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I toked in front of a bunch of LEO and they did nothing


Active member
Here's a quick story that happened to me, and it happens to be 100% true, believe it or not, it's all good.....

Not too many years ago, a good friend and former business partner of mine was throwing a bachelor party for his brother who I'd never met, so I didn't know anything about him really.

At the party, I do what I usually do at parties, which is drink, shoot off my mouth, smoke, chill and indulge in whatever I please.

I'm standing in one room toking on a joint which I'd just rolled and I'm talking to an acquaintance, just shooting the breeze. At the other end of the small room, about 15 feet away, there's 12-13 guys standing around talking to my friend's brother, the dude who's going to get married.

My friend and brother of the bachelor comes quickly over to me with a worried look on his face and says, "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" "My brother is a corrections officer and all those dudes standing around him are either corrections officers or regular LEO.". I almost swallowed my fucking joint. I just quickly put it out and grabbed some bear instead. Some of the LEO were looking at me, they were just drinking beers for the most part.

Anyhow, they all smelt it for sure, it was a small room and I was toking on some pretty dank stuff, and none of them did anything at all, maybe because I was the partner of the friend of the dude who was getting married. There were also a couple of strippers showing up later on in the party, so maybe LEO didn't want to cause any trouble and miss out on the strippers.....

Anyhow, that's my short stupid story.....It's nothing spectacular, but that's the only time I can say that I have toked right next to a whole bunch of LEO, and not one of them did anything at all.

:joint: :wave:


A good friend's sister was seeing a cop for a long time, he dumped her because he never got invited to any parties or social events after he turned up at a party and we were all toking away and he said 'you'll have to stop smoking that now I'm here' so we gave him the option - leave or we all leave and take the party with us! He left.

Many years ago I was sat in my garden smoking a joint and just my bad luck, a car puleld up and out stepped this copper who must have been 6ft9 if he was an inch! Huge, lanky, skinny fella, and he put on this peaked police cap with a load of silver braid on it and introduced himself as 'Chief Superintendent Stewart ************' (I'll never forget the name!) and just asked me to go inside if I was going to smake that, so I quickly disappeared inside. He was making a courtesy visit to someone who lived opposite me who had made a compalint about the police.


Active member
Ganja Pasha said:
he said 'you'll have to stop smoking that now I'm here'

Haha, yeah, I can imagine that cops aren't exactly the most popular people to invite to parties, lol. What a dweeb, "you'll have to stop smoking that now I'm here'......

:joint: :wave:
I work with a retired LEO of 23 years, he retired almost 2 years ago..the other day we were dropping off something and we saw a guy banging lines off a small mirror inside his car, in a parking lot in broad daylight.

I said, wow im surprised you aren't calling the cops, he replies with a hahahaha are you kidding me? I don't do that work anymore. It surprised me because I know he hates drugs...maybe they are actual people


greenhead said:
Haha, yeah, I can imagine that cops aren't exactly the most popular people to invite to parties, lol. What a dweeb, "you'll have to stop smoking that now I'm here'......

:joint: :wave:

Suddenly 10 silent, stern faces looked at him and he knew he wasn't getting us to stop. lol


Resident pissy old man
Around 1970, I was still a university student going to college on the GI Bill. My ex and I invited a group of her friends over for a party, where I had beer, whiskey, porn movies and an oz. of Cambodian. Two of the guests were local cops who had married friends of my ex. They got drunk as hell and started toking on the Cambodian. We had candles everywhere and one of the cops got hooked staring into the candle. He got so close that he caught his shirt on fire. His buddy cop doused it with a glass of beer and everyone had a good laugh at his expense. In those days, even the local and University cops toked at times. I only knew one guy(brother to one of my employees) who ever got busted for pot. He was riding a motor scooter with a grocery bag full of baggies on the back, making deliveries. His sister, my employee, was the first girl arrested in that town for streaking. The cops wouldn't let her put her clothes on till they got to the station.
Love this thread and these great stories.

One I can relate happened to a wild boy I knew in high school. He got busted with a fairly big bag of reefer, at least an ounce and maybe more. The cop was taking him to jail in the cruiser. Now keep in mind this boy was short, kind of good-looking and young, not at all threatening.

The cop pulls over right in the middle of a bridge and gives the kid a stern lecture and makes the kid promise never to smoke reefer again. I think oaths to God were required, a bunch of sincere promises. This was followed up by dire threats as to what would happen if the boy were caught again.

Then he tells the kid he is giving him a second chance, because he doesn't want to ruin his life over pot. He pours out the marijuana into the river. Then he drove the kid back home.

This boy was so impressed he seemed really serious about never smoking pot again, and I think he did stay with booze as far as I know. I never saw him smoking grass again. If he had been busted with an Oz, he would've been sent to juvie probably, because it was a second or third offense...


Active member
I've actually looked into law enforcement jobs in the past. DNR type work mostly. Took an exam and was finally called a couple years later to participate in an evaluation. Then I found out how much those poor fuckers make.

Drank underage more times than I can count and even got in my car and drove down to the lake after a couple of those instances - not drunk, mind you, but drinking. It was always at friendly summer parties and the like. They didn't want to ruin a good time and knew that I was one who could handle it and not mess up. Just causes hard feelings. I've burned in the presence of a cop too. He was the brother to a buddy of mine. He said that I should know he could have me arrested for smoking and possession, but then I reminded him of who bought all of us 17-20 year old kids a shitload of booze and who was even partying/partaking right along with us. He never bothered me about it again. Funny shit. He partied with us all the time. We all hung out for the summer at one friends house. Everyone drank and crashed every night. Good times.


ICMag Donor
There were about 200 ppl smoking :joint: :joint: in front of LEO and they didnt do anything but watch!! This was at Golden Gate Park in San Fran on 4/20/07, Hippy Hill to be exact :D at 4:20 pm a large yell went out and it got really smokey all of a sudden!! heheh

What a fun day that was!!! :jump: :joint: :rasta: :joint:
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Mrs. babba- You should have seen SANTA CRUZ this past 4/20. Walked up from a hill and saw an overview of smoke....thought there was a fire. Thousands and thousands of people smoking while law enforcement was watching...yes the fire department was there as well LOL!!
It was at SCSU btw..every 420 BIG GATHERING i reccomend for next year!


My little pony.. my little pony
greenhead said:
.. I just quickly put it out and grabbed some bear instead..
