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I think Ive been compromised, 2 times over...


is it possible someone saw you back there and called LEO?

Seems like out in the woods at night, there would have been more than one car if they were responding to suspicious activity.

SOme game cams have IR and don't need a flash at night so you cant even count on going back at night and exposing all the cameras by triggering the flash

I would leave it and forget it. It sucks but its the smartest thing. Something similar happened to me. I had 2 spots and I had to abandon one cause I knew it was compromised. a few weeks later both spots were gone, LEO or rippers, dont know

If you insist on going back, wait a week, and have an excuse to be there, dog, hiking etc


Don't destroy the camera. It is soon fall time and that means hunters are scouting for deer for hunting season in November. Delete your picture, put it back where you found it and don't walk in front of it anymore.


Active member
possibly the game camera was just put up. and whoever put it there saw your crop and reported it. maybe you made it out by just minutes. screw the crop, live to grow another day


Don't destroy the camera. It is soon fall time and that means hunters are scouting for deer for hunting season in November. Delete your picture, put it back where you found it and don't walk in front of it anymore.

Unfortunately, the camera has become collateral damage in the unjust war against cannabis users. Not ideal for the owner of the game camera, but war is hell.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Maybe the camera was just a diversion and there was another one that did not have the tell-tale flash?

You probably should always have a hat and sunglasses on or even a camo hunting ski mask type thingy at night if you are out in the woods visiting plants. It also protects your eyes from those damn sticks plus keeps your face from being on the bulletin board at the PD or worse. ;)


ICMag Donor
Why not just pull the memory stick instead of destroying the poor dudes camera? You just cost the guy a couple hundred bucks and probably ruined any further outings and fun he'll have on his own land. It wasn't necessary......

Now they probably will look around. And guess what? Another black mark for growers.....

Classic Seeds

if you go back wear different shoes tracks are sure fire evidense of you being there anything with prints on it needs to be removed also and get rid of your old shoes while your in this pickle and go back at night in a ski mask after you have safely scouted the area in the daytime and get your plants be sure not to leave a leaf trail or do anything else that will reveal where they were taken or if your in a area where they would sit by the patch to bust you forget it all together its all ways better to live to grow another day as a ps sprinkle red pepper and white pepper all around incase they try to use a police dog to track you to your home when you harvest


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
if you go back wear different shoes tracks are sure fire evidense of you being there anything with prints on it needs to be removed also and get rid of your old shoes while your in this pickle and go back at night in a ski mask after you have safely scouted the area in the daytime and get your plants be sure not to leave a leaf trail or do anything else that will reveal where they were taken or if your in a area where they would sit by the patch to bust you forget it all together its all ways better to live to grow another day as a ps sprinkle red pepper and white pepper all around incase they try to use a police dog to track you to your home when you harvest

Quality post! Good advice on the shoes and pepper. :tiphat:


Throbbing Member
If LEO had found the crop it would have been gone already. They do not have the resources to camp out and wait for the grower.

Go back at a different time of night and check to see if it is still there.

Now, that the camera is gone the land owner will be searching for why it is gone.

Big Country

The pepper that is interesting. I think a tracking dog needs something with your smell on it to track you. Always use gloves when working with your plants cant be to safe, outdoors after a rain there probly would not be much there with your smell unless something was left behind. I dont think they would wait until you harvested and try to track the smell of buds back to your house. I hope they have some real criminals to track

Classic Seeds

you leave scent everywhere you feet touch and everything you touch along with drops of sweat dogs are like sharks are with blood it does not take much to follow and yes a good rain will wipe out a scent trail for a dog to follow but also makes for easyer tracking if someone has a mind to go to all that trouble in wet soft ground aloha

Big Country

The scent would need to be somewhat fresh for the dog to get a clean track. Dogs have an uncanny sense of smell, but if they are onto the grow, they will probably pull it and move on to bigger fish. If you get tracked from a grow by a police dog, wow that would suck, I would not admit to anything, there could be many reasons why your scent was in the area, bird watching, fishing whatever. Never have anything that cant be explained away or that ties you to the grow. If you were just at the site and they show up with a police dog to track you forget it that dog will be on your rear end.

Big Country

While all dogs have a sense of smell far superior to that of humans, bloodhounds stand out even among canines. The bloodhound's scent ability has been estimated to be between 1,000 and 30,000 times as strong as that of a human being. This makes the bloodhound able to follow a scent trail that is days old and made by the walking path of a human being. These dogs can also distinguish the scent trail of one human being from that of another.
-I think I am going to buy some pepper
Read more: How Does a Police Dog Track Criminals? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4615944_police-dog-track-criminals.html#ixzz0zA7fUO6T


THanks for all the replies.

I think I did everything right...I wasnt going to take a chance with the camera, by either leaving it there or by trying to sneak back and return it. Both options just pose too much risk.

The camera was probably a good 1/2 mile or so from the grow location, so I doubt anyone could tie the two together. Also, that area sees sporadic use by others (mt. bikers, horse back riders, etc) so its disappearance can be explained by any number of things. Its not a high use area, but it does see use.

As for the grow, at this point Im writing it off. While I doubt any LEO will stake it out, Im not taking any chances. There really is not a way for me to check it out in stealth mode using some other excuse for being back there, (i.e. walking the dog, Im not a dog owner).

Why there was an LEO back there in the first place is a good question. I don't want to say too much, but lets just say the area is pretty much of a protected woodland and leave it at that. There is no other reason for LEO to be there other than to check up on suspicious activity.

I wish I was able to pinpoint to some mistake I made. The only thing I can think of is that I ran into some people riding horses while I was carrying a backpack with empty water bottles. They didnt see the bottles, but the backpack was clearly obvious so maybe they got curious about that...


Smart move on the game camera and your choice of writing off the grow. Find another site miles away if you can, but never go back to the old grow site. I don't think you have anything to fret about, unless you change your mind.

Lesson learned.:comfort:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Wait a week or so and go get your buds man! Bring a bird watching book and binoculars! Go there peep the scene and leave for awhile to make sure nobody is there, then come back and get your herb! There are safe ways to do this if it's still there. Was this your only patch of bud?


Dont mean to hijack your thread, but a similar thing happened to me this week. My gro is located in a hard to get to area in the middle of a park...the park gets very little use, most of the time I never see anyone back there, but this year there Ive encountered at least one person on almost every visit. Most of the time Im able to hide, but Ive been seen a couple of times coming back carrying stuff and covered almost head to toe in hitchhikers.

Just this week I was visiting, and a po-po drove up while I was in the middle of my spot and got out and walked around for a little bit, no more than 10-15 yards from where my gro is.

Scared the shit out of me....

I went back just last night with my dog and my camera, and was basically walking around taking pictures when I was caught by surprise by another po-po driving around back there. He asked me what I was doing and I just said walking my dog and taking pictures...I told him I was surprised to see police patrolling this area, and he mentioned that they have had reports of suspicious people and activity in the area.

It is doubtful that I will be going back to my gro this year either, nor will i be using that spot again...


Not to densensitive anyone.
Could it be that at the end of season the parks commmisioner has the rangers check all areas for squatters or left over campers?


Im sure it happens in some places, but in my case I dont think that is what is going on. In 5 years of being back there for "real" reasons (walking, photography, etc) Ive never seen a po-po, and this week I saw two less than a week apart. The first time he got out of his vehicle as if he was looking for something, the second time when I was back there with my dog he asked me if Im back there often and if I've ever seen anything or anyone suspicious. This tells me that something is up...

Not to densensitive anyone.
Could it be that at the end of season the parks commmisioner has the rangers check all areas for squatters or left over campers?