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I used these nutes with results

I grew out 20+ crops since the time I joined IC:thank you:
These are simplifications of the neut schedule and dose, I have actually used and harvested from!
Any problem I had was pH related and over-fertilization.
:artist:Not intended to educate, just to remind me.:wave:
From veg to harvest with one recipe.
  • General Hydroponics
1 teaspoon Maxibloom Dry, per gallon. DWC
1.6 teaspoon FloraNova, per gallon. DWC
1.6 teaspoon Flora Micro, + 3.2 teaspoon Flora Bloom per gallon. Ebb&Flow
  • Botanicare
3 teaspoons PBPB, + 2 teaspoons Liquid Karma, + 1 teaspoon Cal Mag per gallon of RO water. Ebb&Flow

I thought I would try a little more complex recipe with FoxFarm. Not simple, I'll go slow. Numbers are by teaspoon and per gallon.

Fox Farm for sorta soil.

========Big Bloom + Grow Big + Tiger Bloom
Light Veg=====2======2========0=====
Heavy Veg====6======3========0=====
Flower Start===3======0========2=====
Mid Flower====3======2========3=====

I have also used Earth Juice, and it is good, but too complicated for me in the long run. DWC

Also POM, or as now known, Happy Frog Dry, Veg and Flower. Almost impossible to F+%$ Up. in FFOF soil and pH correct water.


Thanks for this. I am just starting seeldings and picked up some Botanicare coco coir and Botanicare PBP along with CalMag Plus. Might have to get some LK.

I'll try out your recipe.