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I was just held up at gunpoint in my home by a gang of 6 and all they got was sticks


few months ago... out of a white van came 6 of them. about 10am. rushin to my door and surrounding my house as i answer before they would seemingly kick it in, with guns pointed right in my face.

"what the hell are you guys doing here?" i ask...

"we have a complaint that there is marijuana and mushrooms being grown at this address, we need to come inside"

"what complaint is that? maybe youre mistaken" i politely say

"its just an anonymous crimestoppers complaint, there isnt a name"

"Im sorry sir, i cannot let you search my house on a anonymous complaint. who is my accuser?" i politely say (i was too nice to these guys)

"thats fine, then youre going to jail and well come back and search this place without you"

disgusted by this answer, i recede my face to the ground and quietly say

"well, i will not resist anything you are about to do, i do not want to cause more trouble then this already is but i cannot give you permission to search"

"look dude, if you just have some personal smoke or something we will just leave you alone"

"well i do not want my house torn up, i have a joint in the ashtray and a glass bowl, thats it." *again, i was under full impression i was already arrested. he specifically told me i was going to jail either way, i knew it was an illegal search the moment he told me i was going to jail right after i told him "no" to the search. at this point i wanted to cooperate as much as possible, and it was a good idea in the end imo. read on.

then they filed in and ran around CERTAIN they would find a grow.

i showed them the joint, and he said "see". i told him "see what? i never denied it" he then had his team of buttbuddies run around and they find a trashbag full of sticks in my closet. (forgot they were there, oops.) they took it and charged me with the weakest felony without even weighing it. he said "were you get this?" "outside" was my only answer. he believed it, i had been honest with him to this point, had no reason not to. it was clear by this point that anything i was doing was personal, they really did ease up a lot once they walked around. im still pissed they charged me a felony on sticks though.

back to story- they also find moldy mushroom jars. they ask me if theyre for mushrooms, and i said "yes". he never asked me what kind of mushroom. idiot. one of them even took the jar to my sink and started to open it!! i said HEY DUDE dont do that im my house! i said "if youre going to, i want to be outside first". he then abruptly stopped and asked another leo dick, and that guy was like "yeah that looks like black mold or something" so that was that. he dropped what he was doing and left the jars alone. they didnt charge me for anything mushroom related. they didnt have anything anyway...

they even found my spore collectors i made. i told them exactly how to use them and shit. they left them behind... they left a lot of shit actually. oh yeah not to mention my ENTIRE GROW. yep. they never found it. its not directly adjacent to my house and it has a secret door going to it. not too many people know about it (its not possible for nobody to know, i hate when i read "nobody should ever know, not even your gf") not to mention the fact that every man has to show off once and awhile :D

Guys, im new to this forum and ill probably be back, but if i never do, or i only ever get one point across to anyone-


just do it. it pays off. i only grow about 6oz every 3 months, and its not even enough for me and my girl but it helps. but they came in DURING THE WEEK of my harvest. I know i said its ok for gf's to know, and it usually is but this time it wasnt. she ratted me out, but wasnt smart enough to give details. the boys in blue came in clueless, and i knew it from the start. but i was nice to them and in the end, i get slapped with a $1500 lawyer fee and with most certainty this will get dismissed. much better then them finding 5 plants and a couple fresh picked oz's hanging! and my 2k worth of really nice equiptment! thats the way im looking at it at least.


this is not a stretch of any imagination whatsoever. our forefather must be choking on their own vomit thats filling their caskets.

someday i want to do a tutorial on hidden locking doors... i have some pretty good ideas

peace out all, love the forum and ill be back. lived a clean life for the last couple months, looking into alternative lots to grow my medicine on. got kids man!
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Sad to hear. And yes, the cops in the US don't bother following the law anymore.

Welcome to the new "banana republic". And never ask to see the judge's kangaroo suit.



never tell a soul even if its your wife girlfriend father son mother grandmother son in law

dont grow in your house if someone else is living with you

dont try and hide from someone living in your house.


RudolfTheRed said:
Snitchin' ass girlfriends...

Gotta ditch 'em! and run solo

if only it were that easy. keeping quantities low mitigates the risk of girlfriends, and anything else for that matter. i figure its worth the risk if you just go with a few plants, and life isnt as stressful. i cant imagine how those people feel who make money off this shit, the ones who have 6 or so houses chuck full of plants. fuck all that... well all it takes is one good payday and thats what keeps em going. they only make money because the government makes it that way.
Your girl ratted you out? What, did the two of you have a bad breakup or was she pinched and gave you up under duress? Either way, that's bs...


it was weird. we were good friends and were open about the dating. i never said i loved her, even when she would tell me so. i would say straight out "i dont feel that way, its not the same for me" and she said she understood. but after 2 months of the same shit, and havent even touching the girl thats sleeping im my bed i finally tell her she needs to find a new place to live ASAP. i waited then for 30 days, very quietly. nothing changed and she only shit on me worse day-to-day.

so i finally just told her she needs to leave now and if she stays any longer she must sleep on the couch. she freaked out, thinking that i was kicking her on the street, and she fled to some relative. After that it was nothing but constant threats from her. i NEVER threatened her ever. not once, im smarter then that.

it didnt take too long before she started sending me texts like "you know i could tell everyone about the mushrooms and the weed so just talk to me" and crazy shit like that. i had no choice but to ignore her- i told her one last time "you threatened me, we must end all conversation from now on". that was that, and a couple months later i get the po-po at my door.

i did tell them that she helped me make and smoke everything.. but they didnt care of course!


I'm paranoid enough that I'd have moved everything out at the first hint of the lady's threat. Then if they busted in and found nothing, they'd never believe her again, and you'd be a little safer. You can never breathe easy.



My little pony.. my little pony
.. not too many people know about it (its not possible for nobody to know, i hate when i read "nobody should ever know, not even your gf") not to mention the fact that every man has to show off once and awhile ..

Words to remember when youre sitting in jail.


Damn twojoints, I feel your pain bro. I was in a very similar situation with a chick that I was messing around with. Not sure If she ever called popo cause I packed everything up, and cut off all communication. Don't you hate when they say they love you, and look at you with that lil "please say you love me back face"..lol..You're a lot nicer than me bro..I give them the Jon Gruden face and say "ok"..Anyways bro...Glad you made out of that situo.....



Active member
Verite again hittin it on the head... If your gona trust someone which you shouldn't despite the need to feed the ego, atleast make it someone you can beat somesense into if they threaten you not a girl! As far as hidin your grow good job, but those cops sounded complacent or something, you would have to pull some james bond shit to get away w that with a trained narco squad w a warrant. As far all the politics, your dead on. Ruldolph is obv. A "wire" fan...that show portrays the modern american police and there tactics well albeit a bit exxagerated. Well atleast city cops, which is mostly what I know...


Active member
.. not too many people know about it (its not possible for nobody to know, i hate when i read "nobody should ever know, not even your gf") not to mention the fact that every man has to show off once and awhile ..
This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard of these forums.

I don't feel the need to show off to anybody. If I did feel like talking about my plants it would be done here on these forums but I don't even do that. After all, isn't that what they are here for? So people like you who feel the need to talk about their plants can?

No ones saying you shouldn't have a girlfriend but if you have one you probably shouldn't grow. I know, I know no one ever thinks their girl will give them up but I always here stories like this. Honestly, I want to know whats up with all these snitchin' ass girlfriends these days? What are you guys doing to piss them off?
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Damn dude that sucksss... i wanna see the hidden locked doors tutuorial lmk if you make one.


no wuckin furries!
xXPoThEaDXx said:
Damn dude that sucksss... i wanna see the hidden locked doors tutuorial lmk if you make one.

i'd like to see that too....and after that do you think you could do a tutorial on how to compost a snitching ex ? there may be a few of us that may find it usefull? :violin: lucky they didnt find your grow...nice work :laughing: .HH. =]-~


Great story -- thanks for sharing it. I'm sure plenty of us would like some more details on the real grow room and how it's hidden. I've seen one room on here that was amazingly well hidden behind a bookcase in the basement (too lazy to find the link).

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