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I was at wal-mart and...



It doesn't take much effort to be a kind person. When I was in a wheelchair,I noticed right away that people would look away.........like they didn't even see me. Now,I look at people in wheelchairs and smile at them. Just a smile is a simple thing.


I agree that in a whole the world could use more people who are compassionate and caring towards their fellow human beings. My interests are more geared towards what others oppinions are in reguards to my earlier post. What are or should be the rights of someone who is mentally disabled to the point of 24 hr. care when talking about reproduction. A fine line indeed. Is it fair or right or their right to allow people to reproduce who do not have the capacity to care for themselves? Is this an unhumain way of thought. As a civalized, intellegent species looking from both a compassionate and "whats best" for ourselves view, what our others thoughts here. t

Cookie monster

I agree that in a whole the world could use more people who are compassionate and caring towards their fellow human beings. My interests are more geared towards what others oppinions are in reguards to my earlier post. What are or should be the rights of someone who is mentally disabled to the point of 24 hr. care when talking about reproduction. A fine line indeed. Is it fair or right or their right to allow people to reproduce who do not have the capacity to care for themselves? Is this an unhumain way of thought. As a civalized, intellegent species looking from both a compassionate and "whats best" for ourselves view, what our others thoughts here. t

It's simple and somewhat harsh but bringing a child into this messed up world who needs 24 hour care should not be allowed.

There are plenty of kids in orphanages around the world who are healthy and in dire need of a safe loving home.
Bring a kid who can not care for themselves or others into the world or adopt a kid that's already here and in need of help i know which option i'd choose.


The Hopeful Protagonist
It doesn't take much effort to be a kind person. When I was in a wheelchair,I noticed right away that people would look away.........like they didn't even see me. Now,I look at people in wheelchairs and smile at them. Just a smile is a simple thing.

Yeah, isn't that some shit Mary.....

I had Bell's Palsy when I was in my 20's, I looked disfigured for about 4 months.....The looks I got were enough to make me want to punch the living shit out of people.:wallbash:


Yeah, isn't that some shit Mary.....

I had Bell's Palsy when I was in my 20's, I looked disfigured for about 4 months.....The looks I got were enough to make me want to punch the living shit out of people.:wallbash:

I went to school on the east coast with a guy that had that, people talked a lot of shit.

Its strange how people can be so insensitive.


This thread makes me sad, surely its the difference in people that should be celebrated, I know you may think that I am way oversimplifying things but think on:

The evolution engine runs on differences, sometimes in great expansions over a short period of time, if we were to lessen the chances of these leaps by trying to breed in uniformity would we miss the next one?.

In all of human history invention, science, medical, hell in anywhere you want to look you will find great people who in one way or another are disabled but still have went on make invaluable contributions to human kind, including the Nobel prize.

I understand the desire to eradicate unnecessary pain or discomfort and we are on the cusp of doing so, the question for me is where do we draw the line?


Yeah, isn't that some shit Mary.....

I had Bell's Palsy when I was in my 20's, I looked disfigured for about 4 months.....The looks I got were enough to make me want to punch the living shit out of people.:wallbash:
Yes,iGro it IS some shit. Now I am thankful everyday to be able to get up and around. I suggest everybody live your life in a wheelchair for one day,and you will gain compassion for others that are not as lucky as you.Or visit the pediatric floor of a large hospital and see the parents that love their children,even if they aren't perfect in our eyes.


people perceive courtesy and compassion as costing something great when in reality the rewards in being compassionate caring and kind far outweighs the costs exponentially

Weedman Herb

I believe what I said to be true or I wouldn't have said it ... (as Herb chuckles and says to nobody in particular) you too can believe what you want to ... this thread is a fabrication ... and it isn't even a Good work of fiction.
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