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I thought dispensary experiences were suppose to be pleasant

  • Thread starter Guywithoutajeep
  • Start date


I can see it. A MMJ Shop right next to Starbucks.............in the Mall.


Yes a cuppa joe with a cookie and a spliff.................perfect.:joint:

Gert Lush

Active member
But how are we to know they have quality services if we never enter the store because it's blasting bob marley and smells like nag champa?
If you need to ask that, then you're probably better off not going into a shop like that. Go to the one with the impeccably uniformed clueless shop assistant. They'll help you just the way you want.

Why do businessmen wear suits?
I can't answer that without getting rude way beyond the site TOU :D
Do some research on the history of the business suit (originally British upper-class hunting clothes - there's a clue for you) and you may find your answer.
Jeez, I never thought I'd hear that you need a suit to give canna credibility.

As for not liking nag champa... lemme guess - you don't smoke Haze, do you?

John Deere

Active member
To the guys who pass the laws sadly it probably does.
From the outside looking in you guys need to realise that if dispensarys continue along this path then the feds will shut them down and you'll all be going to the pharmacy to buy marijuana based treatments manufactured by the pharma companys.

I've said basically that same thing 3 or 4 times in this discussion and been thoroughly ignored each time, just like you were this time. That seems to be the issue that some folks don't want to address.


A foot without a sock...
I've written responses to posts in this thread on three seperate occasions, only to just delete them.

Some of you chaps are quite dense.

I mean, I get the jist of what you're saying in regards to keeping the Jah-vibe, but, in order to move this cause forward we must play the game, at first, just to get some solid footing.Then you can add the Bob Marley Room.Shit...I can even see Porsche coming round' the drive-thru...(vivid imagination :D)

I myself can envision the soccer mom, or the exec. shooting on in for their weekends meds on a Friday afternoon...I don't know about you guys, but that thought is quite comforting to me.

You need to see the forest through the trees on this one.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites


This seems indicative of the real ideal that some are speaking towards.

Who exactly are we trying to "appease"? We are the people... and it looks like we want different things.

What the hell is wrong with more than one type of dispensary anyway?

I can't believe this is America speaking in this thread sometimes.

Cookie monster

I've said basically that same thing 3 or 4 times in this discussion and been thoroughly ignored each time, just like you were this time. That seems to be the issue that some folks don't want to address.

John you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink.

I'm not well informed on dispensarys, probably no more than your average non card carrying American.
But you only have to look at half the posts here on IC from folk that purchase the flavour of the month strains from dispensarys to realise that there are more smoke reports than medicinal reports.

That says a lot...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
personally i found the advertising of smoke parties, coupons, and free 1/8th for first time patients pretty uninspiring in regards to medical cannabis.
if pot was decriminalized or recreational use was legalized, then i wouldnt have any beef with that type of marketing strategy (id be all over it).... it just doesnt seem very 'medicinal' to me to market it in that fashion...


Active member
Some of you chaps are quite dense.


ya, we get what you're saying. we just don't buy it.

Medical cannabis clientele is mostly counterculture. and i really don't think you want to be mainstream. 'cause if the day comes when medical cannabis is accepted, and appeals to more mainstream and/or conservative folks, then medical marijuana providers will be driven out of business and these meds will be sold at the local Walmart or CVS.

after all, that's where the medicine gets sold.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
personally i found the advertising of smoke parties, coupons, and free 1/8th for first time patients pretty uninspiring in regards to medical cannabis.
if pot was decriminalized or recreational use was legalized, then i wouldnt have any beef with that type of marketing strategy (id be all over it).... it just doesnt seem very 'medicinal' to me to market it in that fashion...

I'm still waiting for the masses to requisition recreational cannabis.

It's absolutley stunning how many people have medical need for it compared to the rest of us average joes that just want to smoke for smoking's sake.

I really fear that a lot of medical cannabis users are not being honest. That in itself hurts the cause more than a poster.

Cookie monster

ya, we get what you're saying. we just don't buy it.

Medical cannabis clientele is mostly counterculture. and i really don't think you want to be mainstream. 'cause if the day comes when medical cannabis is accepted, and appeals to more mainstream and/or conservative folks, then medical marijuana providers will be driven out of business and these meds will be sold at the local Walmart or CVS.

after all, that's where the medicine gets sold.

Legitimate MMJ patients wont care where their meds come from as long as they help with their condition.

Your attitude on the topic is much the same as big pharma companys imo.
Profit before people eh!
As long as providers make money you dont want to see MMJ mainstream?

You really dont belong to a site that supports medical users...


A foot without a sock...
ya, we get what you're saying. we just don't buy it.

Medical cannabis clientele is mostly counterculture. and i really don't think you want to be mainstream. 'cause if the day comes when medical cannabis is accepted, and appeals to more mainstream and/or conservative folks, then medical marijuana providers will be driven out of business and these meds will be sold at the local Walmart or CVS.

after all, that's where the medicine gets sold.

I dissagree that most of the 'clientele' is counter-culture, in fact, I think you'd be suprised.

On another note, and this is really where my head is on this:

If we don't take the reins on this and bring it to the masses in an exceptable fashion, I know some corporations that would love to step-up to the plate and give it a go.

What do you think they'll make dispensaries look like ?



Active member
I think some folks are missing LiLWaynE's point. The main issue right now is public perception. The reality is that MJ is still illegal under federal law and the Feds and lawmakers are not going to change their policy if the images they see for a "medical dispensary" look like the green room at a Dead show.

Senior citizens and AARP are one of the largest voting groups in the country. (if not THE largest) Do you honestly think they're going to vote for MMJ when they see pictures like this? HELL NO! Unfortunately if we want to change policy we have to play the game, at least for now. If we're pushing for "medical" MJ then we need to present it as "medical", not recreational.

We need to work on our rights before worrying about our privileges. Let's get MJ legal and then worry about being comfortable.

I just thought i would quote this informative compilation of sentences.:thank you:

But it's still F'ing illegal. Go to Chicago and ask where the club is...

I agree no one wants dog hair in their buds... but it is a free country as long as they are following the "law"; does it matter what the place, or staff, for that matter, looks like. if you don't like it open your own or go to another club. Cleanliness, quality, and safety are the issues to address. Not clothing choices, pictures, or decorations.

It's also strange to say "free country" and "following the law" together.

Can you legislate morality?

Do you need an advil card or a doctors rec for milk... why are we freely handing our rights over to politicians to choose what is acceptable to be doing? whether it's food or drugs?
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I dont understand the clothing issue...if the vendor is friendly and helpful does even matter what clothes or hats they wear? Only thing i would care if it was a clean place and clean clothes...you know some have a different sense of fashion then others does that mean they deserve a stamp and title on them without even speaking with them?

How could you say someone was a thug without even interacting with that person?

I guess its easy and safe to not open up your mind...

I dont care if im greeting by someone with cut off flannel shirt and cowboy hat or baggy clothing and fitted baseball cap...as long as that person is kind and helpful im satisfied

And as for "scarring the old 70 folk" come on now....isnt it 2010 werent we suppose to all have jet packs?


New member
I went to the one in Battle Creek yesterday, it kicked ass! I think it was called Mother Nature's Meds er something. I found it through a hydro shop web site I found at ***.. I will keepin goin back as it has been the kewlest experience yet. Ive been to 6 Disp.
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I heard that was a really nice place. It's just too far away for us. Have you tried Clinical Relief in Ferndale yet? MW


I think some people misunderstood my original post. I don't call bullet-proof glass and being pushed shitty weed at high prices a "pleasant experience. No one wants that. On the other hand people have pleasant experiences from lots of different types of dispensaries.

Give me good service, good buds, and good prices and we have zero problems. I know when I'm being lied to and when I walk into a crap hole I can already smell the lies before the dipshit behind the counter starts pushing me his garbage.


ICMag Donor
I loved working at the dispensaries...there were ALL kinds of people coming in, from mayors to homeless ppl. Almost as many ppl came in[recreational smokers] to see what a med mj collective really is, it was great to see them get all excited about it. Also ppl came from all over the country to drop in and see the collectives.

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