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I scored some awesome portable scrog screens for $4 today



They are premade things I bought in the garden section of the local discount store.


Those are nice. Look online here and here for more like these. Also google "grow through hoops" to look for better deals online, or check local stores to avoid shipping charges.
all one needs is a DIY frame & any sort of string or wire. takes 2 mins per scrog to build w/ household items. OP, i like how yours are circular. good score for sure. but, for others reading this thread, don;t forget that you can always make one of these if you are on a tight budget. i made mine purposely, b/c the first & last time i did scrog, i figured it would be a Plus to have the capability to change the scrog squares or whatever if need be. it was never needed & i just couldn't master how to produce uniformly level & equally dense colas.


New member
Thanks for the heads up, going to keep an eye for it. I made my previous one from coat hanger, like the look of a "professional" built one.


I have several of them, and they are really great. I found them at the Summerwinds Nursery, which for anyone in the area, has locations in the southbay / west San Jose. They sell several sizes, 10", 12" and up to 18" I think.

My recommendation is to try and work the main stalk around the outermost ring of squares. Once you reach the part where you started head back up to the center square. When you get back to the center start flowering. You'll have dozens of bud sites! Check out my album for a previous grow I did with those things. It was a learning curve for me but I totally know how to use them now.


looks good! iam wondering if i can make 3 or 4 like these in home, seems not difficul. what are the measures of the holes between the circle?

one Q

no offence but damn... no need to DIY some shit that only cost $4.

I saw those a while back at The Orange. Great post.