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I prescribe my own medical marijuana in Canada


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
speaking from experience:

all my charges got dropped becuase the police broke every law in the book to arrest me

so it doesnt matter with police in matters in the courts, which is really unfortunate as medicine only has x amount of shelf life, especially in the hands of the corrupt rcmp



New member
No hassle from the Guelph Police. In fact I was having a coffee at tim hortons and didnt know there was one sitting right behind me and he saw me with both paraphenelia and medicine and the last thing I heard him say was "They aren't doing anything wrong" (I was with someone) before I left. They won't hassle me. they know I havent broken any laws that I can't prove don't really exist. They've had me in court before and don't want me there.


New member
as stated in the video it was submitted to the court and the video shows the Federal crowns office has a copy. they don't bother me because I know my stuff and i've proven i know my stuff.


Well-known member
Cool buddy.........Maybe you should offer skype classes and teach peeps the things that you know.........Imagine if everyone who WANTED to smoke weed in canada started writing themselves scripts and getting it passed (if thats the process) in court.......That would be a beautiful thing!!

Seriously though.......You should offer classes man, Im about an hour drive from Guelph.........or set something up on skype..........Id be down.



Active member
seems like this is province specific for some aspects? or Canada wide...I see references to specific provinces rules around prescribing etc...?

Or am I reading this wrong.


New member
FDA makes it nationwide as well as many provincials. But if you go to an MPP in one of the provinces where it is banned provincially as well they play dumb and try and tell you to go to the MP's office. I tell them ya right pull it up on your scree there's a provincial statute there too. they refuse to look at the evidence it helps them play dumb.
Brilliant left field approach.

HC shoot's themselves in the foot by stating that they DO NOT approve MJ. Therefore no-one else can, doctors et al....

Hear Hear.

A battery of lawyers always helps, but I find that the RC's have given up in this matter as their political masters have opened the book for "business" to take over....

I'll tell my good doctor friend to recommend your advise so that he doesn't put himself in peril.

BTW nearly fell of my seat laughing after the 5th time of reading when I finally got it.

Round of applause from BC.
The self done scrit IS your card C.

Just reference HC's "formula" for how many plants you need to grow. Because of course " the gov't cannot be wrong".....


How do they define tested? Because there is an incredible amount of research supporting it's medical use. There have also probably been more safety studies done on it than just about any other substance known to man.
Personally Medicade I think its highly irresponsible for you to imply that a crown attorneys stamp on your "prescription" implies anything other than that they received it. Ya sure if folks have the legal knowledge , resources, supporting friends, partners to take on the crown in court procedures eventually crown fatigue might set in and get charges stayed, but maybe not as the direction from above on cases , from what I heard from my lawyer is that crown is to take every charge to a plea or a verdict.
Please dont give false hope and a sense of security to folks only to see them end up with destroyed lives , lost jobs, broken relationships and kids taken away over this. Better to get yourself a Skype doctor and pay the fee to get an mmpr document that will hold up in court.
In fact I think you are opening yourself up to possible liability if someone ends up in deep shit because they printed their own prescription on your advise.
Or those who aren't willing to fight for their rights most likely nvr deserved themin the 1st place.
Sounds like something someone who's not "sick" would say rather than an actual patient who knows past precedent and the rights that have been proven n hard faught for till now.
"Yeah just go PAY to participate in an obviously broken and abused (from both sides) system instead of just doing what you're fully within your rights to do if you're actually sick."

Good on ya medicade, glad to see more are catching on n willing to stand up for their rights.
It sure as shit wasn't pussies who never deserved them in the 1st place willing to just pay for their way that got us this far, n it won't be them who force the gov's hand n take us all the way to legalization.



New member
dickwilliams, Im in federal court now after leaving criminal court and getting suppressed by Lawyers the crown and the Judge all the like. I self prescribe The police will not arrest me and I'm offering this as proof. Also I provided the legislation that make's it illegal for doctors to prescribe and clearly some get that as well and are apparently even informing their doctors to inform their patients to go this route.

They are trying to avoid the issue, I'm exposing it.
well good luck to you if you can set a court precedent,
gram paw you dont know me or what Ive gonethrough and you are so wrong, i was a prospective patient under the mmar for ptsd and had my doctors support but not a specialist, also was a very respected compassion club grower, before my big bust, ratted out by a neighbours crackhead brother in law, so until youve worn my shoes, worn the handcuffs i wore, and faced court you have no business cussing someone out you dont know what circumstances they faced, under the mmpr my doctor wouldnt support me so i had a skype doctor who thourougly reviewed my health and approved me for six grams a day of weed i cant afford to buy, so at least i cam rest a little easier, ive been on the front lines for a while and payed the price im just having a little well deserved rest from being a rebel.
maybe next up is fighting the battle for those mmpr folks who cant afford to buy their meds to grow their own. the mmar never protected me the mmpr does at least on the posession side.
Kirk Tousaw pointed out the flaws in this guy's case on facebook recently and he called him a Harper shill or something. This guy is nutter.
well tousaw's 1 to talk arguing a case to keep what 40, 50K ppl in the grasp of the utterly useless HC and it's old program as broken n corrupted as it was. lol
Specially when HC has no place being in charge of any such program that should've never have existed in the 1st place. lol I'd call that a matter of perspective than myself.
IS he a nutter, dunno nvr seen or even thaught about the arguments he's braught up as being any sort of viable myself, BUT at least he's not bending over and selling out his rights and crucial info which can never be undone afterwards for rights he's already got, n that were hard faught for at that by previous victims of a fucked up system n law that's already been ruled of no force or effect at least once, but a number of times if my memory's serving me well enough still.
Fact is patients have allowed them selves to be turned into a minority class that's been treated unlike any other patient group using any other drug across the country.
It's all just been a handing over of constitutional n chartered rights, n for what?
All the panic n worry it's served them?
Still not knowing realy wtf is going to happen.

Nutter or not dude's 1 of the very few still that is going in n claiming his rights at least instead of folding aka bending over for the gov.
Hell at the least just not getting time will have him in a position where he doesn't have to go back to HC ordering him around like it's their place as utterly useless as they are anyhow unlike everyone attached to tousaws case, at best he kills tousaws case n earns everyone more rights than tousaw can even be capable of dreaming of from what he's shooting for.
Hell tousaws case is nothing but a pipe dream anyways, as they're never gonna grandfather shit, like they don't see the shit storm that'll bring up saying some patients can do this but not the rest of them country wide at any point in the future. lol
Dunno if it'll work out but g'luck to him is all I've got to say.



New member
Dannykary I'm fighting for everyone's right to do this in Federal court.

Blast from the past it's both Federal and then on some levels provincial as well yes.

Thank you very much for your kind words bob.

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