know, it wasn't. I just bounce back and keep limping forward.


What were we talking about?
I've been accused of walking blindly forward and receiving good luck jpt. But it's just a fundamental law of physics . . . likes attract. When you entertain only positive thoughts and feelings, positive things happen to you. The reverse is also true. So in a very real way, we chose our happiness.

JMHO :biggrin:


Active member
I've been accused of walking blindly forward and receiving good luck jpt. But it's just a fundamental law of physics . . . likes attract. When you entertain only positive thoughts and feelings, positive things happen to you. The reverse is also true. So in a very real way, we chose our happiness.

JMHO :biggrin:

No offense, but I always thought the physics law was that opposites attract, like pos and neg poles on magnets for instance.

Man, I sure can be a jerk sometimes I guess. Without ever even hardly trying either. I'm just trying to make some sense out of this here big world, still, till the day I die. :woohoo: :tiphat:


Active member
No offense, but I always thought the physics law was that opposites attract, like pos and neg poles on magnets for instance.

Man, I sure can be a jerk sometimes I guess. Without ever even hardly trying either. I'm just trying to make some sense out of this here big world, still, till the day I die. :woohoo: :tiphat:

Thats funny shit right there:snap out of it:...lol..... :biggrin: you da man dave