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my cat loves layin in the light he knocks over everything. lost a stash, 2 pipes, and a few seedlings due to him. or me not putting em up, but it's still his fault. screens around the base of the plant might not work. a friend of mine has a rat in a weld wire cage. that thing does tricks on the cage. might prevent them from entering though. weather it's a mouse or rat if they can get there nose in they are in. rats can chew through 1/4" steel if you give them a chance. antifreeze will work, but there are better poisons out there.


ya dont let them go off and rot in the walls,,wuuuuueeeee would sugest the rat trap with peanut butter but seeing how you have pot head for a mouse use some herb???????


It's a mouse. A rat woulda knawed it plumb in two and been gone with that plant. Where I live we got musk rats, pack rats(weed stealin MFs), and regular ole rats. I have to keep rat poison out almost all the time in my outdoor patch. I once killed a 22lb. musk rat! Put a lil peanut butter on a mouse trap. Problem solved

h^2 O

i had this happen to me a few years ago - had two big girls about a month from harvest, and sure enough go to check on them one day, one is chewed in half sitting on the side dead and the other is half chewed through. I got Treekote and rubbed the gunk all over the fucked up trunk. Worked like a charm. I suggest everyone using that - no animal will go near it once it sniffs or tastes that nasty shit. Douse it on there from the ground to like 2 feet up on the trunk.

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