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I want to make some tincture.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
it would probably be delicious watered down with good water!

that does not sound like everclear! the only thing that is good for is spiking punch bowls. and extracts.

so any info on using a tincture in food jump? could I use it to make hash candies?

Everclear is a 95.5% azeotropic mixture of ethanol and water. I have used USP grade 200 proof ethanol and would be hard pressed to tell the difference in performance, except when I use a vacuum to boil it off, I don't end up with as much water.

I mostly use Clear Springs, which is the same specification as Everclear. Like Jump, my taste sensation to residual alcohol is a sweet taste, as opposed to petrochemical.

We sometimes extract and routinely process our oil with Crystal Springs, and have no residual flavors discernable by us'ns or any of the test panels.

To your point, I make candy by first evaporating off the alcohol and just using the oil. If you will search Lollipop, lollipop, you will find my recipe.

Sorry, that is the only medible I make, because the local folks are more likely to OD with medicated candy than simple meds. I made the lollipops for a patient whom need relief from jaw pain.

There is however a recipe section in this forum, replete with a panoply of medible formulations, which you might check out.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
thanks bro!

I'm looking for something fudgy that kicks in fast, my intent is to take little medible trips.

Easily done! Cannabis oil blends readily with the oil base in chocolate above about 180F. Melt, blend, and pour in chocolate candy molds.

You can use the cannabis oil/chocolate mix in other recipes, but keep the cooking temperature low and duration short, to minimize turpenoid and THC losses.