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I think a chopper saw my 3 plants


~Resident Puck Bunny~
There are out every year looking for what is in the link I posted, not for 3 plants. Seriously. Seeing them is so normal I barely notice. They are not going to spend money looking for 3 plants, they are looking for fields of hundreds.


For a refresher, or those late to my "paranoia party", here's a time-line of events:

(And yes I know that in theory, a LEO reading this could perhaps pinpoint my approximate location, but for 3 plants I don't care. See... I am NOT freaked about 3 plants so posts saying don't worry about 3 are redundant, but thanks for your concern.)

The more suspicious activity started Sept 7. The potential "heart-stoppers" were Sept 9, 10 and 11 (yesterday).

Aug 18: (10 minutes?)
Afternoon. Some aircraft was in the area too long. Got out of the forest and saw a white chopper perhaps at least 500-800 feet up on a somewhat overcast day and he was heading away.

Aug 21: (20-30 minutes)
I saw some strange aircraft activity early this morning after 1:30 AM. I figured I shouldn't see any aircraft that hour of the morning. Wrong ! I heard him, I suspect a fixed wing craft, and saw a flashing light on him (white?). He did a very slow circle, over 360 degrees, perhaps at least 540 degrees or a turn and a half. He must have been at least 1000 feet up.

Sept 7: (30 minutes)
A chopper circled the general area of my plot today starting about 2:40 PM. He was going relatively slow and circled about 6 times. Each circle was about 5 minutes, he might have had a kilometre or 2 of circle diameter.

At the far end I didn't hear him anymore. He was around 300-400 feet up I'd guess. My plot was roughly at the outside edge of the circle. The whole area he circled was pretty much rural/semi-rural with various farms and clusters of houses here and there.

Sept 9: (1 hour= 30 mins + 30 mins)
Pull into driveway and chopper coming from my backyard over my house. About 200 feet up. He turns around some 1000 feet or so across the street, comes back and flies over the perfect position to see my crop ! He came back a third time from different direction. Seems to be gone now. I have no idea how long he was over my backyard before I got home.
5:30-6:00 PM: It's overcast and there are still lots of chopper noises in the air, but I don't see him (but I'm not looking too hard so as to be obvious).

Sept 10: (1 hour)
More chopper activity this AM from 10:30-11:30 and about 300-400 feet up. Seemed white with some other colors, maybe blue or gray. Went over my forest at least once.

But you know what ? I'm thinking it's pretty difficult for me to judge distance in such cases. I THINK he goes over my forest, but he could be away by 2-3+ times the length of my property.

Sept 11: (30+ minutes)
Choppers were back at it locally today, just as the family and I headed out for the Gatineau Hills around 3:30 PM. We went for a hike up one of the area Gatineau mountains, and sure enough, as we start climbing the escarpment, the ominous "whop, whop, whop" of blades disturbs the air.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Keep in mind many of those may be privately owned. There are hundreds of pleasure aircraft in the area and just myself I know 2 people who own helicopters, both black.

I'm not sure what else you want us to tell you that hasn't already been said.


I wasn't even talking about being a legal patient. As long as you are growing for yourself as medicine then you wouldn't be convicted.
A good idea that many people do is get a card from a compassion club as proof. All you need for a card is a LOD (letter of diagnosis from your doctor)

I doubt your friend was convicted of an offence because to get a designated growing license you haver to have a 10 year clear record with no convictions. To get a personal production license, you can have them though.

Thanks much for the info straintester. There seems to be relatively little real/useful information about Canadian MMJ on the net that I could find.

Yes, my friend had no record and applied for a designated grower status immediately after being busted. His court process has hardly begun, so of course no conviction at this point, and I'm sure he and his lawyer will do everything possible to keep it that way. He was selling mostly to local compassion club, so things are roughly the same now, just legal and documented.

I've seen his DG card. Cool, never seen anything like that before, other than the joke license application in the late 70's/early 80's "Grow yer own stone" book I bought back then. :)

As for home insurance, it used to be you couldn't get it in Canada with a "Grow op", even if that "Grow op" was fully legal. I've since read there is at least one company that will write such policies now, with added requirements and cost of course.

The great thing about applying for a card from a compassion club is that you do not have to have your doctors permission to use.
All that is needed from these compassion clubs or dispensaries is confirmation that you have some type of disorder that can be holistically treated. It doesn't even have to be listed under either the B1 or B2 classification.
Getting a 'letter of diagnosis' from your doctor can be easy since they are needed for any type of insurance. You don't even have to tell your doctor what it is for if you are worried about it.

From there if you are still interested, you can look into applying for an MMAR exemption. If you cannot get one for yourself; perhaps a friend or family member might need a grower. There are many Canadians that are in need of good compassionate growers.
It also doesn't mean that you have to work for nothing if you decide to do so.

Very interesting, thanks. Due to some disability coverage I already have letters etc. from my shrink showing diagnoses of depression and anxiety. May also mention insomnia. I've read anxiety and insomnia are recognized B2 conditions.

So with these letters/documents of diagnosis I can get a compassion club card. And that card helps to prove my need ? Or is the card superfluous when I have written diagnoses ?

I have no intention at this time of becoming a compassion club customer. My friend will sell me at around $2k/pound ($4.50/gram) and I'm pretty sure such clubs sell that for at least double, around $10/gram. And I'd much rather grow my own anyway. Would prefer to be a supplier rather than a customer.

If it was legal, I would very strongly consider becoming a designated grower. I'm very tired of the BS of the corporate world in my tech career. I've done well, likely much better than I could do as a DG, but I feel I pretty much need to be my own boss and choose my own hours etc.

DG might not have much of a future as a career if we get, or get closer to legalization. But there's lots of related stuff I would be happy to do, including electronic/computer components/software for growers.


"As far as I've heard yes. In many places at least, in the US, one could lose their car, even if it's worth millions, for the illegal actions of the driver. Say you lend your car to your son, and he picks up a hooker. AFAIK, the cops could take that car, even if the owner isn't driving."-phrike

The guy said his buddy got his car took over a dime, I said its possible in a few nazi states....he said in the" U.S."
Defend the air headed statement if you want. Hes just feeding your paranoia, and you welcome it.

As far as your hooker/car thing....sure...we can come up with many reasons leo can seize your car.....We were talking about a "dime" .

Im familiar with the laws in my state and the two others I have lived in....In those states, your not getting your car took over a dime...(or THREE plants)

I would never try and tell you how the laws work in Canada...considering I dont live there.
No harm..just saying..Vauge statments made by some "big country", can be took literally by others..its not healthy.
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Thanks much for the info straintester. There seems to be relatively little real/useful information about Canadian MMJ on the net that I could find.

Yes, my friend had no record and applied for a designated grower status immediately after being busted. His court process has hardly begun, so of course no conviction at this point, and I'm sure he and his lawyer will do everything possible to keep it that way. He was selling mostly to local compassion club, so things are roughly the same now, just legal and documented.

I've seen his DG card. Cool, never seen anything like that before, other than the joke license application in the late 70's/early 80's "Grow yer own stone" book I bought back then. :)

As for home insurance, it used to be you couldn't get it in Canada with a "Grow op", even if that "Grow op" was fully legal. I've since read there is at least one company that will write such policies now, with added requirements and cost of course.

Very interesting, thanks. Due to some disability coverage I already have letters etc. from my shrink showing diagnoses of depression and anxiety. May also mention insomnia. I've read anxiety and insomnia are recognized B2 conditions.

So with these letters/documents of diagnosis I can get a compassion club card. And that card helps to prove my need ? Or is the card superfluous when I have written diagnoses ?

I have no intention at this time of becoming a compassion club customer. My friend will sell me at around $2k/pound ($4.50/gram) and I'm pretty sure such clubs sell that for at least double, around $10/gram. And I'd much rather grow my own anyway. Would prefer to be a supplier rather than a customer.

If it was legal, I would very strongly consider becoming a designated grower. I'm very tired of the BS of the corporate world in my tech career. I've done well, likely much better than I could do as a DG, but I feel I pretty much need to be my own boss and choose my own hours etc.

DG might not have much of a future as a career if we get, or get closer to legalization. But there's lots of related stuff I would be happy to do, including electronic/computer components/software for growers.
Yeah you can actually get crop insurance but most of the people who do this type of thing are serious professional growers and want to insure their grow. If there is ever theft or fire, their crop and the cost of it as well as the damages are then covered.
Its not a popular thing to do for obvious reasons but some do it.

I was suggesting the compassion club card because it will give you some peace of mind. Its something that can be shown to the police but you already have that part figured out.
It wasn't meant to get you to purchase your meds there.
Some people don't trust our government enough to be in the legal MMAR but WILL trust people in these clubs etc.,
AS far as the DPL license goes, if your friend is charged and convicted after the fact then he will not be able to apply the following year since the clearance is needed each and every year.
He would however still quality for his PPL if he wanted to.

There is a huge dif in laws across the border

The thing is; everyone who posted in this thread, did so to try and help you out

You're welcome:tiphat:


The thing is; everyone who posted in this thread, did so to try and help you out

You're welcome:tiphat:

Oh, and I very much appreciate it, thanks all ! :)

No offense to anyone was intended. I always welcome different points of view, even if I (hopefully politely) disagree.

Great info on commercial insurance.

OK, I get you on the yearly renewal thing. Something similar for my wife's job (totally unrelated to MMJ though. Court cases can be dragged on for years of course, especially if conviction seems likely, but yeah, it'll get you sooner or later. Gotta grow the MJ to pay the lawyer though, LOL.


26 hours of no choppers so I went and shook off the rain and tucked them further into trees. An hour later one went by, I'd suspect on his way home. Yeah I'm assuming they're all MJ searchers now, LOL.


Five days now since ANY chopper noise and 6 days since the 3 day "invasion". I'm positive the "invasion" was the real thing. I'm not sure if they didn't see my 3 plants, or if they saw and didn't care about 3.

I harvested the 2nd third of the early flowering sativa-ish plant, but the later flowering 2 indicas are still intact. Farmers forest near my prop line was only getting around 2 hours of mostly direct light, so I've moved them back on my prop where they get about 5-6 hours. They didn't miss much light since the last 5-6 days have been highly rainy/overcast.

The 3 are 40-50 ft apart now. Far enough back and close enough to prop lines that plausible deniability should still be good. I'm still trying to absolutely minimize my visiting time; being seen tending plants may not be good.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the choppers back for one last stab before the season ends. But I think their primary thrust is over now in this area. Feel comfortable enough to put stalk in the regular garbage and smoke in the garage again.

I'm water curing most of my crop for several reasons, including that I love the smoothness and relative lack of smell and flavor. It gives me stealth when drying/curing and when handling or smoking. Wife no longer notices smells in the garage even without any real odor control. (A tiny bit of negative ions.) She says bud doesn't smell and smoking just smells like burning wood.

I'm also realizing that the dried product looks a bit less like pot and has lower weight. Lower weight is always good if you get caught with it, and yet it's not classed as hash or oil which have lower legal thresholds.


ouch, water cure? seems a shame to me, don't you want it to taste and smell as strong as possible, lol? that's what i'm going for, that and the medicinal effect of course. you could do the first stage of drying under a tree, then after a few days move it to your garage for a few days and then you should be able to jar it, as long as you open the jars regularly and check on them, spreading the buds out again for an hour or 2 if they feel too wet after jarring. not really a fan of water curing here :)

glad to hear things have cooled down a bit for you, get them ladies finished, dried and cured and you'll be happily smoking your own for quite a while. there is no greater pleasure then smoking your own stuff and knowing it's top quality and you grew it :joint:


ouch, water cure? seems a shame to me, don't you want it to taste and smell as strong as possible, lol? that's what i'm going for, that and the medicinal effect of course. you could do the first stage of drying under a tree, then after a few days move it to your garage for a few days and then you should be able to jar it, as long as you open the jars regularly and check on them, spreading the buds out again for an hour or 2 if they feel too wet after jarring. not really a fan of water curing here :)

Thanks for the well wishes. Yes, the bud is smoking nicely now, I'm no longer smoking low potency shwag.

To each their own, we all have the freedom to cure as we wish, and freedom and personal choice are certainly not a shame. :)

I read MANY threads on many sites about water versus air curing. I tried both and now prefer water cured. It's only personal, nobody but me will be denied the full flavors.

Water curing works for me for many reasons:

(1) My sativa plant is now 2 thirds harvested, the first third in a panic and with no flushing, in fact a very recent application of nutes. My air dried from the first third tastes awful; I CAN taste the chemicals.

(2) With water cure I can feed nutes to the end (like I did today), even though I don't know very well when I will harvest. I'm a newb to outdoor growing and don't even know my strains. I also can't predict the first frosts, how bad they'll be, or when I'll decide to harvest the last bits.

(3) Good air curing seems to require a bunch of fussing over ventilation, temp, humidity for many weeks. I'm not that good at air curing at this time and wouldn't want to mess it up.

(4) I don't have any decent odor control set up for drying. By whenever in October I harvest the last it will likely be cold out and outdoor drying may not work well. I'd use my shed I guess. I have an ozone generator but I've heard that also removes flavor and it's not good for my lungs, and some cops are on to the ozone smell thing now.

(5) WAF. Wife acceptance factor. Nuff said.

(6) I often smoke outside in parks etc where people are, and this works better for me.

I do and will enjoy some flavors from time to time. At least one reminds me of the early 1980's, perhaps a Northern Lights or some such. But most of the time, getting high is the main priority, not filling the air and lungs with flavors and smells.


fair enough man, was not trying to tell you what to do. more what i'd do. but you are right in the end it's got to be right for you. just on a side note, the air drying isn't that difficult or slow if you remove all the buds from the stems as well as trimming them, if you lay the trimmed destemmed buds on cardboard they will be dry enough to jar/pack in about 5 to 7 days. but it's true that it can be a smelly few days, specially the first few days of it drying. yeah the ozone stuff eats the taste and smell too. very difficult to contain smell during trimming and drying without a carbon scrubber around some where to clean the air.


but it's true that it can be a smelly few days, specially the first few days of it drying. yeah the ozone stuff eats the taste and smell too. very difficult to contain smell during trimming and drying without a carbon scrubber around some where to clean the air.

OK, thanks. Yeah, I'll give proper drying and air curing a shot with at least some of the harvest, when the indicas have had nothing but water for 1-2 weeks.

I'm building a chopper-proof grow cab for indoor and will need a carbon scrubber for that. With lights off I believe I could use the cab for drying. Heck I'm planning on building a few recirculating air carbon scrubbers for the house just to keep a lid on cigarette and other household smells.


Two weeks after the 3 day chopper invasion ended and nary a chopper to be heard. Another week or so and I can rest much easier again.

Sativa is harvested and the last 5% is trying to reveg in my garage CFL cabinet. 217 watts in 1.7 square feet, LOL. :) Plant tops are under 86 degrees F with a good fan, so all good.

2 Indicas are starting to brown their pistils nicely now. I pulled their grow bags down under them because I felt the shiny-ish black bags were too visible. I guess I might pull them back up if temps are threatening the roots.


I've been figuring out the aeronautical charts for my area. Sure enough I'm just a few miles from THE "Vortac" for the Ottawa International airport. This is a radio transmitter in a round building that I've now found on Bing and Google maps.

The VORTAC is where planes turn to follow different airways, sort of a traffic intersection. Sure enough one of the airways goes directly over my house. Perhaps this is also why I saw a chopper circling one night for a while. Perhaps the holding pattern is done over the VORTAC.

Here's a site where you can find charts by entering airport codes: http://www.fltplan.com/

Here's a PDF with VFR symbols: http://www.naco.faa.gov/content/naco/online/pdf_files/8th_VFR_Symbols.pdf

Here are some of the Canadian flight plans: http://www.czeg.ca/uploads/cap4.pdf

I guess I got rather unlucky to be so near a major VORTAC and flight paths. It makes some sense though, they want these nearish to major cities/airports, yet not over highly populated areas. I wanted to live semi-rural yet near the big cities. So as fate would have it here I am.

I think I'm done with outdoor for now. Indoor it is ! :)


you are probably ok with a few plants outdoors, just can't do anything bigger then 5 plants and you will stay under the radar. but if you are into the indoor anyway, that solves your stress problems. at least helicopter related stress.

i'm glad you found a logical explanation for all the air traffic. hope your harvest is all you are hoping for. will be chopping my first guerrilla plants in the next days myself.



~Resident Puck Bunny~
Not sure if you heard, but the news said there was an influx of choppers a bit back because there was a major tv production crew taking shots of Ottawa.


Not sure if you heard, but the news said there was an influx of choppers a bit back because there was a major tv production crew taking shots of Ottawa.

Hi KharmaGirl. No I hadn't heard. Any keywords that might get me news in google search results ?


Yeah thanks!

Good luck on your guerilla ! I'd be doing that if I was trying to make a living from growing; I've considered it, but I doubt I have the cajones for that.

That said, I just read a story about 3 guys who got 38-42 months in jail for a grow that sounded like it could make $4 million or so. I could retire cheaply on a mill IMO. Even a 50/50 risk of getting caught in such an operation almost seems like it could be a good deal to retire forever, for the risk of 3-4 years jail. I wonder if they can get out early.

I think the harvest might be 40-50% of the year's supply I was hoping for. Smoking the last third of the sativa now, and it might last 1-2 weeks, LOL.

Indicas are beefier though and haven't been "sampled" too much. Was hoping for the fabled pound a plant but might be lucky to get 200g. (Or the equivalent for water cured to air cured.) No matter, will be my biggest yet, best I did before was 2 runs of around 200 grams from a 400 watt HID.

Anyway, the harvest will keep me good until I get a perpetual cab grow going and dialed in.

And yeah, I was looking to do a micro sea of green making "bud-sicles" but I think I'd better go with LST etc. of a few larger plants, especially if/when that 6 month mandatory for 6 plants kicks in. God, I hope not.


Survived the 3 day chopper invasion

Survived the 3 day chopper invasion


Last "3rd" (?) of the sativa, in prime spot, 3 days ago, just before chop. Think I'll be finished smoking her in a week, LOL.


Lots of rain lately. I often go out to shake rain off late at night due to mold concerns. Lots of mushrooms popping last few weeks.

I usually carry my mini-maglight, but rarely use it even when very dark. Reason 1 is to prevent neighbors noticing. Reason 2 is it's fun and I enjoy learning to navigate my forest in darkness.

I'll make grunting noises and cough occasionally to warn off any bears, while still being reasonably quiet.

Tonight's night shot in light rain of smaller Indica 1, now in original prime spot. Pistils starting to brown/red up. I imagine quick camera flashes, like lightning, shouldn't noticably mess up flowering.


Larger Indica 2, in different spot. Bare soil-less mix is visible at bottom. I tucked the grow bags under for now for stealth. About 40" by 30" now, hasn't changed in area much for a while.


Last 5% of sativa trying to reveg in my under development stealth cab. Door has dark weatherstripping to mostly eliminate light leaks. Lightproofing during veg is solely for stealth of course.

At bottom is passive intake hole and impossible to see light trap. Trap is prototype/"ghetto" folded and cut cardboard box painted black. In back behind fan is trap made from a pizza box.

Lightproofing isn't perfect, but seems to work pretty darn well. Very little glow in complete darkness; mistakeable for the usual various equipment lights one sees in a modern garage. I think good enough for flowering. Flow reasonably well. Plans are to remake in wood but darned if cardboard doesn't seem to do fine, LOL.


Closer view showing where 1/3rd was cut off during frantic, paranoid, late night move. Still have bunches of popcorn buds that may be getting over-ripe at some point, but will eventually be interesting to sample and rate vs main harvest.

Fan is not very stealthy. Not TOO bad, but not quiet. It's 120v, 0.2A (24 watt or so). I pulled it from an "old" piece of electronics some 30 years ago, LOL. The manufacturer, NMB, still uses the same part number, LOL. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=P12896-ND .

Modern fan incarnation is 45 db (seems about right), 3100 RPM, 110 CFM with 0.37" of H2O static pressure. Half the pressure Can Filters are rated for at max CFM, so should be reasonably good for scrubbing. If I push through a scrubber it might be reasonably muffled.

My intention is to get much quieter cooling. Perhaps a nice strong 12v DC Delta fan under-volted or thermally speed controlled. I want low noise but I also need some pressure to push through a scrubber and I'd really like to stay with simple axial fans. I tried a prototype plexi heat shield sitting on the nails shown, and it worked well at cooling plant top, but I think sealing would be very difficult if scrubbing the plants at low CFM and NOT scrubbing the lights air at higher CFM. So single chamber it is.


I'm surprised there isn't more smell from this plant in my garage. Even outside none of my plants seem too bad, thankfully. But plant may not be too active now due to shocks from harvesting, and likely root damage from my cutting the medium down to size for a cab 9-11" wide.

For smell I have decent sized ozone gen but would only use it sparingly in the garage where I compute/Internet and smoke (My asthma/bronchitis like issues are incompatible with ozone).

I'm designing some Can Filter 33 and 9000 scrubbers for the eventual smell issues. In the meantime, if issues arise, I've just ordered a replacement carbon etc. filter for my Austin Air Healthmate HM-40. Bought it 13 years ago for $400 and was supposed to replace at 5 years.

Basic replacement filter is $200, but I ordered the $400 deluxe "sleeping" model which is supposed to filter much more. Plan is to use this in the house, but if needed can be pressed into service.


Two weeks after the 3 day chopper invasion ended and nary a chopper to be heard. Another week or so and I can rest much easier again.

Sativa is harvested and the last 5% is trying to reveg in my garage CFL cabinet. 2 Indicas are starting to brown their pistils nicely now.

I've been figuring out the aeronautical charts for my area. Sure enough I'm just a few miles from THE "Vortac" for the Ottawa International airport. This is a radio transmitter in a round building that I've now found on Bing and Google maps.

The VORTAC is where planes turn to follow different airways, sort of a traffic intersection. Sure enough one of the airways goes directly over my house. Perhaps this is also why I saw a chopper circling one night for a while. Perhaps the holding pattern is done over the VORTAC.

My outdoor security concerns are over now. I harvested after midnight due to frost warning. Grass was crunchy. Hit -1c (30F), now back up to 4 celcius, LOL.

Anyway from what I've read the plants aren't growing much with most days highs no more than 15c or 59F. I think at least 1/3rd trichomes are amber now, so good enough.

So it was an early morning wheelbarrow run. Even "risked" using a flashlight coming back to ensure my sweet buds took a minimum of damage from tree scrapes.

Plants stunk the shed up quickly. Watering them in their new, much tinier pots made it worse, as usual. But an ozone gen and harvesting just about every worthwhile bud and dunking them in water (water cure) should take care of smell in short order.

Just a relatively few leaves and small buds left on for indoor cabinet re-veg, clone taking, and re-flower. :) Sativa taken 2 weeks ago is revegging nicely with those single leaves.

Cabs now have freshly black painted, relatively efficient light traps so I can turn off my garage lights without suspicious amounts of "bright daylight" pouring out of the cabs. Looks like an alien departing his ship, a religious spectacle, or a mad scientist device, LOL.

Funny, after the 3 day "invasion", there was 2 weeks of chopper silence, followed by the last 2 weeks with lots more activity.

I really don't think they are pot searching any more. End of September was the general cut-off date and the outdoor season here is effectively over. I noted a virtual halt to any more outdoor pot busts in google news for canada in my daily searches around 1st of October.

Regardless, choppers were occasionally flying round and round the local VORTAC several times, coming back every 5-10 minutes or so doing diameters of a few miles. And it freaked the wife out a bit and made me twitch a bit.

Thanks to all who helped me keep my cool during the invasion ! :)
I had resolved at beginning of season not to rip em no matter how frightening the chopper runs were. But it's still hard to keep that reserve, especially when you have a house, wife, kids, etc.

Good luck to all, inside and out. Peace out... and Peace in.

Now where'd my papers go ? It's almost 4:20 AM. Ah, here, puffx2, pass... :)


thats good news mate, very glad to hear you got all your bud harvested, thats what it's all about after all and what makes the stress worth while.

wishing you the best luck with your indoor projects and hope your reveg goes as planned.

give the wife my best, she's a trooper for not making you chop even despite her worries at times.

also gotten most of my outdoor down, only 1 slow pheno and 4 shity 1 bud plants to cut.

all the best.....:wave: