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I think I’m done growing. At least for a few years.


Active member
My last grow was a outdoor backyard Oregon grow. It produced big plants and a many years supply. In the past I would have kept growing because it’s fun to grow. It’s not fun for me to grow anymore. For me music and motorcycle’s are my favorite hobbies. Baby sitting plants has lost its draw and the last couple years aphids are insane. Harvesting and trimming sucks . It went from fun to work. Anyone else burned out on it?


Not yet for me, I get frustrated sometimes with mistakes and what not but overall I still enjoy growing. Small time hobbyist, I have a 9-5 to put food on the table.


Well-known member
Well if you have your smoke, its pointless if that's all you grow for. Grow some more when you know you will need to. Perhaps this year, put something out and just leave it alone. They can sprout in the window, then stick um in the ground. I don't know your weather, but I check in a week, then 2 weeks, then a few..
This way you won't get as much, but you don't need much it seems. I have put things out in a 1.5" block, then gone back and chopped the bud down. It doesn't have to be hard. Though if the financial load of smoking is something you can easily carry, maybe get to a pharmacy for a nice selection instead.

I look forward to the next build. I find contentment in constant improvement.


My last grow was a outdoor backyard Oregon grow. It produced big plants and a many years supply. In the past I would have kept growing because it’s fun to grow. It’s not fun for me to grow anymore. For me music and motorcycle’s are my favorite hobbies. Baby sitting plants has lost its draw and the last couple years aphids are insane. Harvesting and trimming sucks . It went from fun to work. Anyone else burned out on it?

Coming to similar places.

One major hang-up for the moment is that I need sufficient extract on-hand, frozen, in caps in the freezer, to provide me with medicine for cancer treatment for what could possibly be another 1-3 years of necessary treatment.

One major down-side, after decades of growing, is that I've typically run on clones, unless I'm sorting genetics/phenotypes from a seed effort.

So some of my clones/mothers are literally in excess of 23 years old..... clone to clone to clone, speaking.

I have 'selfed' (female) seeds from most of these, but the clarity in lines, even though most strains were typically (not always) done in separate boxes from each other, meaning that while it is most likely that the seeds are 'selfed' from THAT female, it's possible that there are some femmed stress flower crosses in there. So to rely on my current seed stocks of established mothers, would mean to lose some genetics in their current more pure form.

But yeah, what was once adventure, fun, recreation, making a living for my family, and a LOT more, is now doldrums, tedious, a stressor on top of other current greater needs, etc.

So my current and very respectable series of mothers are ALL still in (looking downward and blushing in embarrassment) 3" cubes from which they should have been transplanted close to 3 months ago (*I know, confessions of serious cultivation sins, right?).

They'll get their new homes and a reprieve from my own personal chaos Hell shortly.

But yeah, once fun becomes work, as opposed to work becoming fun, it can change everything. :good:
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Well-known member
I’m going to grow a few every year, I need the raw material to make rosin, and have a few friends that like organic buds...


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Turn your stash into hash. Hash last for years while grass doesn't.

I kinda can relate to you. I have years worth of stash for my personal use. I can continue on for almost a decade I think.

In the past I have thrown away pounds of grass that went stale of old age, it's why I turn previous harvests now to hash. I turn my grass into hash when I have it for 6-12 months.


Well-known member
Just got my Med license last year. I thought I would give up guerrilla growing. I dont miss the paranoia, stress and work in pulling a successful harvest every year. Plant two plots to pull one. Bugs, critters, disease, fucking leaf spot.

One thing I learned was that guerrilla growing isn't just about growing weed. The joy of being outdoors alone just you and nature. It stills drags my old ass out there. Now I don't have to worry if the crop makes it or not because of my indoor op. Not to say a indoor op doesn't have problems either.

Hang in there and just throw out a couple of strains you have not grown before. Dont think of these as a job, more of an adventure.


Kiss My Ring
it's the financial burden that keeps me growing. i couldn't afford to not grow.

even with the troubles that come with rolling blackouts, burned timers and/or ballasts, electrical issues in the building, dim bulbs, not being able to source certain ingredients, odor from the filters leaking, having to haul water to and fro, and procrastinating watering, labeling mishaps, occasional hermies, and just smoking way too much, i have not given in to the urge to quit.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Just got my Med license last year. I thought I would give up guerrilla growing. I dont miss the paranoia, stress and work in pulling a successful harvest every year. Plant two plots to pull one. Bugs, critters, disease, fucking leaf spot.

One thing I learned was that guerrilla growing isn't just about growing weed. The joy of being outdoors alone just you and nature. It stills drags my old ass out there. Now I don't have to worry if the crop makes it or not because of my indoor op. Not to say a indoor op doesn't have problems either.

Hang in there and just throw out a couple of strains you have not grown before. Dont think of these as a job, more of an adventure.
I’ve done it outdoors in the Northeast nearly every season that I could for the past 23 years and I familiar with the hardships that goes along with it ... then there’s always that one golden season that makes it all worthwhile ...every year I say I’m not going outside , and then I do:canabis: But there’s nothing like the feeling of being out there in nature on a beautiful day with beautiful plants


Active member
I keep my harvest in a freezer and I have stuff that is 4 years old that is still good. My latest harvest in there should last 5 to 8 years. Admittedly, I only consume a small amount per day.


Well-known member
I’ve done it outdoors in the Northeast nearly every season that I could for the
past 23 years
and I familiar with the hardships that goes along with it ... then there’s always that one golden season that makes it all worthwhile ...every year I say I’m not going outside , and then I do:canabis: But there’s nothing like the feeling of being out there in nature on a beautiful day with beautiful plants

Star crash

Dont want to clog up another mans thread but wanted to say hey to fellow guerrilla.

Hey brother didnt know you had been a guerrilla grower that long. We need a 20 year and over club for the guerrillas. As far as I'm concerned that deserves a participation trophy heheheh. Its a long time to be sneaking around the bush. I know you have some good stories.

Butt hole pucker stories. Something all guerrillas have lived through:tiphat:


Well-known member
I wish I had the same "problem" my last crop was one of the worst ever but I did get seeds

Hey brother I totaly understand. I have had many heart breaking trips to plots that got flooded, ripped, raccoons dug up the seedlings, blew over and molded in high winds or just plain molded due to weather.

I have a spot that has really good security and you can grow trees. I think it was three years ago I threw away at least 10lbs of weed digging threw moldy weed looking for enough to get me through to next season.
Two plots are important to have. Lots of work but even if its 5/plot its important. I was a 20/plot guy most of my guerrilla career. I never pulled twenty but 20 gives you a chance to pull 10-12. Add a second 20/plot and you got some weed every year.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When I was working it was a bitch to keep up with the plants. Now retired it is better. Take a break, more than likely you will come back after a few months or a year.