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I think? I have spider mites...

I bought a quart of zero tolerance. Have NOT used it yet.

Though, I'm pretty sure I have spider mites... I've seen small webbing on the underside of a couple of leaves, also the speckled brown spots on a few leaves here and there but I have not seen a single mite...

I'm outdoor and noticed the signs about a week ago. I have NOT done anything to treat it. It does NOT look like its getting worse. There is NO mite webbing on any of the buds that I could find.

I have about 4 weeks till I harvest. This plant is over 6ft tall. How many tops does it have?



BTW This is an old picture, there is alot more budding on the bush/tree.

Do YOU think I should I still treat my plant with the Zero Tolerance or should I just ride out the last 4 weeks?

I don't want to trigger something that makes the mites mad (I read somewhere else on this site that they become resistant and more aggressive after being treated with an insecticide) There's also the chance of making the final product absorb the taste of the Zero Tolerance.



Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
zero tolerance won't do anything but anger them, lol.... I'd say you could still use something like azamax at this point, but do it now if you're going to do it...


ICMag Donor
Hose the undersides of the leaves with a powerful hose of water! you could always rub the leafs with soap first then spray them clean, (bugs hate soap)

Also try a hot pepper,, a cigarette and a crush glove of garlic in a bucket of water over-night,, spray the juice on the undersides of the leafs,, then hose clean a few hours later.

Hope this helps


Spray them down with the Azamax and then drench the soil. Repeat in 3-5 days for a few times and those little fuckers will be gone!


Just be careful spraying at this point of flower. 4 weeks? i'd probably ride it out.
I know this may sound crazy but you can control them with a shop-vac. Yip. if you have a 2.5 inch hose, stick the bud into the hose and you can probably get rid of 80-90% of them. The vac sucks away the web and some of the fuckers.
OMG i think i just soiled my boxers! that plant looks amazing! i havent done outdoors in a while, but last time i did i ended up with a few spiders making my girls their home. they where eating the white flys that had started to infect my plant. they left there web on a few of the buds but other than that they ended up helping more than anything. I would take the time and make sure that u have spider mites. cut some leaves off and put them on a piece of white paper and put that inside a tupperware like tub. the mites should look like lil black dots on the white paper and the tub should prevent them from infecting anything else. with only 4 weeks to go i would be very wary of using any product, and only if i know for sure what i was combating
hope this helps

the gnome

Active member
I have some outside also and get then occasional small catapillars that spin a web and fold up a small leaf.
spiders also seem to love my location.
theres other bugs that make these tiny round nests about an 8th inch in diameter.
on the bottoms and tops.
last week i spotted a few mites on a few plants and hit em with floromite, problem is with big plants you have to really douse em boths sides of the leaves to kill em.
you need a garden sprayer or hose sprayer thingy taht you load up with chems/fertz
I missed a few so now I'm just picking the leaves that have them.

from what you saying I doubt you have spider mites
it seems by the time you see the mites webs you should be able to see the mites .
but as said above if your gonna do something now is the time to do it before your buds get bigger.

if they come back on mine outside bad enough I'll use Volck oil and get a sprayer that hooks to the hose.
I used a small hand sprayer and it was tough to do.
Volck oil is like $7 a bottle and the sprayer $9
and Volck oil kills the eggs.
Plus you can douse the bejabbers out of the plant for cheep